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Miami-Dade County P a r ks, R ec r eatio n & Ope n Spaces Eco A d v entu r es Camp Manatee 2014. Counselor in Training Handbook. EcoAdventures Mission Statement. Vision Statement
Miami-Dade CountyParks,Recreation& Open Spaces EcoAdventures Camp Manatee 2014 Counselor in Training Handbook
EcoAdventures Mission Statement VisionStatement We will build and maintainamodelparks and recreation system toprovide for ahealthy, livable, and sustainable communitythat enhancesthe quality of life forourresidents and visitors. MissionStatement We create outstandingRecreational, Natural, and Culturalexperiencestoenrichyouand enhancethe quality of life forour community for this and futuregenerations. Philosophy &Goals EcoAdventuresNatureCampsofferschildren theopportunitytoexperience and participate in a wide variety of activities in a safe, supervised, and well-organizedsetting. All activities at campareplanned to help children achieve thefollowinggoals: Tofosterstewardship ofournatural resources. Todevelop skills and knowledge in leisure activities including sports,arts&crafts, gamesand,ofcourse,nature. Thedevelopmentof social skills and respect forothers. Toassist in thedevelopmentofa positive self-image. To have fun!!
Program Description Natureadventure camps forchildren and teens, boys and girls,togetherwith naturalist guides that are also certified in water safety, willhavefunexploringtheSouthFlorida environmentthrougha variety offunand exciting activities in a safe parkenvironment rangingfromnaturehikesonwooded trails, canoeing, kayaking (age 10 and older), swimming (guardedpools), playing interactive nature games, arts and crafts, field tripstolocal parkpreserves,Zoo Miami, MonkeyJungle,CrandonPark,SharkValley in Everglades NationalPark and more. Camps hoursare9:00am - 4:00 pm,Monday- Friday, and offer 7:30am earlydrop-offsand 6:00pm late pick-up options. CampManatee GreynoldsPark- Boathouse17530 West Dixie Highway 305-948-2891/ 305-944-6111 CampManatee is anature-based specialty camp forchildren6to14 years,which teachesaboutthewondersofthe environmentthroughinteractivegames,activities, crafts and fieldtrips. Our summer session focusesontheSouth Florida’suniqueecosystems and fantastichistorywith GreynoldsPark as abackdropforexploration and learning.Examples of activities include canoeing(ages 10 and older),hiking,archery,swimming and hands-onnature studies. Environmentalthemeschangeweekly. Campers willmeetattheBoathouse.
Registration, Payments, Orientation REMINDER:Save yourreceipts foryour personalrecords.CampManateedoesnot issue end-of-yearstatements,orreprint receipts.ChildCareFederalTax ID number is 59-6000-053. Program Fees RegistrationFee- $12 annually perCIT, non-refundable Tuition- $25 weekly perCIT Registration Registrationstarts May 1st, 2014. Registration may be completedonlineorin-person. CITOrientation Camp Manatee Parent Orientation will be heldonFriday, May30th,2014 at7:00pm attheGreynolds Park Boathouse.Wewould like all parentsand CIT’sold and newto attend. In-PersonRegistration Registrationmay be completedattheGreynoldsParkBoathouselocationby appointment. Call 305-944-6111 or email archcreek@miamidade.govtoschedule anappointment.GreynoldsPark is located at17530 West Dixie Highway, NorthMiami Beach,Fl. 33160 OnlineRegistration Parentscanregister forthefull 10-week Summer CampProgramonlineat https://rms.miamidade.gov/RMS7/Activities/Search.aspx Select “Arch Creek Park” in the Place field. If registeringonline, all requiredpaperwork mustbe completed and returnedpriortothestartofcamp. Payment Procedures All payments for campmustbe paid in fullat thetimeofregistration. Acceptable formsofpaymentinclude:cash,check,Visa, MasterCard,orAMEX.CampManatee cannothold any weeksoravailability without appropriatepayment. Allrequiredregistrationformsmustbe completed and submitted atthetimeof registration.
Arrival and Departure • Hours ofOperation • Drop-off:7:30am - 9:30am • NatureCamp: 9:30am - 4:00pm Pick-up: 4:00pm - 6:00pm • Shifts • CITs will be requiredtoworkfrom9am to • 5pm, MondaythroughFriday. If there is a reasonyoucannotbe present,please informcamp supervisors as soonas possible. • Please bring a note giving permissionifyou: • Needtoleave campearlyorwill be • arrivinglate one day. • Will be walking orridingyourbike to and from camp. • Aretogohomewithanother child/parent. • Will be signing yourselves in and out daily. LatePick–Up For safety reasons,parentsplease be prompt in picking upyourCIT.If youarerunninglate, or madeotherarrangementsfordeparture,please notifythe staff by callingthenature center.
