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Large-scale integrating project (IP) proposal ICT Call 10 FP7-ICT-2012-10. Ubiquitous Complex Event Processing in Exocortex Applications uCepCortex. ICT Proposers’ Day, Warsaw September 26-27, 2012 extended version V1.0 for f2f meeting Athens 29 – 31 Oct 2012.
Large-scale integrating project (IP) proposalICT Call 10FP7-ICT-2012-10 Ubiquitous Complex Event Processing in Exocortex ApplicationsuCepCortex ICT Proposers’ Day, Warsaw September 26-27, 2012extended version V1.0 for f2f meeting Athens 29 – 31 Oct 2012 Contact: Rainer von Ammon, CITT GmbH, Agnesstraße 29, D-93049 Regensburgrainer.ammon@citt-online.com, www.citt-online.com
Definition of an Artificial Cognitive System and the mission of uCepCortex uCepCortex defines an ACS as a system (i) which is artificially made by humans (ii) in order to enhance the cognition or abilities of humans (iii) for one or more aims which have to be defined explicitly (iv) to recognize or even predict or foresee complex events (like environmental situations, natural catastrophes, economical or political forecasts, health hazards, etc.) and (v) to react on such complex events as a self-contained system if possible or to notify affected humans and advise a helpful decision-making • The main idea of the uCepCortex project is to enhance human abilities by a complex cognitive system which adds and supplements senses and integrates the information of these senses for an optimal output, thereby overcoming the limitations of the human brain. Its typical limitations are: • the amount of events that can be processed at any one time: The human brain can only process around 120.000 events per second unconsciously and less than ten consciously; • the number of event types we can consciously integrate at any one time: integrating of multiple information sources requires tracking, memorizing and retrieving of past, recent and current events; • the performance and scalability of the event processing and the correlation of actually meaningless basic events to senseful complex events; • the sensitivity ranges (modalities) of the five senses what a human can hear, see, smell, taste and feel; • the degeneration of the number and the sensitivity of senses: loss or damage due to aging, illness or accident and the feasibility and manageability is missing to substitute or add additional senses.
What is new in uCepCortex 2G:How to build, influence and modify a matrix - applications and demonstrators - clinical applications, human enhancements, autonomous robots and swarms of robots with their own matrix, robot companions for humans We will in addition to the project proposal for Call-9 investigate how an autonomous robot or Cyborg would be started with a basic modeling of its special matrix according to what this Artificial Cognitive System (ACS) respectively Cyborg should do and how it would autonomously learn and enhance its matrix or world model.We will also explore how a swarm of robots would mutually exchange information according to the theory of quantum information (see as the first C.F. von Weizsäcker http://www.scilogs.de/kosmo/blog/astronomers-do-it-at-night/wissenschaft-fur-alle/2009-11-14/quanten-und-information-anton-zeilinger-in-hamburg-carl-friedrich-von-weizs-cker-vorlesungen-2009, Görnitz http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/237/1/012011/pdf/jpconf10_237_012011.pdf, David Bohm, John Wheeler, David Deutsch or nowadays Dieter Lüst http://www.chbeck.de/Luest-Quantenfische/productview.aspx?product=8552073, Vlatko Vedral http://www.amazon.co.uk/Decoding-Reality-Universe-Quantum-Information/dp/019969574; see also Nick Bostrom and his formula on page 7 http://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.pdf). Such a swarm would remodel the swarm's matrix more and more complex, according to the Entropy or the second law of thermodynamics. Question is whether such autonomous robot swarms would build a parallel, own "reality" and act or "live" in it, and how the mankind would guarantee the control for a symbiotic coexistence and cooperation (see the flipside of the coin of HET as it is presently discussed http://forum.complexevents.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=261&p=1463#p1463).
