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Update on W  mn Analysis with Int. Lumi . of 6.36 pb -1

Update on W  mn Analysis with Int. Lumi . of 6.36 pb -1. Xuefei Li Jianbei Liu, Yusheng Wu, Haijun Yang, Bing Zhou and Junjie Zhu The University of Michigan UM Diboson Meeting 10/08/2010. Int. Luminosity Calculation for W  mn. W  mn Selection Cuts.

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Update on W  mn Analysis with Int. Lumi . of 6.36 pb -1

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  1. Update on WmnAnalysis with Int. Lumi. of 6.36 pb-1 Xuefei Li Jianbei Liu, Yusheng Wu, Haijun Yang, Bing Zhou and Junjie Zhu The University of Michigan UM Diboson Meeting 10/08/2010

  2. Int. Luminosity Calculation for Wmn

  3. W mn Selection Cuts

  4. Staco Event Selection from A-G W+ / W- ratio from Data (SM ~ 1.5)

  5. Muid Event Selection from A-G W+ / W- ratio from Data (SM ~ 1.5)

  6. Summary of Observed Data and Estimated Signal and Backgrounds for 6.36 pb-1

  7. Summary of Observed Data and Estimated Signal and Backgrounds for 6.36 pb-1

  8. Breakup of Background Processes for 6.36 pb-1 * Correction for trigger efficiency not included here!

  9. Muon PTAfter Pre-Selection(Staco) All W+ W-

  10. Muon PTW Candidates(Staco) All W+ W-

  11. MuonhW Candidates(Staco) All W+ W-

  12. MuonfW Candidates(Staco) All W+ W-

  13. MET After Pre-Selection (Staco)

  14. MET W Candidates(Staco) All W+ W-

  15. W MTAfter Muon Isolation Cut(Staco) All W+ W-

  16. W MTW Candidates(Staco) All W+ W-

  17. W PTAfter Muon Isolation Cut(Staco) All W+ W-

  18. W PTW Candidates(Staco) All W+ W-

  19. Systematic Uncertainties • Luminosity Uncertainty: ~ 11% • Signal Acceptance Uncertainty: ~ 6.2% • Trigger efficiency uncertainty ~ 3% (from trigger study) • MET Acceptance ~ 3% • Muon ID ~ 2% • MC@NLO / Pythia, 4% • Background Estimation Uncertainty: • QCD Jet background uncertainty ~ 50% • Wtn, Zmm, Ztt, ttbar uncertainty ~ 5% 19

  20. Estimation of WmnCross Section (6.36 pb-1) SM W  mn cross-section: 10.46 nb (NNLO) • = (Nobs- Nb) / (L x Acc) • Using StacoMuon Reconstruction Algorithm (W+): s = 5.99 nb ± 0.05 (stat) ± 0.76 (syst) • Using StacoMuon Reconstruction Algorithm (W-): s = 3.97 nb ± 0.04 (stat) ± 0.50 (syst) • Using StacoMuon Reconstruction Algorithm (Inclusive): s = 9.96 nb ± 0.06 (stat) ± 1.26 (syst) 20

  21. Estimation of WmnCross Section (6.36 pb-1) SM W  mn cross-section: 10.46 nb (NNLO) • = (Nobs- Nb) / (L x Acc) • Using MuidMuon Reconstruction Algorithm (W+): s = 6.00 nb ± 0.05 (stat) ± 0.76 (syst) • Using MuidMuon Reconstruction Algorithm (W-): s = 3.96 nb ± 0.04 (stat) ± 0.50 (syst) • Using MuidMuon Reconstruction Algorithm (Inclusive): s = 9.98 nb ± 0.06 (stat) ± 1.26 (syst) 21

  22. L1 Trigger Efficiency with Tag-and-Probe Method

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