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Next Generation Science Standards: Taking the first steps. Hilary Dito STEAM Coordinator Contra Costa County Office of Education. 20+ years of Science Education Research. April 2013. July 2011. 1990s - 2010. NGSS Development Process. Design Phase. Awareness Phase. Transition Phase.
Next Generation Science Standards:Taking the first steps Hilary Dito STEAM Coordinator Contra Costa County Office of Education
20+ years of Science Education Research April 2013 July 2011 1990s - 2010
NGSS Development Process Design Phase Awareness Phase Transition Phase Implementation Phase • Framework for K-12 Science Education • NGSS Development by Lead States • Public drafts and comments • NGSS Released • Adopted by states (CA Sept. 2013) • Middle School Sequence • CDE development of Implementation Plan • CA Framework development (2014-2015) • Instructional Shifts • Curriculum Development • Professional Learning • Assessments
States Adopting NGSS (as of Feb 26, 2014) RI, KS, KY, MD, VT, CA, DE, WA, D.C., and NV Map from www.nsta.org
CA StateTests (aka AB484) • Outlines CA State Assessment for 2013-14 • SBAC Field Test in ELA and Math: • Grades 3-8, all students • Grades 9 and 10, scientific sample • Grade 11, scientific sample all others encouraged • Computer Administered; Not Computer Adaptive; No paper or pencil option • Science Testing (for NCLB) • CST, CMA and CAPA -grades 5, 8, & 10 • New assessments will be developed aligned to NGSS “as soon as feasibly possible”
Framework • Foundation for creating NGSS • Larger context for science education • Progression of Core Ideas, Practices and Crosscutting Concepts across grade bands. • Organized by grade bands: • K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 • “By the end of grade ___”
These new standards shift the focus from memorization of facts to having students develop deeper conceptual understanding of core scientific ideas and be able to apply the practicesof science and engineering into real world problems.
“Science is built up of facts, as a house is built of stones; but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house.” ~ Henri Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis
Shifts of NGSS • Interconnected Nature of Science and the Real World • Focus and Coherence • Deeper Understanding • Science and Engineering • College, Career, and Citizenship Readiness • Alignment to the Common Core Real world Focused & Coherent Integrated Within & Across Content
How will NGSS change teaching and learning? Read each shiftin Appendix A Highlight one sentence Underline one phrase Circle one word Develop a 25 word synopsis with your table
Grade Level Bands • K-5 grade specific • 6-8 grade “band”* • CA is a K-8 “curriculum adoption state” • Integrated model –adopted by CA SBE in Nov 2013 • Additional model being developed for LEAs • 9-12 grade span “band” • Design of HS courses – local decision • Appendix K: Model Course Mapping
Three Dimensions 7 Crosscutting Concepts 8 Science and Engineering Practices 44 Disciplinary Core Ideas and Component Ideas • Physical Sciences • Life Sciences • Earth and Space Sciences • Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Scientific and Engineering Practices • Asking questions and defining problems • Developing and using models • Planning and carrying out investigations • Analyzing and interpreting data • Using mathematics and computational thinking • Constructing explanations and designing solutions • Engaging in argument from evidence • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information • What are the behaviors of scientists and engineers? • Science Investigation is a balance of Skills and Knowledge • What does it mean to “do” science?
Practices in Action Watch the video clip and consider the following • What practices are at the forefront of the lesson? • What practices are supporting the lesson? • What is the teacher doing? • What are the students doing?
Practices in the Classroom Video • CAPE COD'S AQUIFERS Science education specialist, Barbara Waters, works with 5th grade students in Mashpee, Massachusetts, to create models of Cape Cod's unusual underground structure. Run Time: 00:04:57
Crosscutting Concepts • Patterns, similarity, and diversity • Cause and effect • Scale, proportion, and quantity • Systems and system models • Energy and matter • Structure and function • Stability and change Fundamental understanding of science Connecting ideas across all domains
Modeling • As a Practice • Develop and use models to describe, explain, predict • As a Crosscutting Concept • Representation of idea / phenomena • Models make thinking visible and explicit Create a model to explain the following: Choice of low gear vs. high gear while riding a 10 speed bicycle up a hill
Disciplinary Core Ideas EssentialQuestions frame the main concepts Progression develops students understanding
PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions Essential Question: How can one explain and predict interactions between objects and within systems of objects? PS2.A: Forces and Motion Essential Question: How can one predict an object’s continued motion, changes in motion, or stability? Progression: Newton’s second law; momentum Newton’s third law; motion det. by sum of forces and mass of object Objects push or pull when connected; friction Objects at rest have 0 net force; if net force ≠ 0 the object will change its motion K-2 3-5 MS HS Appendix E – Progressions Within the NGSS (page 7)
Science and Engineering Practices Content Practices Crosscutting Disciplinary Core Idea CrossCutting Concepts Performance Expectations
Architecture of a Standard Performance Expectations Foundation Boxes Connection Boxes
Performance Expectation • What students should know and be able to do after instruction • Communicates a “big idea” • Assessments for and of learning • Includes • Clarification Statements (more detail and examples of topics) • Assessment Boundaries (what is not expected)
Performance Expectation Code: MS-LS1-6. Grade Level DCI PE Number
Foundation Boxes • Science & Engineering Practices for the performance expectation and connections to Nature of Science • Disciplinary Core Ideas for all students to understand • Crosscutting Concepts and connections to Nature of Science provides a big picture for emphasis
Disciplinary Core Idea Code: LS1-C Component Idea Core Idea Aligns the DCI with the PE
Connection Boxes • Connections to other Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) at the grade level • Articulation of DCIs across grade levels • Connections to Common Core State Standards
Decode the following: MS-PS2-3 ESS1.A HS-PS3-4 4-LS1-2 ETS2.A Decode a PE in your discipline/ grade
CA Framework Assessments Instruction Professional Learning NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Of the National Academies July 2011 2011-2013 2014 -
Resources • Contra Costa County Office of Education www.cocoschools.org/steam • Next Generation Science Standards www.nextgenscience.org/ • CDE updates to the NGSS www.cde.ca.gov/pd/ca/sc/ngssintrod.asp • http://www.cde.ca.gov/pd/ca/sc/ngssstandards.asp • NSTA Common Core Resources www.nsta.org/about/standardsupdate