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9 th Grade Week 34 Agenda & Obj. 5/5-5/9. Monday -Friday: The Things They Carried By the end of Gr.9, read and comprehend literature… Analyze how complex characters… Determine the meaning of words and phrases…
9th Grade Week 34 Agenda & Obj. 5/5-5/9 Monday-Friday: The Things They Carried • By the end of Gr.9, read and comprehend literature… • Analyze how complex characters… • Determine the meaning of words and phrases… • Initiate and participate in a range of collaborate discussions… • Demonstrate understanding of figurative language… • Cite textual evidence…explicitly as well as inferences drawn • Produce clear and coherent writing… • Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames…
Daily Writing: Nature 5/5/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • “Green is the prime color of the word, and that from which its loveliness arises.” ~ Pedro • “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein Planner: • Quiz tomorrow on Ch. 9-14 (study 2 sets of vocab)!
Monday: The Things They Carried • Show me 10-14 vocab, ?s & marked pgs. • Think.Pair.Share.Journal title: Discussion Ammo Ch.9-14 • Analyze the changes in Mary Anne Bell and what these changes symbolize ( “What happened to her… was what happened to all of them. You come over clean and you get dirty and then afterward it’s never the same”Ch.9 pg.85-110 • Discuss O’Brien’s speculations about the background of the man he killed and analyze why he does so.
Monday: The Things They Carried 3 corners TTTC Ch. 9-14 -- quiz tomorrow! • Carry with you your notebook with vocab & a pencil. • QUIETLY walk to one of the corners. • Write something you remembered ch. 9-14. • Write in complete thoughts and sign your name next to itwith round #1, #2, etc. • Everyone needs to read what they wrote – no repeats! • LISTEN! If you talk while the corner is reading, YOU are out of the game!
Daily Writing: Trust 5/6/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • “Love all, trust few, do wrong to none.” William Shakespeare • “Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.” ~ Isaac Watts Planner: • Notes & examples of simile, metaphor and imagery in TTTC due tomorrow. Notebook title: Figurative Language
Tuesday: The Things They Carried • When you’re done with your quiz, raise your hand and I’ll collect it. • Work on notes due tomorrow. Notebook title: Figurative Language • Read the handout. Write the definitions for imagery, metaphor & simile in your notebook. • Find/write at least one example of each in the last 14 chapters in TTTC. Make sure to label it and write the quote/page #. • IF everyone can get on task after the quiz, last 5 minutes or so: hot seat?
Daily Writing: Friend 5/7/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • Who is your best friend? Why? Explain him/her. • “A friend is one who knows you, and loves you just the same.” ~Elbert Hubbard Planner: • Due Friday: Ch. 15-16 vocab, ?s & marked pgs. (131-154)
Wednesday: The Things They Carried Student Council today in my room during 4thperiod. • Show me your notes/examples. Share! • Context Clues Ch. 15-16 • Try to get as many as you can using context clues. • Notebook title: TTTC Vocab Ch.15-16 • Write the word, definition and either a picture or sentence using the word. • Popcorn read and work on study guide ?s Ch. 15-16 (pg. 131-154) Due Friday what you don’t get done in class!
Daily Writing: Funny 5/8/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • “An escalator can never break; it can only become stairs.” ~ Mitch Hedberg • Write down your favorite joke! Planner: • Due Friday: Ch. 15-16 vocab, ?s & marked pgs. (131-154)
Thursday: Poetry/Figurative Language • Textbook pg. 604 • Journal title: How Does Communication Change Us? • Respond to “Discuss It” pg.604 • Discuss with a peer. • Respond to “Write About It” pg. 605 • Add definitions to your notes pg. 608-609. Stay on pg. 609 -- Don’t turn the page!
Thursday: Poetry/Figurative Language • Read & then discuss the side notes on “Voice” at your tables. Pg. 613-614 • Exit ticket: Finish Critical Thinking ?s on pg. 615 on a separate piece of paper.
Daily Writing: Week/Weekend 5/9/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • What are you looking forward to this weekend? Why? Explain! • What did you learn this week? Planner: • Due Tues: Read0, vocab & ?s Ch. 17-19 • Quiz Wed on Ch. 15-19 (2 sets of vocab – study NOW!)
Friday: The Things They Carried • Show me your vocab, ?s and marked pages Ch.15-16. As I check, discuss with a partner. • Context Clues QUIZ Ch. 17-19 • When you’re done, raise your hand and read silently/work on study guide ?s Ch. 17 (pg. 155-179). Due Tuesday what you don’t get done in class!