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The Eight Parts of Speech. 1. Nouns. Person, place, thing, idea, emotion Common: team Proper: Reagan Raiders Singular: bird Plural: birds Collective: flock. 2. Pronouns. A word that replaces a noun or nouns Personal pronouns refer to people or things
1. Nouns • Person, place, thing, idea, emotion • Common: team • Proper: Reagan Raiders • Singular: bird • Plural: birds • Collective: flock
2. Pronouns • A word that replaces a noun or nouns • Personal pronouns refer to people or things • The noun being replaced is called the antecedent • Ex: he, she, it, us, them, we, I
3. Adjectives • modifies a noun or a pronoun • answers the questions • What kind? A red dress • Which one(s)?Those cookies • How many?Seven chocolate cakes • How much?100 dollars
4. Verbs • Show action or state-of-being • Action verb – run, walk, lift, taste • State-of-being • Linking verb – connects the n. or pn. with an adjective • He is smart. • She seems hungry. • Helping verb – help the main v. of the sentence • We will go to the game.
5. Adverbs • a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb • many adverbs end in - ly . • answer any of these four questions: • Where?Turn left. • When?Tomorrow run to the game. • How?She quickly ran to the game. • To what extent?He always complains.
6. Prepositions • shows a relationship between a n. or a pn. and another word in the sentence • Can the preposition be placed on, under, around, behind, on top, below, insidea spaceship? • A preposition always comes at the beginning of a prepositional phrase • He ran behind the train.
7. Conjunctions • Words that join words or groups of words • Coordinating Conjunctions • FANBOYS = for and nor but or yet so • Correlative Conjunctions • Come in pairs • Not only…but also • Neither…nor • Either…or
8. Interjections • Word that expresses strong feeling or emotion • Usually at the beginning of a sentence • Can interrupt a thought • Wow, hey, no, yes, great, woops, ugh Great googleymoogley, I love interjections!
Mr. Stillealways gives us homeworkover the weekend. A. B. C. D.Which word in this sentence is an adverb? • Mr. Stille • always • homework • over
Mr. Stille always gives us homework over the weekend. What part of speech is the word always? • Noun • Pronoun • Adjective • Verb • Adverb • Preposition • Conjunction • Interjection