Service Cloud Global cloud of basic events The basicideaoftheuCepCortexproject – forbeginners and unknown suspicious event patterns Filtering, enriching, correlating, processing, … Complex event Belt BrainPort ? robot human Interconnected, personalized and configurable exocortices Organized, concize action assistive robot
The basicideaoftheuCepCortexproject – foradvancedguys Event cloud „emergency“ Event Filter Smart spacemonitor Event Supervisor EXOCORTEX Complexeventprocessing Service cloud Mobile tracking E v e n t p a t t e r n s Emergency plan Exocortex human Exocortex robot Exocortex human organized, concise action BNCI Sensory augmentation (belt) Signal Signal Signal Process modelling
The basic idea of the uCepCortex project as a Cognitive System- improved version - servicecloud-n service cloud-1 enterprise cloud of its specific events global cloudofbasicevents my private cloudofexperiencedevents – unlimitedcapacity billions of events per sec - filtering, enriching, correlating, processing … uCepCortices as global or location-based observers Weathersolar stormearth quaketsunami Economicsstock feedsother RSS feeds BioMedradioactivityUVCO2 publish and subscribearbritrary services my first unconscious thought – perhaps contraproductive! Danger!Fleeimmediately! notification of subscribed complex event patterns personalized and configurable exocortices FPGA or cognitive chips based cognitive architecture implements: Direct communication after BRAIN PATTERN recognition – conscious action planning prevents wrong decisions - enhanced senses - additional senses - biosensing,- biomarkers, - autotreatment… Don‘t panic!Follow command Belt receives a complex event and „notifies“ the brain. The notification generates an action pattern
The basic idea of the uCepCortex project as a Cognitive System- original version - servicecloud-n service cloud-1 enterprise cloud of its specific events global cloudofbasicevents my private cloudofexperiencedevents – unlimitedcapacity billions of events per sec - filtering, enriching, correlating, processing … uCepCortices as global or location-based observers publish and subscribearbritrary services Weathersolar stormearth quaketsunami Economicsstock feedsother RSS feeds BioMedradioactivityUVCO2 my first unconscious thought – perhaps contraproductive! Danger!Fleeimmediately! notification of subscribed complex event patterns store and use events experienced in my life personalized and configurable exocortices direct communicationbetween exocortices FPGA or cognitive chips based cognitive architecture implements: after Mind Reading – conscious action planningprevents wrong decisions - enhanced senses - additional senses Don‘t panic!Follow this process xy… - biosensing,- biomarkers, - autotreatment… Belt or BrainPort receives a complex event and „notifies“ the brain. The notification generates a „thought“ pattern or action planning pattern
The Principle of U-CEP – Reference Model – basic components of a uCepCortex Monitoring Cockpits Process Modeler Domain specific reference models for event patterns Event Modeler Monitor / Analyze / Act Process Engine tbd: Process ExecutionLanguage Process Models Event ProcessingModel CEP Enginetbd: Event ProcessingLanguage for U-CEP „unus mundus“+ Internet services and their events analysehistory… Event Store Middleware IF …AND …FOLLOWED BY…WITHIN…ACTION Normalized events,build higher level events Event Type Adapters • Which events are important? • How are events correlated? • When and how should we react? e.g. JMS pub/sub Low Level Event Streams e.g. GPS-signal e.g. Traffic Message Controls e.g. Weather Forecast e.g. RFID …
A Reference Model of non-deterministic uCepCortexexample of Fraud Management, simply to be adapted for e.g. Emergency Management, etc. output evaluation discriminant analysis decision tree event filtering, enriching, correlating fraud management processes . . . Real-time BAM, statistics… alert alert alerts . . . neural network needed to filter unkown suspicious event patterns feed forward step input: current and historic discriminant values trigger fraudmanagementprocess not fraudsuspicious fraudsuspicious preclassification needed to reduce the amount of suspicious event patterns known suspicious eventpatterns: CEP-engine needed to process thousands of events per sec . . . adapter forevent type-n adapter forevent type-1 suspend transaction process event cloud . . . instance-1 e.g. ATM‘s in Tokyo, Rome, Munich transaction processes . . . . . . instance-n e.g. Internet banking
NEXOF-RA to be enhanced by ED-BPM and U-CEP (red marked = enhancements)
Domain-specific Notification Event Architecture for Thought – NEAR(etail) couldbeusedastemplatefor a probablycomplexclassdiagramof „Thought“ as a NEAT standardfor a Brain-Machine-Brain interfaceandcommunication in thefieldofMind Reading(More about NEAR see http://www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=News&op=viewlive&sp_id=155) “Common Postal Address” Architecture of NEALogistics Customer Event Domain Model of NEARetail Model of the “AccountTransactionEvent” of NEAFinance Tracking Event Architecture Order Event Architecture
Standardizing Event Processing Languages? A controversial discussion until today Different types of users for different monitoring-views and needed skills (from 2007, a lot has changed in the meantime)
Existing standards and current research projects related to edBPM and to be enhanced by U-CEP LEGEND influence possible influence existing to be defined
How to build, influence and modify a matrix- applications and demonstrators -clinical applications,human enhancements,autonomous robots or swarms of robots with their own matrix,robot companions for humans
uCepCortex and clinical applications Carel Meskers/LUMC
