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American Imperialism: The Quest for Power and Influence in the Late 19th Century

Explore America's journey into imperialism at the end of the 19th century, from economic expansion to military conquests, missionary interests to the Spanish-American War. Discover the factors that drove America to join the imperialist club and the impact of overseas investments on shaping U.S. foreign policy. Dive into the role of influential figures like Admiral Alfred T. Mahan and the social Darwinist notions that justified expansion. Uncover the complexities of American foreign trade and the strategic interests that led to the acquisition of territories. Witness how the quest for power reshaped the political landscape and propelled America towards becoming a Pacific power.

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American Imperialism: The Quest for Power and Influence in the Late 19th Century

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Imperialism The policy of conquering other countries to build an empire.

  2. What Is Uncle Sam Doing?

  3. Why did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19th century?

  4. Overseas Investments Large U. S. Foreign Investments between 1869-1908

  5. 1. Foreign Trade: Need for Markets and Materials American Foreign Trade:1870-1914

  6. America needs a large navy to be economically competitive and become a Super Power Fueling stations in the Pacific are needed 2. Admiral Alfred T. Mahan

  7. 2. Military/Strategic Interests America gains territories by annexation, treaty and war!

  8. Social Darwinist Thinking “survival of the fittest” The White Man’sBurden The Hierarchyof Race

  9. 4. Missionary Interests “Civilizing Mission” American Missionariesin China, 1905

  10. 5. Closing the American Frontier

  11. Uncle Sam: One of the “Boys?”

  12. Hawaii: "Crossroads of the Pacific"

  13. Hawaii: Sugar Growing Importing sugar plantation workers made Hawaiians a minority in Hawaii-U.S. ties

  14. Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani Hawaii for the Hawaiians!

  15. U. S. View of Hawaiians

  16. U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii 1893 – overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by white business groups Why? To protect $25 million dollars in Sugar and Pineapple Plantation investments Sanford Ballard Doleproclaims the Republic of Hawaii in 1894. 1898-U.S. territory 1959-50th state

  17. To The Victor Belongs the Spoils Hawaiian Annexation Ceremony, 1898

  18. America as a Pacific Power

  19. Alaska

  20. “Seward’s Folly”: 1867 Purchase Price - $7.2 million

  21. “Seward’s Icebox”: 1867

  22. Reasons the US Goes to War with Spain

  23. 1. The Imperialist Tailor

  24. Popular Support for Expansion Theodore Roosevelt Imperialist and American nationalist. Criticized PresidentMcKinley as having the backbone of a chocolate éclair!

  25. 2. Spanish Misrule in Cuba • Cubans desire freedom from Spanish Rule! • Spain does not want to give up Cuba! • First War for Independence • Second War for Independence led by Jose Marti- a poet and journalist who led Cuban resistance against Spain • Cuban rebel strategy included destroying American property! • Why? They hoped the United States would intervene

  26. Second War for Independence • American public opinion split over Cuba’s second war for Independence! • Spain sends in the “Butcher Weyler” when the island is out of control!

  27. Valeriano Weyler’s “Reconcentration” Policy Weyler forced hundreds of thousands of Cubans into a guarded camp. Why? Desperate attempt to prevent civilians from aiding the rebels.

  28. The Cuban Holocaust Over two years, disease and starvation killed 200,000 Cubans.

  29. 3. “Yellow Journalism” & Jingoism Joseph Pulitzer Hearst to Frederick Remington: “You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war!” Newspaper tycoons attempted to promote American involvement in the war. William Randolph Hearst

  30. Yellow Journalism: the use of cheaply sensational or unscrupulous methods in newspapers, etc., to attract or influence readers. Leaders: William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer Jingoism: A feeling of strong national pride and a desire for an aggressive foreign policy.

  31. 4. De Lôme Letter Dupuy de Lôme, SpanishAmbassador to the U.S. Criticized PresidentMcKinley as weak and abidder for the admirationof the crowd, besidesbeing a would-be politicianwho tries to leave a dooropen behind himself whilekeeping on good termswith the jingoes of hisparty.

  32. 5. Remember the Maineand to Hell with Spain! Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

  33. The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Cuba • Feb. 15, 1898- An explosion sank the Maine, killing more than 250 American sailors. • The exact cause of the explosion has never been determined. • American public put the blame on Spain.

  34. McKinley’s War Message: He sent a list of demands to Spain • 1. Compensation for the Maine • 2. End to the reconcentration camps • 3. Truce in Cuba • 4. Cuban independence • Result: Spain accepted all but the last. • April 11-McKinley sent a war message to Congress!

  35. Spanish American War

  36. The Spanish-American War in Cuba 1898 -“That Splendid Little War”

  37. Dewey Captures Manila! The war’s first action took in the Philippines- Admiral Dewey launched a surprise attack on Spanish ships anchored in Manila Bay, destroying entire Spain’s Pacific fleet in seven hours.

  38. Emilio Aguinaldo Leader of the FilipinoUprising Claimed Admiral Dewey had pledge Philippine independence in exchange for help against Spain Becomes Philippines first president

  39. The Spanish-American War (1898):“That Splendid Little War”

  40. Theodore Roosevelt and The “Rough Riders” – Group of volunteers that included cowboys, miners, policemen and college athletes On July 1. 1898, Roosevelt led the Rough Riders in a charge up San Juan Hills. This charge became the most famous incident of the war.

  41. The Treaty of Paris: 1898 Cuba was freed from Spanish rule. Spain gave up Puerto Rico and the island ofGuam. (commonwealth: not meant for statehood) The U. S. paid Spain$20 million for thePhilippines. The U. S. becomesan imperial power!

  42. The Cares of a Growing Family

  43. Mission Accomplished!

  44. The American Anti-Imperialist League Founded in 1899. Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, and WilliamJennings Bryan amongthe leaders. Campaigned against the annexation of thePhilippines and otheracts of imperialism. Most Americans support imperialistic actions and policies

  45. The Philippine Declaration of Independence occurred on June 12, 1898, when Filipino revolutionary forces under Emilio Aguinaldo The declaration was not recognized by the United States. Feelings of betrayal will led to war between the US and the Philippine nationalists Betrayal!

  46. The Philippine-American “Insurrection” ensued between 1899 and 1902. (bloody and violent) 5,000 Americans die; 20,000 Filipinos die Finally on July 4, 1946 Philippine independence comes to that country!

  47. Cuban Independence? Cuba Becomes a Protectorate Platt Amendment (1903) • Cuba was not to enter into any agreements with foreign powers that would endanger its independence. • The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary to maintain an efficient, independent govt. • Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. for naval and coaling station. • Cuba must not build up an excessive public debt. • Betrayal! Betrayal! Betrayal! Senator Orville Platt

  48. 1898-1917 Foreign Policy: Mckinley, Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson

  49. China

  50. The Boxer Rebellion: 1900 The Peaceful Harmonious Fists. “55 Days at Peking”

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