Policy and Procedures Forms RegistrationForms Be sureto giveusanIMMEDIATEemergencyphonenumber,alongwith a list of people whowecancontactforemergencies in thecaseyouarenotavailable. TheEmergency Contact List ,provided will be usedduringpick -up time. Only the individuals listed on theformwill be allowed topick upyourCIT.Please be suretobringyourID alongas staff will be checkingthemtoensureyouorany other individual is on the list. Please fill out theformprecisely and withany pertinent health,medical and behavioral information we mayneedtoknowaboutyour child.This just helpsuscontinuetobe sureyour child is gettingthepropercarerequired and gets themostenjoymentoutofcamp. Fieldtrip PermissionForms Thisform givestheNatureCamp permission to transportyour child in aMiami-DadeCountyvehicle or Franmar bus to and from the fieldtrip facility.Formsmustbe signed by aparent/ guardian and returnedto CampStaffpriortothe fieldtrip. Forms can not be returned via fax or email and verbal permission is notaccepted. The exact location of the fieldtrip as well as departureand returntimesfrom/tocamp will be listed ontheform.
Policy and Procedures • Uniforms • CITsaretowearplain solid coloredt-shirts. (nologosordesigns) • CITswillalsoberequiredtowearaIDtagatall times. • OnFieldTrips(mostFridays,unlessotherwise mentionedonschedule),willberequiredtowearblue VolunteerT-shirt and ID tag. • AtPool,CITsmustwearappropriatemodest swim/aquatic wear. • Girls: one piece swimsuit withshortsor rash-guard/t-shirt withshorts. • Boys: swim trunkswithrash-guard/t-shirt. • T-SHIRTScannotbecomesee-throughwhen wet! • CITsmustwear closedtoedshoes(sneakers). • ItemstoBringDaily • Self containedlunch&Snacks (norefrigeration is provided) • Swimsuit & Towel – On days when Aquatic activities willtake place. • Sunblock and insectrepellant. • Gym shoes.Nosandals orCrocs. • Plastic bag toholdwetarticles. • A refillable water bottle with name on it. • No Crocs or flip flops/sandals.
Policy and Procedures WhattoLeaveatHome Toys– TheNatureCampdoesnotallow participants tobringtoys and electronic devices fromhome. Items broughtfromhomemaybecomelost ordamaged.Thenaturecenterwill notbe responsibleforany toysorelectronic devices broughtfromhome.(Ex.:iPods,PSPs, etc) CellPhones– Wepreferthatcellphonesnotbe broughtto campbutwedounderstand that someparentswillwanttheir campersto havethem anyway. PleaseunderstandthattheNature Center, Staff and MDPROS are not responsible for any personal items, including cell phones. Pleasemakesurethatyouunderstandsthatcellphonesshouldnotbe usedduring programhours and thatphonesshouldbe placed onsilent. Weapons/Look-Alikes– Weapons/Look-alikesarestrictly prohibited.Any participant caughtwith aweaponwill be disciplined accordingly,including butnotlimited toremovalfromtheprogram. Failure tofollowtheseguidelinescan result in disciplinaryaction,including but not limitedtoremovalfromtheprogram.
Policy and Procedures Illness A parentis anexpertwhenit comesto knowing their child, and hereatNatureCampwe reallyrelyonyourjudgmentin keeping all ofushealthy! If your child is not feeling well before camp,orthenightbeforecamp, please keephim/herhome,even if noreal symptoms mayhaveyetoccurred. If achildbecomesill duringtheprogram,i.e. fever/vomiting, a parent will be notified and asked topick-up thechild immediately. If theparentis unavailable,anemergency contactwill be called. Inthecaseofcontagiousorseriousillness, please contacttheNatureCamp staff immediately. All parents will be notified as soonas possible. Yourcooperationis greatly appreciated. T-shirts One Volunteer t-shirt is included in the registrationfeefortheprogram. Additional t-shirts maybe be purchasedfor$10 each.It is requiredthat all CITsweartheir t-shirts onfield trip days.
