The Japanese Dragons by: Aidan O’Neill
Once there were 2 twin dragons. They were a Japanese kind of dragon. They were identical. One day they went to a place called dragon island. That’s where all the dragons in the world live. Near dragon island there was another island called fun island where all the dragons had fun. The last island was called Chomp island. That’s where the dragons ate all the food they could eat. Another fact about the dragons are they only eat one meal a day.
Then one day someone found them at dragon island. Then all of them went to there secret island called Dragon SECRET island where they could do anything they wanted. Then the guy used his binoculars to see where the dragons were. The dragons were ready to attack from behind. Then the dragons blew fire at him. He was burned up in flames. But then a whole group of them came. I was an epic battle.
There was fire breathing dragons. After the battle the dragons won the battle. And they lived happily ever after.
The twin dragons looked like this Do you see anything different tell anyone you want to try to see if they canfind anything different.