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Open Court Sounds, Letters, and Language: First-Step Story 6 5.6 T102. I. wipe. the.
Open Court Sounds, Letters, and Language: First-Step Story 6 5.6 T102 I wipe the . Making sentences about cleaning up. Intro each word as it appears, then intro picture cards as they appear. Use the picture cards to complete the sentence in order: kitchen, bowl, spoon. Have the kids come up and touch the picture for the word you say.
Open Court Phonemic Awareness: Initial Consonant Blends 5.6 T103 rilliant /b/ . . . right /b/ . . . brilliant bright rade /g/ . . . tamp /s/ . . . grade *stamp quare /s/ . . . *square
Open Court Phonemic Awareness: Initial Consonant Blends 5.6 T103 lute rince /f/ . . . /p/ . . . prince *flute nake low /s/ . . . /f/ . . . *snake flow nack quirt /s/ . . . /s/ . . . *snack squirt
Open Court Phonemic Awareness: Segmentation: Drop Initial Consonant in Blends 5.6 T103 led skin kin fled no tone snow stone rain crane limp blimp low blow rice price row rust crow crust
Open Court How the Alphabet Works 5.6 Body Code The Alphabet Hh Yy Jj Oo Kk Tt Ww Aa Qq Bb Xx Dd Nn Zz Ll Ss Vv Ii Cc Ff Rr Uu Gg Mm Ee Pp
Open Court How The Alphabet Works: The Sound of “Xx” 5.6 T104 Exiting X; is called the Rex He runs to guard the door To get past Rex, x: Make the sound of the /x/ /x/ /x/ /x/ /x/ /x/ Have students come up and touch the words that begin with /w/ in order of appearance.
Open Court How The Alphabet Works: The Sound of “Xx” Picture cards 5.6 T104 ox box ax fox
Open Court How the Alphabet Works: Listening for ending sound /x/ 5.6 T104 six flax flip ax relax box wax fix fly mix wait mate Flax, flip, six, relax, box, ac, fix, fly, wax, wait, mate, mix after all words have been introduced have students come up and touch, in order, the words that do not end in x, then read the words that are left.
Open Court Linking the Sound to the Letter: Word Pairs Grab bag of Letters 5.6 T105 ___ub ___ub ___ub ___ub ___ug ___ug ___ug Tub, rub, stub, grub, rug, drug, tug
Linking the Sound to the letter: Reading and Writing Workbook 122 123 5.6 T105
Linking the Sound to the letter: Reading and Writing Workbook Reteach 122-1235.6T105
Linking the Sound to the letter: Reading and Writing Workbook Challenge 66 5.6 T105
Open Court: Vocabulary: High-Frequency Words (blue) 5.6 T111 a and an but said one Have kids read words as they appear. Then have volunteers use it in a sentence.
Open Court: Grammar: Past Tense Verbs Action Words (blue) 5.6 T112 pulled pull yanked yank tugged tug jerked jerk Intro words in left column as they appear, talk about what kind of words they are and why (verbs). Then intro past tense verbs on the right one at a time. Talk about these words and circle the ed at the end of the word at let the kids know that this ending means the action has already happened. Do this with each word.