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Explore the scientific study of human and animal behavior through psychology, counseling, and psychiatry. Learn how professionals deal with depression and the various schools of psychology used to understand behavior. Discover the role of neurobiology, behaviorism, humanism, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, and sociocultural influences in the understanding of depression.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Psychology The scientific study of human and animal behavior.

  2. Counseling Psychologist : Deal mostly with people who do not have formal classifications of mental disturbance. Ed.D. Or Ph.D. Psychiatrist: Medical Doctors spend 4 years as graduate students learning about physical medical problems + 1 to 3 years hospital residency. Prescribe Medicine Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist

  3. Present Day • How would you deal with the issue of Depression? • 6 Schools of psychology that are used to describe behavior.

  4. NEUROBIOLOGY • NEURO = NERVE CELLS • BIOLOGY = PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, BODY • Focus is on the changes in the brain’s chemistry. • EX. Is depression a disease? • What role does heredity play?

  5. Behaviorist • We are the product of learning and associations, reinforcers and punishers. • Pavlov, Watson, Skinner • Is depression learned? • If so can it be unlearned?

  6. Humanism • Behavior viewed as a reflection of internal growth. Humans are basically good and we can all reach perfection. • Maslow, Rogers • Ex. Seed to tree • Are people depressed because they don’t feel a sense of worth?

  7. Psychoanalysis • Behavior viewed as a reflection of unconscious aggressive and sexual impulses. • Freud • Is depression an indication of some deeper problem or conflict raging in the unconscious?

  8. Cognitive • Behavior viewed as a product of various internal sentences or thoughts. • (S.N.L. Stewart Smally) • What thoughts lead up to episodes of depression?

  9. Sociocultural • Behavior viewed as strongly influenced by the rules and expectations of specific social groups or cultures. • Ex. City vs. Country • How does depression differ from one culture to another?

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