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Presentation to Primary School SEAL Co-ordinators Title (if relevant New Beginnings Presented by Children’s Services SEAL Team. Session Aims. “New Beginnings” the content To identify opportunities and possible challenges in using the material across the school e.g. The classroom
Presentation to Primary School SEAL Co-ordinators Title (if relevant New Beginnings Presented by Children’s Services SEAL Team
Session Aims • “New Beginnings” the content • To identify opportunities and possible challenges in using the material across the school e.g. • The classroom • Assemblies • Around school • Playtime/lunchtime • Wave 2 interventions • Family SEAL • Discuss ideas as to how progress and impact may be measured
THEME 1 New Beginnings September – October
This theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all. The theme explores feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness anxiety and fearfulness whilst learning and practising shared models for calming down and problem solving. Empathy Social skills Motivation Self-awareness New Beginnnings Key aspects
New Beginnings • This theme potentially deals with very sensitive issues when focussing on feelings such as happy, sad and fearful. • Essential to read the guidance on teaching sensitive and controversial issues:– Guidance Appendix 3 page 45. • Link with parents prior to teaching around any sensitive issues.
Assembly - pns_seal132205_story_01_3.ppt
New Beginnings Notice and celebrate children (and adults) who are: • Week 1 Making someone feel welcome • Week 2 Doing something brave – overcoming feelings of fearfulness • Week 3 Solving a problem/remembering to use the problem solving process • Week 4 Calming down/helping someone to calm down (Notice, praise, notes to child, notes home, certificates, peer nominations, etc.) seal_hap_sad_sca_exi.ppt
New Beginnings The theme is structured around the following key strands: • Belonging • Self – awareness • Understanding my feelings • Managing my feelings • Understanding the feelings of others • Social skills • Making choices • Understanding rights and responsibilities..\..\videoclips\sequence03.mpg
Creating a community • Classroom charters • Problem solving • Calming down
Foundation Stage – key vocabulary Feelings happy scared/worried angry/cross comfortable uncomfortable calm down fair belong
Early Foundation Stage Learning Opportunities Circle games and Rounds: • Skills used in circle time • Name songs and activities • Clap your hands • “We are special” game • Pass round the teddy Activities • Before the children start: self registration: magnetic photos: describing game: pairs game: display: welcome cards: exploring the setting: getting to know the routines: sing along: zig-zag book: mime: talk about the day: Ruby at nursery: feelings: Humphrey hedgehog:
Learning outcomes early foundation stage • I know that people in my group/class like me • I like the ways we are all different and I can tell you something special about me • I know I belong to my class/group • I know the people in my class/group • I like belonging to my group/class/school • I know what to do in my classroom/setting • I like the way we are all different and I can tell you something special about me • I can tell if I am happy, sad, excited or scared • I can let you know if I feel happy, excited , sad or scared • I know some ways to calm myself down when I feel scared or upset • I know how to be kind to people who are new or visiting the classroom • I know that everybody in the world can feel the same feelings • I can share in a group • I can take turns in a group • I can join in with other children playing a game
Later Foundation Stage Learning Opportunities Circle games and Rounds: • Introduction to circle time • I Feelings games • Names songs and activities • Circle games for developing group identity and community • Pass round the teddy Activities: Before the children start: getting to know each other: class whole group name: exploring the setting: getting to know the routines: understanding my feelings: “The new boy” sports afternoon: “catch them being good” social skills stories: Humphrey hedgehog: class charter: NewbegsEFS_1Belonging.notebook
Later Foundation Stage Learning Outcomes • I know that people in my class/group like me • I like the ways we are all different and I can tell you something special about me • I can tell if I am happy or sad • I can let you know if I feel happy, excited, sad or scared • I know I belong to my class/group • I know the people in my class/group • I can tell you something special about me • I know what to do in my classroom/setting • I know that it is OK to have any feeling but that it is not OK to behave in any way we like, if it hurts other people • I know some ways to calm down when I feel sacred or upset • I can share in a group • I can take turns in a group • I can join in with other children playing a game • I know how to be kind to people who are new or visiting the classroom • I know that everybody has feelings . (Early earning goals and stepping stones)
Key vocabulary – Year 1 and 2 happy sad scared excited nervous/worried comfortable uncomfortable solve a problem set a goal calm down welcome belong fair
Learning opportunities Years 1 Circle games and rounds: • Circle games • How do you do? • Building community • Hello how are you? • I am special because……… I feel happy at school when…….. I think it is fair when……….. Activities: • Creating a community: classroom charter: so why do we need rules? What if there is a problem? Focus on feelings: calming down: self awareness:
Learning outcomes year 1 • I know that I belong to a community • I can help to make the class a safe and fair place • I can help to make my class a good place to learn • I know some ways to solve a problem • I know some more ways to calm myself down when I feel scared or upset • I can tell you how I am the same as and different from my friends • I feel good about my strengths • I know what I have to do myself to make the classroom and school a safe and fair place for everyone, and that it is not OK for other people to make it unsafe or unfair
Learning opportunities Year 2 Circle Games: the lining up game:Hedgehogs: listening game: Rounds: “I feel happy at school when… The best thing about this class is….. I think the best rule in our class is….. If we didn’t have rules in school it would be……. ” Activities – building a community: exploring feelings: the new child: way to calm down; posters: welcoming others: what if there is a problem? The flag challenge: the dream school:
