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The Welsh Health Survey: methods and initial results. Nia Jones, Cath Roberts (Statistical Directorate, Welsh Assembly). Contents. 1. Background and aims 2. Methodology and response 3. Results 4. Next steps Further information & contacts. 1.1 Background.
The Welsh Health Survey: methods and initial results Nia Jones, Cath Roberts (Statistical Directorate, Welsh Assembly)
Contents 1. Background and aims 2. Methodology and response 3. Results 4. Next steps Further information & contacts
1.1 Background • New survey, replaces intermittent series of surveys • Feasibility study in 2002 recommended: • merger of Welsh Health and Health in Wales surveys • improved methodology • Contract awarded to NatCen for two years data collection starting 1 October 2003, now extended for a third year
1.2 Aims of the survey • Provide estimates of health status, health-related lifestyle and health service use: • at national (Wales) level • for population sub-groups (eg age, sex, socio-economic group) • for local authorities • Inform and monitor health targets, indicators and policies • Information for NHS resource allocation in Wales
2.1 Questionnaire development • Identification of topics and questions • Cognitive interviews • including questions on health service use, illnesses, alcohol, fruit & veg, exercise • Pilot • all survey documents • Final survey documents
2.2 Survey methodology • Aim for achieved sample of around 30,000 adults and 7,500 children over two years. Minimum of 1,200 adults per local authority. • Fifteen minute face-to-face interview • age, sex, general health, need for care of each household member; and housing tenure, social class • Sixteen page self-completion questionnaire for each household member aged 16+ to fill in • health service use, illnesses, general health and well-being, lifestyle, personal and demographic information • Two page questionnaire for children (completed by parent/guardian) • illnesses, accidents and injuries • extended version to be tested
2.3 Response • Data collected continuously throughout the year • Improved response rates (first six months) • households 74% • self completion • adults 84% • children 85% • Achieved sample size approximately 15,000 adults and 4,000 children per year
3.1 Schedule for results • November 2004 Six months provisional results (Oct 03-Mar 04) First Release published on the internet on 18 November 2004: www.wales.gov.uk/keypubstatisticsforwalesheadline/content/health/2004/hdw20041118-e.htm • July 2005 First year results (Oct 03-Sept 04) • Summer 2006 Second year results • Autumn 2006 Both years results • Summer 2007 Third year results
3.2 Provisional results: Illnesses(Oct 03-Mar 04) Fig 1: Percentage of adults currently being treated for illnesses
3.3 Provisional results: Illnesses(Oct 03-Mar 04) Fig 2: Percentage of adults currently being treated for arthritis, by local authority
3.4 Provisional results: Health status(Oct 03-Mar 04) Fig 3: Percentage with a limiting long-term illness, by age and sex
3.5 Provisional results: Health Service Use(Oct 03-Mar 04) In the past fortnight: • 17% of adults reported talking to a GP about their own health In the past 3 months: • 20% of adults reported attending a hospital outpatient department In the past 12 months: • 80% of adults reported using a pharmacist • 67% of adults reported using a dentist • 47% of adults reported using an optician
3.6 Provisional results: Health-related lifestyle(Oct 03-Mar 04) Fig 4: Percentage of adults smoking, by NS-SEC socio-economic group
3.7 Provisional results: Health-related lifestyle(Oct 03-Mar 04) Fig 5: Percentage of adults usually drinking alcohol above guidelines , by age and sex
3.8 Provisional results: Health-related lifestyle(Oct 03-Mar 04) Fig 6: Most intense exercise / activity done in past week
3.9 Next publication: full results of first year • To be published in July 2005 • covers first full year of new survey (Oct 2003 - Sep 2004) • Summary of new information included in report: • extra topics (eg medicines, eyesight & hearing difficulties, SF-36 health status, flu jabs by health condition, passive smoking) • extra sub-group analyses (eg local authority, socio-economic group (using NS-SEC), more detailed age groups) • age-standardisation (for local authority and socio-economic groups) • technical information, including standard errors (detailed technical report to be published by NatCen)
4.1 Next steps • Test of extended children’s health questionnaire • feasibility study and user consultation in 2004 examined alternative approaches and potential for broader child survey • extended child questionnaire, including height & weight measurements, to be tested late 2005 / early 2006 • Survey fieldwork • first phase ends September 2005 • extended for a further year (without change) (to October 2006) • more major changes could follow depending on outcome of children’s test and review of current survey - hope to continue 2007 & beyond
Contacts Nia Jones or Cath Roberts Statistical Directorate Welsh Assembly Government Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ nia.jones52@wales.gsi.gov.uk cath.roberts@wales.gsi.gov.uk