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CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION (FORS). CZECH NGDO PLATFORM REPORT Advocacy and Policy Dialog in 2005 and 2006 Presented by: Jana Krczmarova, FoRS Board Member INEX – Association for Voluntary Activities (INEX – SDA). Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest.

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  1. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) CZECH NGDO PLATFORM REPORTAdvocacy and Policy Dialog in 2005 and 2006Presented by:Jana Krczmarova, FoRS Board MemberINEX – Association for Voluntary Activities (INEX – SDA) Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  2. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Achievements in 2005 • FoRS as the institutional partner for MFA and Development Centre • commenting strategic papers and legislative proposals • preparing official statements • roundtables on CSPs and designing ODA guidelines • common events (PCM trainings, seminars, etc.) • partners in Regional Partnership Programme (RPP) • FoRS enforced the introduction of new budget lines for NGDOs • Capacities (2 projects in 2005) • Awareness (1 project in 2005) • Education (5 projects in 2005) • Partnership (2 projects in 2005) • NGDO Platforms (since 2006) Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  3. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Achievements in 2005 – II • Special ODA budget line for trilateral projects launched (6 mil. CZK in 2005, 10 mil. CZK in 2006) • partly as CIDA-ODACE support for projects in priority countries • partly for co-financing to EC projects • partly for trilateral cooperation within RPP (1 development project already approved) • and other trilateral projects (GLEN) • NGDOs implemented 26 projects of 133 (21 of them by FoRS members) and the financial share was 91,2 mil. CZK (of 600 mil. CZK), i.e. 15,2 % • Involvement in „Tsunami“ relief and reconstruction Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  4. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Achievements in 2005 – III • Participation in Public Awareness Campaigns and DE • Festival of Development Cooperation (July 2005) • Campaign „Czech Against Poverty“ • National and international trainings on Project Cycle Management for state and non-state actors • Support to and involvement in GLEN • Other projects on DE for variety of education institutions, state officials and journalists • Summer School on Development Cooperation • Study tours to priority countries (Angola, Yemen, Zambia) • Cooperation with other platforms, CONCORD, Trialog, and other donor countries Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  5. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Main Issues for Advocacy and Policy Dialogue in 2006 – National Level • New Czech ODA system focusing on 8 priority countries much more profound, but still remaining very complicated • Total budget for ongoing projects 462,3 mil. CZK (16 mil. EUR) – NGDOs are to carry out 21 projects of 90 (19 of them by FoRS members) with a total share 13,4 %. • Participation in tenders for new projects priority countries (179,5 mil. CZK) • Participation in tenders for new projects in non-priority countries (58,2 mil. CZK). Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  6. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Aims of FoRS in this respect • Supporting capacities of FoRS members by means of PCM trainings and consultancy activities during preparation of project proposals both for national and international funding • Strengthening cooperation of FoRS members in national awareness and education projects and programmes • Negotiations with the Czech ministries (i.e. the ODA actors) about procedures of calls for proposals and all PCM issues and participation in the evaluation of the new system of the ODA • Increasing the budget lines for DE and raising public awareness Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  7. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Main Issues for Advocacy and Policy Dialogue in 2006 – International Level • Continuing efforts for enabling more NGDOs from NMS to take part in the EU funding schemes • More active involvement in CONCORD Working Groups and TRIALOG Programme (a.o. establishment of new FoRS Working group on International Relations) • Development of other funding opportunities and increasing them (Presidency Fund, RPP, a.o.) hand in hand with enhancing active involvement of Czech NGDOs in international Calls for Proposals • Cooperation and sharing experience with other plaforms, and in order to support emerging NGDO platforms from ACs, development of cooperation and joint action at the level of EU Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  8. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Acknowledgements for Support • MFA and DC IIR for partnership and grant programs • CIDA / ODACE for „capacity building“ and trilateral program • TRIALOG and RPP for support of NMS • CONCORD for enhancing influence on EC decisions • and active members and partner organisations Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  9. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Contact FoRS • České fórum pro rozvojovou spolupráci • Czech Forum for Development Co-operation • FoRS, Máchova 7, 120 00 Praha 2, CR • phone/fax: (+420) 222 513 123, 222 513 971 • http://www.fors.cz • Board Contacts Mr. Simon Panek, Chairman of the Board • phone: (+420) 226 200 400, simon.panek@peopleinneed.cz • Mr. Daniel Svoboda, Vice-Chair of the Board • phone: (+420) 724 179 562, svoboda@dww.cz • E-mail: czech.fors@fors.cz Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  10. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Useful Links • Recommended web pages • FoRSwww.fors.cz www.fors.cz/conference • Development Centre of IIR www.rozvojovestredisko.cz • Department of Development Cooperation of the MFAwww.mzv.cz/rozvoj • Information webpage on development www.rozvojovka.cz • Make poverty history Campaign in CZ – Czech Against Povertywww.ceskoprotichudobe.cz Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

  11. CZECH FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION(FORS) Thank you for your attention Jana Krczmarova INEX – Association for Voluntary Activities (INEX – SDA) jana@inexsda.cz www.inexsda.cz Trialog Central Training, March 9 – 10, 2006, Budapest

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