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European Vanguards

European Vanguards. By : Santiago Martinez. Time line. Dada.

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European Vanguards

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  1. EuropeanVanguards By: Santiago Martinez

  2. Time line

  3. Dada • Historicalcontext: In 1916, Hugo Ball, Emmy Hennings, Tristan Tzara, Jean Arp, Marcel Janco, Richard Huelsenbeck, Sophie Täuber, and Hans Richter, along with others, discussed art and put on performances in the Cabaret Voltaire expressing their disgust with the war and the interests that inspired it. • Some sources state that Dada coalesced on October 6 at the Cabaret Voltaire. Other sources state that Dada did not originate fully in a Zurich literary salon but grew out of an already vibrant artistic tradition in Eastern Europe, particularly Romania, that transposed to Switzerland when a group of Jewish modernist artists (Tzara, Marcel & IuliuIancu, Arthur Segal, and others) settled in Zurich. In the years prior to World War I similar art had already risen in Bucharest and other Eastern European cities; it is likely that DADA's catalyst was the arrival in Zurich of artists like Tzara and Janco

  4. Dada • Reasonswhy I choosethivanguard: • I choosethisVanguardbacause I likethe concept thatthisvanguardrepresent and alsotheforms and theprocess of doing a Dada paint. • At thesame time, I likethe art pieces and thecrative of theartiststo do thiswork. • Ontheotherhand, I Knowsomeinformation of thisvanguardbecausemygrandfatherteach me basicinformation of Dada before die.

  5. Marcel duchamp • Duchamp is considered by many to be one of the most important artists of the 20th century, and his output influenced the development of post-World War I Western art. He advised modern art collectors, such as Peggy Guggenheim and other prominent figures, thereby helping to shape the tastes of Western art during this period. • Duchamp challenged conventional thought about artistic processes and art marketing, not so much by writing, but through subversive actions. He famously dubbed a urinal art and named it Fountain. Duchamp produced relatively few artworks, while moving quickly through the avant-garde circles of his time. Duchamp went on to pretend to abandon art and devoted the rest of his life to chess, while secretly continuing to make art.In 1958 Duchamp said of creativity.

  6. Examples

  7. Thisis a veryrepresentativeimagebacausethey show alltheconcepts and style of Dadaism and hisqalitives as a paint • Ontheotherhand, This art pieceimspireotherartistslikeFrancis Picabia and Hans Richter

  8. I choosethis art pieceBecause I thinkthatrepresentsthe concept in general of theDadaism and theevolutionthattheyhad. Alsoisone of myfavorites

  9. Alejandro Obregon • Obregón is primarily a painter. His compositions are usually divided horizontally into two areas of different pictorial value or size, but of equal visual intensity. Other elements are placed against them. His style is characterized by use of color, exploration of traits and strokes through brush handling, and employment of transparency and impastoes. • Landscapes were translated into geometric symbols of Colombia.Obregón is a good example of the abstract Surrealist trend in Latin America.

  10. Alejandro Obregon

  11. Apropiation

  12. Apropiation • First I seewhatwould be myFavorite art piecethat i wanedtomodified • Once I chooseit I seeexaples of apropiationfromexpertArtists and thatwayIknowhow do mine. • Then I use pixlr.com and try tomodificatetheapropiationwithouteliminatethe concept of this art piece • Finally I putsomeeffectsthattheprogrambrings.

  13. Reflection • I thinkThatduringthequerter I havesomeproblemswithpayingatationduringAlejandra´sexplanationanforthatreasonmy grades would be bad in someworks • Ontheotherhand, my grades in theworkwith Claudia whereverybadspecialy in bimestral evaluation and forthatreasons I thinkthat I failthisquarte • I thinkthatif I pay more atantion and do mybestefortonthisquarter I can do anexcelentwork

  14. Bibliography • http://www.dada.eu/ • http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/art-history-timeline.html • http://www.art.com/ • http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada%C3%ADsmo

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