Learning outcomes year 2 • I know that I belong to a community • I feel safe and content within my class • I can help to make the class a safe and fair place • I can sometimes tell if other people are feeling sad or scared and I know how to make people feel better • I know some more ways to calm myself down when I feel scared or upset • I know how to make someone feel welcome • I know some ways to solve a problem • I feel good about my strengths • I can help to make my class a good place to learn
Resources Years 1 and 2 Photocards – happy, sad, excited, scared. Feelings detective poster: feelings identikit: problem solving poster: ways to calm down: emotional barometer: NewBegsYr1_4CalmingDown.notebook
Key vocabulary – Years 3 and 4 gifts talents rights responsibilities helpful/hopeful thoughts scared frightened excited nervous
Learning opportunities - Year 3 Circle games and rounds; • Circle time ground rules: changing places: mime: • “I like …. and my classmates like….. I like school when….. What I like about this classroom is…” Activities: getting to know each other: gifts and talents: class charter: understanding rules: focus on school rules: Fly-spies: Sami’s new beginning: exploring feelings: calming down: problem solving process: class guidebook: assembly leaves: ongoing activities: ..\..\videoclips\sequence08.mpg
Learning outcomes year 3 • I know something about everyone in my class • I can tell you one thing special about me • I can give and accept a compliment • I know that I am valued at school • I can contribute towards making a class charter • I understand my rights and responsibilities in the school • I understand why we need to have different rules in different places and know what the rules are in school • I know how it feels to do or start something new, and some ways to cope with these feelings • I know how it feels to be happy, sad, scared or excited, and can usually tell if other people are feeling these emotions • I know some ways to solve a problem
Learning opportunities Year 4 Circle Games and rounds : • Circle time ground rules: favourite wheel: “ one of the groups I belong to is…..I found out something good that I didn’t know about……” Activities: • Creating a community story: problem solving: our class charter: understanding rules: new children: poems: joining a new group
Learning outcomes years 4 • I know how to make someone feel welcome and valued at school • I know what it feels like to be unwelcome • I can use the problem solving process to solve a problem • I can contribute towards making a class charter • I understand my rights and responsibilities in the school • I understand why we need to have different rules in different places and know what the rules are in school • I know how to join a group • I can predict how I am going to feel in a new situation or meeting new people • I can mange my feelings, and can usually find a way to calm myself down when necessary • I know that I belong to a community
Resources – Year 3 and 4 Photocards – frightened, scared Feelings detective poster Problem solving poster Emotional barometer Ways to calm down
Key vocabulary – Years 5 + 6 teamwork motivation enthusiasm bravery anticipation respect excitement nervous nervousness worried anxiety anxious petrified terrified frightened
Learning opportunities Year 5 Circle games: ground rules: Starcatcher: A sticky situation: Rounds: “I find it easy to learn when…. Something I really enjoy in school is…..” Activities: creating a community story:class charter:understanding rules: exploring feelings: calming down: welcome and belonging: class guide: new beginnings: Feelings display space: Feelings Wall:
Learning Outcomes year 5 • I know some of the things that help us in school to learn and play well together • I understand my rights and responsibilities in the school • I understand the need for rules in society and why we have the rules we do in school • If I don’t agree with something in school I know ho w to go about trying to change things • I have some strategies to cope with uncomfortable feelings and to calm my self when necessary • I know how others may be feeling when they are in an unfamiliar situation and can help them to feel valued and welcome • I know that I am valued at school • I understand how it feels to do or start something new, and why • I can explain how I go about solving a problem and can give you an example of a problem I have solved
Learning opportunities Year 6 Circle games: ground rules: Feelings games Rounds: People look happy/sad/angry when they……. If I had a magic wand in my hand right now, I would change…….. Activity - building a community story: creating a dream school: Teamwork: problem solving process: the class charter: understanding rules: focus on feelings: managing feelings: calming down: new beginnings: Class scrapbook: feeling wall: posters:
Resources Year 5 and 6 Emotional barometer Feelings detective poster Photocards – excited, worried frightened, afraid, scared. Circle time poster Peaceful problem solving poster
Learning Outcomes year 6 • I work well in a group and can tell you what helps my group to work well together • I understand my rights and responsibilities in school • I know some of the things that help us in school to learn and play well together • I understand the need for rules in society and why we have the rules we do in school • If I don’t agree with something in school I know about how to go about trying to change things • I have some strategies to cope with uncomfortable feelings and to calm myself when necessary • I know how others may be feeling when they are in an unfamiliar situation and can help them to feel valued and welcomed • I understand how it feels to start or do something new, and why
Identify opportunities to embed SEAL across the whole school curriculum Activity In pairs: • Look through the curricular links and exemplar lesson plans in the medium term planning for your year group • Share with the group how you could begin to use the SEAL New Beginnings learning outcomes with your class.
Staffroom activities • Key areas: • Why teach children about the social and emotional aspects of learning, and what are social, emotional and behavioural skills? • How do we promote the development of social, emotional and behavioural skills? • Understanding the resources • Involving parents, carers and other members of the community • Activities: • Setting ground rules • Listening skills • Belonging • The dream school • Being new
Family activities Welcome The day I was born Our family flag My dream home Making a board game New start Fact file What did you do? Board game Our classroom Thank you Our class Making a change A charter Rights and responsibilities