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السُنَّةُ النَّبَوِيَّةُ The Prophetic Tradition. Abu Bilal Sanel-Abdurrahman. ما هي السنّة؟ What is SUNNAH?. Sunnah is … … the TWO prayer units after DOHR prayer. [Year 6 pupil at Apex (Muslim) Primary School, Ilford (London, UK) – September 2010 (1431 AH) ].
السُنَّةُ النَّبَوِيَّةُThe Prophetic Tradition Abu Bilal Sanel-Abdurrahman
ما هي السنّة؟ What is SUNNAH? Sunnah is … … the TWO prayer units after DOHR prayer. [Year 6 pupil at Apex (Muslim) Primary School, Ilford (London, UK) – September 2010 (1431 AH)]
القصد من العرض؟ Learning Intention This presentation should teach us, • The term “SUNNAH” can denote different meanings depending on the area of expertise of its user. Its definition depends on who is defining it. • Therefore, the term “SUNNAH” needs to be understood in context. This presentation is not about, • The different categories of “SUNNAH”. • The ruling of “SUNNAH” in Islamic legal issues and (Fiqh).
السنّة لغة؟ Linguistic meaning of Sunnah The term “Sunnah” has different meanings in the Arabic language: • Sunnah = … a “way (of life)” or “code of conduct/practice” «... والسُّنَّة السيرة، حسنة كانت أَو قبيحة »قال أبو الفضل جمال الدين ابن منظور في لسان العرب: Translation: “The Sunnah is a way, regardless of whether the intended way is praiseworthy or detestable.” Example: The Prophet e said: » من سن سنة حسنة فله أجرها ما عمل به في حياته وبعد مماته حتى تترك ومن سن سنة سيئة فعليه إثمها حتى تترك « Translation: “Whoever sets a precedent for a good Sunnah (i.e. good moral conduct and practice), then he has its reward as long as he applies it in his life and (also) after his demise until it is omitted. Likewise whoever sets a precedent for an evil Sunnah (i.e. an evil practice), then upon him is its sin until it is omitted … “ [IbnMundhir in Al-Targeebwa Al-Tarheeb, 2/221. Authenticated by Sh. Al-Albanī in Sahīh Al-Targeeb, 1222] Sunnah can linguistically also refer to: “SHARIAH”(i.e. moral code and Islamic law, see Surah Al-Isrā, 17:77), as well as “CONTINUITY” (as reported by Al-Kasaī).
السنّة عند علماء الحديث؟ Sunnah according to scholars of HADITH The definition of “Sunnah” has a very specific meaning for the scholars of Hadith. A very widespread definition of “Sunnah” according to the scholars of Hadith is: السُّنَّة في اصطلاح المحدثين هي : »ما أثر عن النبي eمن قول أو فعل أو تقرير أو صفة خلقية أو خلقية أو سيرة سواء كان قبل البعثة أو بعدها . « • Translation: “All that has been related from the Prophet e - from his speech, actions, approvals, physical or moral attributes, or biography, regardless of whether this was in the period before the first revelation (i.e. before prophethood) or after it.“ [Mustafa As-Sibāī, The Sunnah and its role in Islamic legislation, pg. 73]
خصائص هذا التّعريف؟ What is special about this definition? • Sunnah in the definition of the Muhadithīn is almost a synonym of Hadith. • Sunnah in the definition of the Muhadithīn has a very wide meaning and includes even the time before Muhammad e actually became a prophet. • Sunnah in the definition of the Muhadithīnis not restricted to only speech, actions and approvals of the Prophet e.
السنّة عند علماء أصول الفقة؟ Sunnah according to scholars of Usōl Al-Fiqh The definition of “Sunnah” is slightly different according to scholars of Usōl Al-Fiqh. Muhammad As-Shawkānīmentions in his book Irshād Al-Fuhōlilatahqīq Al-Haq min ‘ilm Al-Usōl(pg. 131) one possible definition of “Sunnah” according to the scholars of Usōl: السُّنَّة في اصطلاح الأُصوليين هي : »ما صدر عن النبي eمن غير القرآن من قول أو فعل أو تقرير. « • Translation: “All that has been related from the Prophet e which is not from the Qur’an - from his speech, actions, approvals.“
خصائص هذا التّعريف؟ What is special about this definition? • Sunnah in the definition of the Usōliīn is much shorter than the one of the Muhadithīn. • This definition of “Sunnah” does not include: • Events, speech, actions or approvals before prophethood. • What is mentioned in the Qur’an. • Physical or moral characteristics of the Prophet e. • The biography of the Prophet e. • This definition of “Sunnah” focuses much more on valid “proofs” (Arabic; dalīl, pl. adillah) based on the speech, actions or approvals of the Prophet e during his prophethood.
