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I can participate during the Reading lesson. Motivation to Read Skills III.A.1. Child engages in pre-reading and reading related activities. I can use concepts about print to look at a book and tell a story from the pictures. Motivation to Read Skills
I can participate during the Reading lesson. Motivation to Read Skills III.A.1. Child engages in pre-reading and reading related activities. I can use concepts about print to look at a book and tell a story from the pictures. Motivation to Read Skills III.A.2. Child uses books and other written materials to engage in pre-reading behaviors.
I can ask questions about the words I see around me. Motivation to Read Skills III.A.3. Child asks to be read to or asks the meaning of written text. I can break up a sentence into words. I like dogs. 1. I 2. like 3. dogs Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.1. Child separates a normally spoken four-word sentence into individual words.
I can put two words together to make one word. butter + fly = butterfly lava + manos = lavamanos Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.2. Child combines words to make a compound word. I can take a compound word apart and say what part is left. sunflower – sun = flower arcoiris – arco = iris Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.3. Child takes compound words apart by deleting either the first or second part and stating the word that is left.
I can put syllables together to make a word. bu + tter+ fly = butterfly la+ va+ ma+ nos = lavamanos Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.4. Child combines syllables into words. I can hear a part of a word and say what part is missing. ladder – ladd = er árbol – ár = bol Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.5. Child can delete a syllable from a word.
I can tell if a word rhymes or does not rhyme with another word. cat bat Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.6. Child can produce a word that rhymes with a given word. I can identify words that begin with the same sound. dog drum Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.7. Child can produce a word that begins with the same sound as a given pair of words.
I can choose a picture of the word I hear when my teacher breaks up the word into the beginning and ending sounds. r + ug = rug p + ala = pala Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.8. Child combines onset (initial consonant or consonants) and rime (vowel to end) to form a familiar one-syllable word with pictorial support. I can combine the beginning sound of a word with the ending sound of a word to make one word. r + ug = rug p + ala = pala Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.9. Child combines onset and rime to form familiar one-syllable words without pictorial support.
I can look at a picture and say the letter sounds for the word. b + ee = bee ga + to = gato Phonological Awareness Skills III.B.10. Child recognizes and blends two phonemes into real words with pictorial support. I can name capital and lower case letters. Alphabet Knowledge Skills III.C.1. Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters.
I can identify the sounds a letter makes. Phonological Awareness Skills III.C.2. Child recognizes at least 20 letter sounds. I can make the correct sound for at least 10 letters. Alphabet Knowledge Skills III.C.3. Child produces the correct sound for at least 10 letters.
I can retell a story after it’s read aloud to me. Comprehension of Text Read Aloud Skills III.D.1. Child retells or reenacts a story after it is read aloud.. I can use the information I learn from books. Alphabet Knowledge Skills III.D.2. Child uses information learned from books by describing, relating, categorizing, or comparing and contrasting.
I can ask and answer questions about books we have read in class. Comprehension of Text Read Aloud Skills III.D.3. Child asks and answers appropriate questions about the book..