uCepCortex and clinical applications – U-CEP based automatic treatment -Biomarkers as complex event patterns, and therapeutics as (pre-) modelled processes- „Understanding“ and „rebooting“ the brain - Mind reading for clinical applications and for HETs BrainPort and CN-NINMBCI as interfaceto the brain(U Wisconsin / TCNL) Biosensors and biomarkers, e.g. Mind reading – based on (complex) event patterns BCI as interfacefrom the brainU Würzburg, U Tübingen, MPI Leipzig, UCLA, MIT, IBM… http://www.silicon.de/technologie/mobile/0,39044013,41556997,00/gedanken_malen_am_computer_bilder.htm, VPH-FET 2011, Marco Viceconti et al.Paper 2012 Filippo Castiglione, Andrea Gaggioli et al „Physio-environmental sensing and live modeling based on U-CEP“
Enhancing human intelligence and cognitive or physical abilitiesconnect humans to more events of the universe (resp. Internet services) e.g. Ray Kurzweil: Singularity is Neare.g. Bruce H. Lipton: Epigenetics – Intelligent cellse.g. Kevin Warwick: Brain Computer Interface - Cyborg Monitoring Cockpits Enhanced abilities realizescenarioprocessinstances setparameters Process Modeler Domain specificreferencemodelsforeventpatterns Event Modeler Monitor / Analyze / Act Protein machinery Process Engine e.g. based on BPEL Intracellular effectors = Event Processing Agents Processes Intracellular effectors = Event Processing Agents Model ^= Scenario Intracellular effectors = Event Processing Agents Protein machinery „unus mundus“- Internet services and their events CEP Engine„special“ SQLresp. otherlanguages analysehistory… AppServer Event Store Normalized events,build business level events IF …AND …FOLLOWED BY…WITHIN…ACTION Adapterse.g. RFID, topicsof Pub/Sub, … Extracellular receptors = event adapters e.g. JMS pub/sub e.g. payments show BAM-view,trigger a BP,change BP-flow… Low Level Event Streams e.g. GPS-signal e.g. Traffic Message Controls e.g. Weather Forecast e.g. RFID …
Robot Companions for Citizen – Cyborgs, driven by Event Processing e.g. http://www.icub.org/ realizescenarioprocessinstances setparameters Process Modeler Domain specificreferencemodelsforeventpatterns Event Modeler Monitor / Analyze / Act Process Engine e.g. based on BPEL Processes Model ^= Scenario „unus mundus“- Internet services and their events CEP Engine„special“ SQLresp. otherlanguages analysehistory… AppServer Event Store Normalized events,build business level events IF …AND …FOLLOWED BY…WITHIN…ACTION Adapterse.g. RFID, topicsof Pub/Sub, … e.g. JMS pub/sub e.g. payments show BAM-view,trigger a BP,change BP-flow… Low Level Event Streams e.g. GPS-signal e.g. Traffic Message Controls e.g. Weather Forecast e.g. RFID …
The positioning of Metasonic in the uCepCortex software stack – to be adapted! Service Consumers Service Orchestration (OpenSource or BEA WLI 9.x or IBM Process Server or Oracle …) Metasonic S-BPM Service Bus Layer (SOPware or AquaLogic Service Bus or WebSphere …) Service Enablement (WLI 9.x or WebSphere …) WSDL SCADA… Resources robots robots 10.11.09 Page 21
Smart spaces – andfromwhereuCepCortexidea was started: The Event Cloud, the IT-Blindness andthe „Event Tornado“Ofteneven additional eventsareneededfor BAM and a better Business Insight startedService_6 startedService_4 startedService_7 Today‘s existing event cloud and the IT-blindness exitService_4 startedService_5 exitService_5 exitService_6 startedService_8 exitService_8 startedService_1 exitService_7 Low level events without semantics exitService_1 startedService_2 exitService_2 … BusinessProcess 1 startedService_3 exitService_3 genCBE (start,service1) genCBE (start,service2) genCBE (exit,service1) genCBE (exit,service2) genCBE (start,service3) genCBE (exit,service3) Visualization of the processed/correlated events via Business Activity Monitoring … BusinessProcess n …
General research aim:How to build, influence and modify a matrix- applications and demonstrators -Emergency Management use casedemonstratinghuman enhancements,autonomous robots or swarms of robots,assistive robot companions in a symbiotic cooperation with humans
The application domain „emergency management“: Only the basic principles of a U-CEP based exocortex scenario are investigated uCepCortex is quite ambitious but is realizable. We will investigate how the way would work from the global event cloud to the exocortex as a preprocessor for interesting or subscribed complex event patterns and how to notify a human and transform relevant patterns via belt-technology or similar in a signal understandable and processable for a human brain, also in the case of additional senses and enhanced sensitivity ranges. Our BCI team analyzes accordant brain patterns via EEG or realtime fMRI or via experimenting with some more methods and catalogize the relation between a complex event pattern and the accordant brain pattern. Depending on the detected brain pattern the specific exocortex of a person fires an event in the cloud which is received by a robot companion and which triggers an event-driven process of the robot companion according to its world knowledge or "matrix". The aim of the project is to investigate that this approach is principally possible. Latter projects in Horizon 2020 and Beyond would then elaborate and model such a world knowledge and specific use cases for different application domains as emergency management is one of them.Because nobody does know today which consequences this approach would have for a human brain and how to "design" and model the "load" of such a human enhancement and also the symbiotic collaboration with robot companions, we need a strong role of neuroscience in the project. This is the reason why we additionally cooperate with other colleagues from USA, e.g. the Wisconsin Project/TCNL Madison and Jeff Hawkins' Numenta and the Grok approach from Stanford as NeuroBio inspired system for high performance event processing.