Program Information CampCalendar CampScheduleis available onlineat www.archcreek.wordpress.com/camp. Field Trips Fieldtripsarescheduled toenhancethe week’s theme.Please be suretochecktheweekly schedule for field trip locations and additional fees.Pleasemakesureyour child getsto campatleast 30 minutesbefore departuretime.Aschoolbus or15-passenger van is used fortransportation. Camp Staffand Groups NatureCampsaresupervised daily by thecamp supervisor who is highly qualified and experienced in camp leadership. Camp counselorsare amixtureof adults, mature and enthusiasticcollege and highschool students. All staff has participated in pre-camp training,orientation and have some first aid training. Camp supervisors are CPR/ AED and First Aid Certified. Additional informationaboutstaff will be provided at thebeginningofcamp.Pleasemakean efforttogettoknowyour child’scamp counselor.Weareproudofour staff and thinkyouwillfeelthe same. Field Trip Rules Itis importantthatCIT’sknowtherules while being on a field trip, so they can have an enjoyabletimealongwiththecampers. • Stay withyourgroup and groupleader. • Listentoyourgroupleader. • Wear yourvolunteert-shirt. • Follow all rulesofthe place wearevisiting. • When traveling by van, campersmustwearseatbelts atall times. Campersareassigned intogroupstoprovide bettersupervision and camper/counselor ratios. Groupsareassigned by age.
Program Information Behavior &Discipline Procedures Three verbal warningswill be given. If behaviorcontinuestheCITwill be dismissed fromtheprogramand asked nottoreturn. CITResponsibilities CITsareexpectedto exhibitappropriate behavioratall times. ParticipantsShall: •Show respecttoparticipants and staff •Take directionsfromstaff •Refrainfrom using abusive orfoullan guage •Refrainfrom causing bodily harmtoself, participants, staff orpark •Show respecttoequipment, supplies, and facilities Inaddition, CIT’s shall assist withmonitoringcampersthroughoutthe day, including drop-offand pick-up time, assist withsetupand breakdownofgames and activities, escortcampers (preferably ofthe same sex) tothebathroom facilitythroughoutthe day, and assist assigned counselorswithany additional tasksthroughoutthe day, exceptattendanceand behavioral issues. Parent Information&ResponsibilitiesParentsof participants are responsiblefor providing thefollowing: •Maintainingappropriateand timely pay mentoffees. •Contactingthecamp staff if yourCITwill be absent. •Droppingoff&picking upyourCITon time. •Communicatingwith camp supervisors any vacation plans and/ordoctors appointments. Cleaning up at the end of the day, includes but is not limited to: •SweepinguptheBoathouse(breezewayand porches) •Organizing game & craft cabinets •Return materials/suppliestostoragearea •Wipedownwaterfountain Participants who do not conform totheserules risk dismissalfromtheprogram.
Contact Information We arelookingforwardtoanexciting,enjoyable, and safe summer.Shouldyou have any other questions orconcernsnotaddressed in thisbook,please contacttheCampManateeat305-944-6111 beforeJune9th,if callingafterJune9th, call 305-948-2891. 305-948-2891 archcreek@miamidade.gov Greynolds Park – Boathouse (CampManatee) 17530 West Dixie Highway, Miami,FL33160 18500 NE 22nd Avenue,Miami, Fl. 33160 305-945-3425 Greynolds Park – Main Office In caseofemergency and noanswerattheBoathouse,leave amessage(name, camper’s name and phonenumber)withthesecretaryand they willreachthecampdirector. www.archcreek.wordpress.com/camp ArchCreek’sBlog For schedules and ParentHandbook. Staff Directory AimeeScott,RecreationLeaderCampDirector 305-944-6111/ 305-948-2891 ascott@miamidade.gov
Information Acknowledgment Pleasetakethetimeto reviewthematerialsprovided. This signed memowillserveas your acknowledgementyou haveread and understandthe policies and proceduresofEcoAd- ventures – CampManatee– Counselorin Training (CIT) Program and willadheretoall rules and regulations. Itis your responsibility toseekadditional informationas needed. If youhave questions concerningtheprogram,please directthemto us by calling: CampManatee-ArchCreek Park/Greynolds Boathouse 305-948-2891/305-944-6111 Participant: D/O/B: DATED:ParentSignature: DATED:ParentSignature:EcoStaffSignature: WELCOMEto Miami-DadeCountyParks,Recreation &OpenSpaces EcoAdventures - CampManatee Counselor inTraining(CIT) Program