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Implementation of NAVWELD Software to Support Electronic Welding Procedures

Implementation of NAVWELD Software to Support Electronic Welding Procedures. AWS Shipbuilding Conference. May 11, 2011. Paul Hebert. Manager, Welding Engineering. Overview. Strategy/Implementation. Objectives. Advantages. Software Selection. Challenges. Procedure of Tomorrow (POT).

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Implementation of NAVWELD Software to Support Electronic Welding Procedures

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  1. Implementation of NAVWELD Software to Support Electronic Welding Procedures AWS Shipbuilding Conference May 11, 2011 Paul Hebert Manager, Welding Engineering

  2. Overview Strategy/Implementation Objectives Advantages Software Selection Challenges Procedure of Tomorrow (POT)

  3. Objectives #1 - Electronic Only #2 - All Inclusive • #3 – User Friendly: • - Finding Procedure • - Navigating • Comprehension

  4. Software Selection => Commercial Standards (i.e. ASME) => MIL Standards (i.e. MIL-STD-248) Develop MIL-STD Specific Software

  5. Software Selection Development Team Members NAVSEA NSWC - Carderock NGSB-NN GDEB NMC Weld QC 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 SBIR Phase I SBIR - Phase II MANTECH • NavWeld Web-based software application & database that assists the user in developing welding procedures according to NAVSEA requirements.

  6. Software SelectionNavWeld Modules • Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) • Essential Elements • NDE Tests • Destructive Tests & Number of Samples • Qualified Ranges • Fabrication Document Requirements • Welding/Brazing Procedure Specification (WPS) • Essential Elements • Fabrication Document Requirements • Welder/Brazer Performance Qualification (WPQR) • Essential Elements • NDE Tests • Destructive Tests & Number of Samples • Qualified Ranges • Tracks Welder History

  7. Software SelectionNavWeld – Processes and Documents

  8. Strategy / Implementation Engineer 40+ Years Revisions NAVSEAs Historian Interpretations PQRs Fab Docs Engineers Evolution of Legacy Procedures 248s Fortune Teller Issues SOSs Grandfather Clean Up for POT All Inclusive Review = Specifications / PQR’s / History Document for Each WPS

  9. Strategy / Implementation Preheat Cleaning Base Metal Welding Parameters Specification Legacy Procedures – Information in Multiple Locations Consolidate for POT Procedure = Handful of Pages = All Requirements = Certified = Approved Hand to the welder to use

  10. Strategy / Implementation Generic Legacy Procedures – Given Material / Process Special Exceptions Multiple Filler Metals Multiple Joint Designs Subtle Differences Make POT More Specific One filler = limited joint designs = minimal notes / exceptions One Technique in Legacy Procedure = 3 or 4 or 5 in POT (dbase – who cares?)

  11. Strategy / Implementation Legacy Procedure Revisions User to ID Changes => 800+ Pg. Procedure POT Revisions – Clear and Visible Revision Record - First Page of Each WTN = What + When + Why Changed

  12. AdvantagesCreating PQR / WPS Once PQR created - Print Qualified Range Report to ID procedure ranges

  13. AdvantagesCreating PQR / WPS Enables and Disables Fields Based on Inputs ***If you select ceramic backing you have to enter manufacturer and type***

  14. AdvantagesCreating PQR / WPS Bounces input against the spec and flags incomplete info ***Missing Minimum Travel Speed***

  15. AdvantagesCreating PQR / WPS Prompts user where to go in spec for rule

  16. AdvantagesReal Time Revisions Old System: Make change in MS Word + send to QA + QA send to repro + QA make distribution + recipients make changes to paper copy = Weeks NAVWELD System: Make Change in Dbase + Validate electronically + Revised Procedure ready for use = Minutes Real Time Revision = Double Edged Sword Person looks at procedure – we make change afterwards – he is using an outdated procedure. Caution Solution: Adding something no big deal – anytime Taking something away – we need to take the action to let user know.

  17. Advantages Procedures Easy To Find

  18. AdvantagesConsistent Format

  19. AdvantagesProcedure Stand-Alone Printed Out

  20. AdvantagesGreen SSPs = 16 Proc X 500 pgs each X 50 copies = 400,000 pages (not counting revisions) SOPs = 91 Proc X 20 pgs each X 5 copies = 9100 pages (not counting revisions) Not counting electricity to create and copy + fuel to distribute Paper = .0038” thk. X 409,100 pgs. = 130 feet high stack

  21. AdvantagesElectronic Data Kiosk on shop floor / ship PDA – Foremen to carry procedure with them Weld Procedure Data Welder Qual data Eng Data User Job Assignment

  22. Challenges Computer Literacy – What about those who aren’t proficient with computers? - Ease of Use - Training C B A Reliability - What happens if the computer crashes? • Back-Up Paper Copy • Back-Up PDF Copy Resistance to Change – Why can’t you leave the procedures the way they’ve always been? • Involve users in the process • Stress the advantages • Listen • Tenacity

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