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Art. Mirka Melcerová Kvetoslava Kmeťková Monika Velčická. Leonardo Da Vinci. to the artist Andrea di Cione , known as Verrocchio , whose workshop was " one of the finest in Florence ".
Art Mirka Melcerová Kvetoslava Kmeťková Monika Velčická
LeonardoDa Vinci to theartist Andrea diCione, knownasVerrocchio, whoseworkshopwas"oneofthefinest in Florence". By 1472, attheageoftwenty, Leonardoqualifiedas a master in theGuildofSt Luke, theguildofartists and doctorsofmedicine, LittleisknownaboutLeonardo'searlylife. Hespenthisfirstfiveyearsin thehomeofhismother,thenfrom 1457 helived in thehouseholdofhisfather, grandparents and uncle, Francesco, in thesmalltownofVinci. Leonardoreceivedaninformaleducation in Latin, geometry and mathematics. In 1466, attheageoffourteen, Leonardowasapprenticed
Painting LeonardoisverywellknownforhismasterpieceastheLastSupper (ItalianUltimaPrice or Cenacolo, in Milan), painted in 1498, and MonaLisa(alsoknown in Italianas La Gioconda or La Joconde in French, nowin theLouvreinParis), painted in 1503 - 1506, althoughhedisputeswhetherthepicturepainted by himself, or isittheworkofoneofhisstudents.Todayhavebeenpreservedonlyseventeenofhispaintings, but no statue. Leonardooftenplannedgrandiosepaintingswithmanydrawingsand sketches, buttheywere never completed. In 1481 wascommissioned to paint a pictureofthealtar "AdorationoftheKings". Afterintensivepreparations and thenumberofdrawings, paintingleftunfinishedwhenhewent to Milan. In Florencehewascommissioned to paint a largepublicmural "TheBattleofAnghiari" hisrival Michelangelowas to painttheoppositewall. Aftercreatinganincrediblenumberofstudies in preparationforthisjob, leftthe city withthemuralunfinisheddue to technicalproblems.
His life • The greatest artist of the surrealist art movement • Hewasverytalentedsincehischildhood • Hestudiedat the Royal Academy of Art in Madrid.
Famous paintings • The Persistence of Memory, 1931Meditative Rose, 1958
Landscape with Butterflies,1956 Burning Giraffes in Brown
He alsopainted monumental paintings... • The most famous is :
The first one(Dali Museum in St.Petersburg in florida ) • Salvador Dali is the only known artist who had two museums dedicated exclusively to his works at lifetime.
Thesecondone (Theatro Museo Dali)
Autumn of his life • Dali had a motor disorder • He was not able to hold a brush any more • He suffered with deep depressions
Towards the end of his life, Dali lived in the tower of his own museum where he died on January 23, 1989 from heart failure.
Vincent WillemvanGogh Hewasborn in 1853 and died 1890. VanGoghwas a Dutchpainterand oneofthelargestpersonalityfromWorldFine Art. For 10 yearshecreatedabout900 paintings and 1100 drawings. Duringhislifehewasn´tfamous, hesoldonly 1 paintingbutassoonashedied, becamefamous. In 1987, theunknowncollectorboughtatauction, hispaintingSunflowersfor 22.5 millionpounds Heisthefounderofartisticstyle- Post-Impressionism. In paintingexpressedhisfeelings Forhistechniquesistipicalroughbeauty, emotionalhonesty, and boldcolor. SomeofvanGogh'spaintingshave a highposition in the list ofmost expensivepaintings in theworld. Recordwasbroke in 1990 forhispainting ,,Sunflowers,, whowassellfor 82 milliondollars.