السنّة عند علماء أصول الفقة؟ Sunnah according to scholars of Fiqh The definition of “Sunnah” according to the scholars of Fiqh is very short. Taqī Ad-Dīn Al-Futōhīmentions in his book Sharh Al-Kawkab Al-Munīr(pg. 211) a possible definition of “Sunnah” according to the scholars of Fiqh: السُّنَّة في اصطلاح الفقهاء هي : »ما يقابل الفرض. « • Translation: “The opposite of what is obligatory.“ Or according to Muhammad As-Shawkānīsimply: » النافلة« • Translation: “The optional (act of worship).“ [Muhammad As-Shawkānī, IrshādAl-Fuhōlilatahqīq Al-Haq min ‘ilmAl-Usōl, pg. 132]
خصائص هذا التّعريف؟ What is special about this definition? • Sunnah in the definition of the Fuqahā is very short. • This definition of “Sunnah” focuses on “legal rulings” (Arabic: hukm, pl. ahkām). • The children at my school were right :)
السنّة عند علماء العقيدة؟ Sunnah according to scholars of Aqīdah Some ‘ulama, like Abu Muhammad Al-Barbaharī in his book Sharh As-Sunnah(pg. 1), have also defined “Sunnah” as “Islam” (i.e. the opposite of bid’ah- any innovated act in religious matters). Ahlu As-Sunnah≠ Ahlu Al-Bid’ah Imaamal-Barbahaariرحمه الله also said: “Know that Islam is the Sunnah, and the Sunnah is Islamand one of them cannot be established without the other.” Imaamaz-Zuhreeرحمه الله(the famous taabi'ee who died in 124 AH) said: "The people of knowledge who came before us used to say, 'Salvation lies in clinging to the Sunnah.'" [Reported by ad-Daarimee in his Sunan, 96]
Importance of following the Sunnah It was narrated from Al-MiqdaamibnMa’diYakribرحمه اللهthat the Messenger of Allah esaid: “Verily I have been given the Qur’aan and something similar to it along with it. But soon there will be a time when a man will be reclining on his couch with a full stomach, and he will say, ‘You should adhere to this Qur’aan: what you find that it says is permissible, take it as permissible, and what you find it says is forbidden, take it as forbidden.’ But indeed, whatever the Messenger of Allaah forbids is like what Allaah forbids.” [Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2664; he said: It is hasanghareeb with this isnaad. It was also classed as hasan by al-Albaani in al-Silsilahal-Saheehah, 2870] ImaamMaalikرحمه الله said: "The Sunnah is like the Ark of Noah. Whoever embarks upon it reaches salvation and whoever refuses is drowned.“ [Quoted by Shaikhul-IslaamIbnTaimiyyah in Majmoo' ul-fataawaa, 4/57]
سبب الإختلاف؟ Reasons for the differences in definitions • Scholars of the different Shari’ah sciences have unique research focuses and different study targets for their studies and expertise. • ‘Ulama Al-Hadith Sunnah as a way of life/biography of the Prophet e • ‘Ulama Al-Usōl Sunnah as a legal proof (dalīl) • ‘Ulama Al-Fiqh Sunnah as a legal ruling (hukm) • ‘Ulama Al-’Aqīdah Sunnah vis-à-vis Bid’ah • Learning Outcome & Conclusion • The term “SUNNAH” can denote different meanings depending on the area of expertise of its user. Its definition depends on who is defining itand one must understand the Sunnah in context! • It is mandatory for Muslims to follow and obey both: The noble Qur’an as well as the authentic Sunnah!
قائمة المراجع؟ Bibliography • Al-Qur’an Al-Karīm • Muhammad As-Shawkānī, IrshādAl-Fuhōlilatahqīq Al-Haq min ‘ilmAl-Usōl • TaqīAd-Dīn Al-Futōhī, SharhAl-KawkabAl-Munīr • Abu Muhammad Al-Barbaharī, Sharh As-Sunnah • Muwafiq Ad-DīnibnQudamah, Rawdatu An-NādhirwaJannatu Al-Munadhir • ‘Abdu Al-Karīm An-Namlah, Al-Muhadhabfī ‘ilmUsōl Al-Fiqh Al-Muqārin • ‘Abdu Al-Mohsin Al-’Abād, Al-Hathu ‘alaitb’a As-Sunnah • Mustafa As-Sibāī, The Sunnah and its role in Islamic legislation • http://www.dorar.net (Hadith) • http://www.islamweb.net • http://www.baheth.info (Lisān Al-’Arab) Question Time?