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Business Planning

Learn efficient ways to locate statutes by code citations, popular names, and legal forms for business planning research. Access California legal forms and statutes on Westlaw and Lexis/Nexis.

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Business Planning

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  1. Business Planning Methods for Research

  2. Finding codes when you have the citation • Find the appropriate volume and section number in a print version of the code • Use “Get a Document” in Lexis/Nexis • “Find this document by citation” box in Westlaw

  3. Finding a statute by popular name • Popular Name Table will generally provide precise code references for statute. Available in print and on Westlaw [See following screens.] Use code citation reference to find statutes on Lexis or Westlaw • Assignment examples: “Blue Sky Law” and “Beverly-Killean Limited Liability Company Act.”

  4. Locating laws by popular name

  5. Direct links to statutes available from WL, but using “Find a Citation” function might be easier to read

  6. “Et seq.” • Westlaw: Hyperlinks to next section is provided. • Lexis/Nexis: Use “Book Browse” to look at sections sequentially

  7. Finding Forms • Like statutes, using the print form index for a forms series is sometimes easier that searching online sources. • California Legal Forms: Transaction Guide [Matthew Bender]—Core Collection; KFC68 .C34 • Above publication is covered online at Lexis/Nexis. • Westlaw DBs: Ca. Transaction Forms—Business Entities [CTF-BE]; Ca. Transaction Forms—Business Transactions [CTF-BT]; Ca. Transaction Forms—Combined [CTF-ALL]

  8. Form: Private Placement Memo

  9. Form: Employment Agreement

  10. Form: Purchase Agreement

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