Basic challenges to be investigated in the use case • Smart space monitor detects a complex event pattern „visitor stream blocked“ in the global event cloud(e.g. by mobile tracking + traffic jam algorithm). • Smart space monitor sends event to trigger a process to notify the event supervisor. • Event supervisor sends event to trigger a asynchronous process to notify the assistive robots to stop the visitor stream. • Event supervisor simultanously sends event to trigger an asynchronous process to notify the belts (or a kind of future smart fashion) of the visitors to deviate: - signal „turn right “ 0 – 30 meters - signal „turn left“ 31 – 100 meters. - signal „stop“ > 101 meters. • Belt signals generate brain patterns „turn right“, „turn left“, „stop“ depending on the position in the visitor stream. • Exocortex of each visitor detects the brain patterns (e.g. via EEG) and notifies “?tbd?“ the exocortices of the neighbors depending of their position . • Event supervisor simultanously triggers a process to notify the emergenyc service people + their assistive robots to remove the blockade. • (tbd., removal of blockade as a symbiotic cooperation of people and robots) Use case should only show the principles and could be successively extended, more and more complex. Robots would be trained and would quickly learn, even autonomously.
On which level does uCepCortex investigate what – needed for a systematic setting up of use cases uCepCortex Research fieldse.g. with smart spaces Emergency management Visitorsareapproaching Stadion event Smart spacemonitorsvisitorstream Smart spacemonitorjms Notifyeventsupervisor Visitorstops Visitorstreamisblocked
Arena 96 Domain „Emergency Management – Subdomain „Stadium event“ – Use case „Visitors arrive“ – Complex event pattern „Stream is blocked“ – Process-1 „…“ – Process-n „…“ – SOA-Service-1 „…“ Event supervisor Smart space monitor Assistive robots X Emergency service people obstacle entrance Visitor stream Visitor stream
Demonstration of showcase Albert FleischmannMetasonic AG
Work packagestructureandinterdependencies TheoryandModelling WP1reference model and reference architecture WP2Cognitive and complex event modelling WP 7 Ethical and socio-legal framework Transfer andApplication WP 3 Development of generic components and system integration Impact assessment WP 9Management WP 5 Usecaseandapplication WP 4 Cognitive enhanced robotics WP 6 Psychophysiology of human-machine interaction WP 8Dissemination, trainingandexploitation
Work packagestructureandinterdependencies TUG, SYNROM, UNI WUE, TEI LAMIAS, Fraunhofer Human-computer interaction Psychophysiological experimentationand BNCI application UNI WUE, TUG, BITBRAIN, UOS WP6 Fraunhofer, TUG, UOS, METASONIC, TEI LAMIAS, UoR Usecaseandapplications Emergency management WP5 Cognitiveenhancedrobots Robot companions UoR, BITBRAIN, UNI WUE, Fraunhofer, METASONIC WP4 WP7 – Ethicalandsocial legal framework WP8 – dissemination, training, exploitation KIT, METASONIC, INTRACOM TELECOM, UNI WUE, UoR Genericcomponentsandintegration Augmentedsensingtechnology WP3 Complexeventprocessing Reference modelandarchitecture Event modelling; signalclassification INTRACOM TELECOM, TEI LAMIAS, BITBRAIN, KIT, TUG, METASONIC, UNI WUE WP1/2 WP9 - management UNI WUE