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Strategic Human Resource Management Essentials

Discover the principles, strategies, and practices of HRM to achieve organizational success and engage a committed workforce. Explore recruitment, training, performance appraisal, diversity, and more. Develop a culture of quality, commitment, and empowerment for a competitive advantage.

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Strategic Human Resource Management Essentials

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  1. Human Resource Management Jay Hays

  2. Human Resource Management Managers must find ways to get the highest level of contribution from their workers. And they will not be able to do that unless they are aware of the many ways that their under-standing of diversity relates to how well, or how poorly, people contribute. R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr., p 320

  3. Human Resource Management The process of attracting, developing and maintaining a talented and energetic workforce to support organisational mission, objectives and strategies. p 321

  4. Human Resource Management A distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques.

  5. HRM Includes: Employment Issues Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity Harassment Affirmative Action Diversity Management Occupational Health and Safety Industrial Relations

  6. HRM Includes: Employment Issues Recruitment Selection Induction / Orientation Training and Professional Development Performance Appraisal and Management Career Development Quality of Work Life Retention and Turnover

  7. Strategic integration Organisational flexibility Commitment Quality PRINCIPLES OF HRM

  8. An attempt to treat all labour management processes – from recruitment and training to remuneration and retrenchment – in a strategic fashion by integrating them with the broader business concerns of the enterprise. STRATEGIC INTEGRATION

  9. People are not just another cost or factor of production. They are the key to competitive advantage. Close ‘fit’ between human resources, internal processes and the external environment. Devolution of responsibility for labour management to line managers. Co-ordination of policies on recruitment, training & performance management. STRATEGIC HRM

  10. The flexible firm and the global economy. Functional flexibility Numerical flexibility Financial flexibility Core: Highly skilled knowledge workers. Full time jobs and job security. Periphery: Casuals and part-time workers and short-term contractors. FLEXIBILITY

  11. From ‘control’ to ‘commitment’ through changing the organisation’s culture. Mission statement: A statement of core values. Recruitment: Only recruiting those prepared to subscribe to these core values. COMMITMENT

  12. ‘Transformational leadership’: CEO as visionary change agent. Ensuring employees demonstrate desired attitudes, competencies and behaviours. Culture Management – strong culture Cont’d

  13. Culture of quality: Quality work, quality workers, quality products and services. Total Quality Management. Quality assurance and zero defects. Internal customers. Empowering workers via team working. QUALITY

  14. Integral part of line management responsibilities. Emphasises the management of organisational culture as the central activity of senior management. HRM represents the discovery of personnel management by chief executives. HRM vs PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT

  15. Does the rhetoric match the reality? Strategic integration. Line managers and devolution. Empowered or merely over burdened? Delayering, re-engineering and the elimination of the jobs of middle management. THE PRACTICE OF HRM

  16. Downsizing of personnel departments. Strategic HR planning. Consulting firms. Devolution of administrative functions. Contracting-out of HR functions. HR MANAGERS AND STRATEGIC DECISION-MAKING

  17. Job analysis defines a job in terms of specific tasks and responsibilities and identifies the abilities, skills and qualifications needed to perform it successfully. Human resource planning or employment planning is the process by which an organisation attempts to ensure that it has the right number of qualified people in the right jobs at the right time. Employee recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of applicants from which qualified candidates for job vacancies within an organisation can be selected. Employee selection involves choosing from the available candidates the individual predicted to be most likely to perform successfully in the job. HRM ACTIVITIES

  18. Performance appraisal is concerned with determining how well employees are doing their jobs, communicating that information to the employees and establishing a plan for performance improvement. Training and development activities help employees learn how to perform their jobs, improve their performance and prepare themselves for more senior positions. Career planning and development activities benefit both employees (by identifying employee career goals, possible future job opportunities and personal improvement requirements) and the organisation (by ensuring that qualified employees are available when needed). Employee motivation is vital to the success of any organisation. Highly motivated employees tend to be more productive and have lower rates of absenteeism and turnover. HRM ACTIVITIES (cont)

  19. Lecturer / Tutor Selection and Rating Criteria Selection Criteria Rating Narrative (Specific, Behavioural Examples) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

  20. Lecturer / Tutor Selection and Rating Criteria Exceptional – High-Performer – Satisfactory – Somewhat Below Expectations – Fails to Meet Minimum Requirements – Often exceeds expectations; goes above and beyond the call of duty; the “benchmark” for excellence; can’t miss lectures or tutorials with this person; an HD. Sometimes exceeds expectations; generally performs bet-ter than many; relatively interesting and informative. Tries hard; shows honest interest in students. A high “D.” Pretty much average; not bad, but seldom excellent. Does what is expected. Shows up on time, and is prepared. A low “D.” Occasionally fails to meet expectations; not always pre-pared. Seems to lack energy and commitment. Does not seem willing to do more than necessary. Pass / Credit. Does not show up and is unprepared. Does not seem willing or able to perform the job. Consistently fails to meet obligations and promises, e.g., misses appointments, fails to deliver on agreements. Does not seem to care about students.

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