THE «YOUTH IN ACTION» PROGRAMME „Youth in Action” (YIA) is a community Program that supports non-formal learning activities for young people. It is managed by the National Agency from each participant country, being the „successor” of the „Youth” Program. This program is implemented in 2007-2013 and it has a total budget of 885 million Euro.
The Program objectivesare: • to promote active citizenship in general and European citizenship in particular among young people; • to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular to contribute to the social cohesion in the European Union; • to support mutual understanding between young people from different countries; • to improve the quality of support systems for youth activities and youth organizations capacity of civil society; • to promote European cooperation in the youth field.
What is YiA promoting? Program priorities are: • Europeancitizenship • Active participation of young • Culturaldiversity • Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
Operational programs or actions and sub-actions: The objectives and priorities described above are achieved through five operational programs called actions:
ACTION 1 - YOUTH FOREUROPE • Sub-action 1.1 - Youth Exchanges • Sub-action1.2 - YouthInitiatives • Sub-action 1.3 - Youth Democracy Projects ACTION 2 - EUROPEAN VOLUNTARY SERVICE ACTION 3 - YOUTH IN THE WORLD *Sub-action 3.1 - Cooperation with the Neighbouring Countries of the European Union ACTION 4 – YOUTH SUPPORT SYSTEMS *Sub-action 4.3 - Training and networking of those active in youth work and youth organisations ACTION 5 - SUPPORT FOR EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN THE YOUTH FIELD * Sub-action 5.1 - Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy
andWhat is « This Is TheWayWeDance & Live» ?
HISTORY !The idea emerged in aroundSeptember of 2011 firstwithTurkiye, Poland andSpain.Then, Romania, LatviaandEstoniajoined in . Aftertwounluckytrials , theapplicationwasapproved as a result of insistant, ambitiousdemonstrations in front of theTurkishNationalAgency’sdoor;)
Turkiye is theapplicantpromoternamelythecoordinator of thisproject . Poland, Spain,Romania, LatviaandEstoniaarecalled partner promoters.
InconnectionwiththeYouthIn Action priorities , withourprojectwewill be aimingtoencourageouryoungsterstogetinvolve in theactivitiesregarding : EuropeancitizenshipActive participation of youngCulturaldiversityInclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
Wewouldliketocreateconsciousness in youngsters’ mindaboutthe“culturaldegenerations” and“allkinds of unhealthy life styles”bytheway of activitiesrelatedtohealthyliving at thesame time preservingculturalvaluesandestablishingtolerancetotheothercultures of Europe.
Wewill be focusing on ‘TraditionalDances’ as a tooltoachieveourgoalsandwehavealreadygotthefirstpart of it tillnowbymakingthemcreatefilmstoteach a traditionaldancetothepaircountry.
Wewouldespeciallyliketoinvolveyoungpeoplewithfewersocio-economicopportunitiesin thisexchangeprojecttogivethem a chancetohave, maybe, a uniqueexperience in theirlives!
andthesearesome of theactivitiesweareplanningtorealiseduringtheexchange:Paintball,- Seminar on ‘How tolive a healthy life’, - Daily physicalexercises,- Making an interviewwithunistudents,- Sports competitionsmulticultural,- Practising folk dances,- City game,- Discoveringthetraditionalvalues,- TouristicExcursions,- CulturalNights,- Final Mini DanceFeasttogetherwithallparticipants.- Havingfun!