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Fig 5.1 (probably better). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 93, pp. 14878–14883, December 1996 Neurobiology Detection of cortical activation during averaged single trials of a cognitive task using functional magnetic resonance imaging (neuroimaging y single trial y language y prefrontal)
Fig 5.1 (probably better) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 93, pp. 14878–14883, December 1996 Neurobiology Detection of cortical activation during averaged single trials of a cognitive task using functional magnetic resonance imaging (neuroimagingysingle trialylanguageyprefrontal) RANDY L. BUCKNER†‡§¶, PETER A. BANDETTINI†‡, KATHLEEN M. O’CRAVEN†i, ROBERT L. SAVOY†i, STEVEN E. PETERSEN**††, MARCUS E. RAICHLE§**††, AND BRUCE R. ROSEN†‡ Fig 4 p14882
Fig 5.2 (alternative) The problem of functional localization in the human brain Matthew Brett, Ingrid S. Johnsrude and Adrian M. Owen Nature Reviews Neuroscience,3, 243-249 Fig 1 p244
Fig 5.3 Nature Neuroscience (2008) 10, 1193-1200 fig 3 p 1195
Fig 5.5 ?? • Top only – from wikapaedia • Unclear which
Fig 5.6 Fig 3 and fig 4 p 420
Fig 5.7 Remove SPM design matrix In Friston, K. (2007) Statistical parametric mapping In Friston, K, Ashburner, J., Kiebel, S., Nicholls, T & Penny, W. (Eds.) Statistical Parametric Mapping. London: Academic Press. (pp10-31) Fig 2.6 (p23)
Fig 5.8 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1999, 11, 9-24 Graded Functional Activation in the Visuospatial System with the Amount of Task Demand P. A. Carpenter, M. A. Just, T. A. Keller, and W. Eddy Carnegie Mellon University K. Thulborn University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Fig 6 p15
Fig 5.9 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1999, 11, 9-24 Graded Functional Activation in the Visuospatial System with the Amount of Task Demand P. A. Carpenter, M. A. Just, T. A. Keller, and W. Eddy Carnegie Mellon University K. Thulborn University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Fig 7 p17
fig 5.11 • Do you get the effect – you need to fixate the centre– it is clear in a high resolution image; maybe the bottom fig should be removed S ZEKI, JDG WATSON, RSJ FRACKOWIAK Proceedings- Royal Society of London.Biological sciences 252:13351335, 215-222, Royal Society of London, 1993. Fig 1 (p216)
5.12 • Decomposition of Petersen
Fig 5.13 b a May be best to redraw Fig 1 (p196) and Fig 2 (p199)
Fig 5.14 – need to check chapter 10 Fig 3 p201
Fig 5.15 In the text a = c; b = d Fig 5 p209
Fig 5.17 p335
Fig 5.19 Henson, R. (2007) Efficient experimental design for fMRI. In Friston, K, Ashburner, J., Kiebel, S., Nicholls, T & Penny, W. (Eds.) Statistical Parametric Mapping. London: Academic Press. (pp 193-210) Plate 15 (p312)
Fig 5.20 Fig a only – needs a considerably extended legend Henson, R. (2007) Efficient experimental design for fMRI. In Friston, K, Ashburner, J., Kiebel, S., Nicholls, T & Penny, W. (Eds.) Statistical Parametric Mapping. London: Academic Press. (pp 193-210) Plate 17 (p312)
Fig 5.21 p4
Fig 5.22 Fig 4 p10
5.23 to do • Resource and Badre-Wagner
Fig 5.24 Fig 1 p548
Fig 5.25 Fig 3 p551
Fig 5.26 p1616 and p1620
Fig 5.27 p325
Fig 5.28 Biological Psychiatry Volume 58, Issue 8, 605-613 Fig 1 p607 and 2 p609 a b Model-testing figure omitted Detecting Deception Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging F. Andrew Kozel, Kevin A. Johnson, Qiwen Mu, Emily L. Grenesko, Steven J. Laken, and Mark S. George
Fig 5.29 p377
Fig 5.30 p213
Fig 5.31 - reading Phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia: Cognitive mechanisms and neural substrates Steven Z. Rapcsak a,b,c,*, Pe´lagie M. Beeson b,c, Maya L. Henry c, Anne Leyden c, Esther Kim c, Kindle Rising c, Sarah Andersen b,c and HyeSuk Choc Fig 1a p579
Phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia: Cognitive mechanisms and neural substrates Steven Z. Rapcsaka,b,c,*, Pe´lagie M. Beesonb,c, Maya L. Henryc, Anne Leydenc, Esther Kimc, Kindle Risingc, Sarah Andersenb,c and HyeSuk Choc Fig 5.32 p577
Fig 5.33 p81
Fig 5.34 293-299 p296
Fig 5.35 p144
Fig 5.36 Same paper as 5.36 p 146
Fig 5.37 p1607
5.38 Binder & Mohr • To show fig 3B (cuts 1- 5) of Binder & Mohr 1992 and controls 1 and 2 (LVF only) of fig 4 of Cohen et al 2000 • ((permissions to be sought later – both Brain))
Fig 5.39 Both p394
Fig 5.16old -deleted Henson, R. (2007) Efficient experimental design for fMRI. In Friston, K, Ashburner, J., Kiebel, S., Nicholls, T & Penny, W. (Eds.) Statistical Parametric Mapping. London: Academic Press. (pp 193-210) Plate 16 (p312)