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PLAN 2010-2012 P lan for P romotion of I ndustrial P roperty in Spain, 2010-2012

This plan outlines the promotion and analysis of industrial property (IP) in Spain, focusing on trends, objectives, and strategies. It highlights the importance of IP in the global economic context and provides insights into the behavior of patent applications in Spain.

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PLAN 2010-2012 P lan for P romotion of I ndustrial P roperty in Spain, 2010-2012

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  1. PLAN 2010-2012 Plan for Promotion of Industrial Property in Spain, 2010-2012 March 2010

  2. CONTENTS IP in the world economic context IP trends Analysis of Industrial Property (IP) in Spain Our Goal Our objectives Strategies and measures

  3. 1.1. IP IN THE WORLD ECONOMIC CONTEXT • Five of the largest economies, accounting for 44.1% of worldwide GDP, hold 75% of worldwide patents (the Japanese "IP Nation", the United States, Korea, Germany and China). 15 percent of worldwide patents are from the EU (2008 data). • Spain ranks fifth in the EU as regards GDP (8.7%) and its contribution to European R&D+I (5.5%), but ranks 11th as regards European patent applications (2.03%) • Regarding trademarks, one fifth of worldwide trademarks belong to Japan and the United States, followed by France and Germany. Spain is in fifth place in Community Trademarks.

  4. 1.2. IP IN THE WORLD ECONOMIC CONTEXT • There is an upward trend in generation of patents (+3.5% in 2008) and their internationalization (+3.5% as regards international PCT patents in 2008), although in the most recent year (2009) there was less growth or a decrease (-4.5% as regards PCT). • The sectors with most growth in number of patent applications have been the information and communication technologies (ICTs), electronic devices and energy • The number of green patent applications of residents grew from 2000 to 2008 by +110%, much higher than overall patent applications in all technical fields (+20%) (estimated data). Number of patent applications by field of technology between 2002 and 2008 (projections). 4

  5. 2. IP trends • POLITICAL: Growing demand for technology transfer (health and environment) that will require consensus ensuring access of the majority of the population to the new goods and technologies.Creation of international IP agencies. • ORGANIZATIONAL: Greater pressure on the agencies responsible for managing IP Rights by reason of social and economic needs. • ECONOMIC: Growing influence of emerging economies: The total number of patents of the BRIC countries went from 6.7% in 2004 to 14% in 2008 • FINANCIAL: IP facilitates access to financing, particularly risk capital and seed capital. • SOCIOLOGICAL: More open working environments, more knowledge-intensive. Greater pressure on industries such as the pharmaceutical industry by reason of aging population • ENVIRONMENTAL: Demand for new technologies to fight climate change. THERE WILL BE GROWTH IN THE ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC VALUE, AND THEREFORE IN THE PRESSURE ON IP RIGHTS BY REASON OF GLOBALIZATION AND INCREASED COMPETITION

  6. 3.1. Analysis of IP in Spain THE BEHAVIOR OF PATENT APPLICATIONS OVER THE MOST RECENT FIVE YEARS HAS BEEN VERY POSITIVE, BUT... Source: SPTO • By territory, leadership is in Navarra, Aragón, Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country, with Castilla-La Mancha, the Canary Islands and Extremadura lagging behind (no. of patents per million inhabitants) • By sector, the industrial sector contributes 15% of GDP and generates more than 70% of patents • Spanish IP regulations are fully integrated and harmonized in the sector and international environment • The SPTO is an international search authority for patents 6

  7. 3.2. Analysis of IP in Spain • THE INCREASED EFFORTS IN INVESTMENT IN R&D+I IN SPAIN HAVE NOT BEEN REFLECTED TO THE SAME EXTENT BY A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF PATENTS • The absence of large Spanish multinationals may mean that the business contribution to the R&D+i and patent figures is of less influence than in other countries • SMEs consider patents to be a complex matter, difficult to understand. • It is necessary to search patent information before making public or private investments in R&D 7

  8. 3.3. Analysis of IP in Spain • In general, there is a correlation of the sectors that invest most in R&D+i to those that obtain most patents. • There are sectors (traditional industry, manufacturing) with strong patent positions despite the fact that they invest less in innovation. Sometimes they use IP as a defensive mechanism 8

  9. 3.4. Analysis of IP in Spain • Some of the sectors that are most important to Spanish GDP (Trade and the Hotel and Catering Business, Construction and Health Activities) have few Spanish patents 9

  10. 3.5. Analysis of IP in Spain • The OECD ranks Spain as the sixth largest worldwide generator of renewable energy patents and the EU as the leading worldwide region as regards green patents (OECD, 2009 Report). • The most important "green patents" in Spain (2007 and 2008 data): • Solar energy (more than 50% of all green patents and models) • Wind energy (21%). • By autonomous community, Catalonia (22%) and Madrid (22%) have the most applications. Regarding generation of wind innovation, there are four leading autonomous communities: Madrid (19.8%), the Basque Country (15.5%), Catalonia (15.5%) and Navarra (14.4%) • Only some of the companies in the sector are pursuing emphatic policies for protection of their innovations 1010

  11. Why the Plan ? a) Definitively incorporate Industrial Property into the Spanish economy b) Consolidate the transition of the Spanish IP system into the 21st century, by pursuing:excellent management, flexibility and competitiveness. c) Support the Spanish productive system, particularly SMEs, by reducing costs and terms, reducing bureaucracy in management and supporting internationalisation of BUSINESSES. 1111

  12. 4. Our Goal 2010-2012 IP PLAN Establishing industrial property as a factor for differentiation, specialisation and greater return on the Spanish productive system in the long term

  13. 5. Plan Objectives: in 2012... Objective1 Stimulus of IP • Spain must be among the 10 leading countries in the EU with the most domestic patents and utility models by R&D expenditure • The average of trademark applications in Spain will go from 1100 to 1225, and the average of patent applications will go from 84 to 90, per million inhabitants. • More than 100,000 companies will have participated in Plan actions Objective 2 Internationalisation • More than 5000 companies will have applied for internationalisation aid • Spain must be among the 10 leading countries in the EU in European patents and among the 15 leading countries in the world in PCT. • 9 international agreements will have been signed with national patent offices of other countries

  14. 5. Plan Objectives: in 2012... Objective 3 Protection and security • More than 550 annual information services will be offered. • Awareness actions will be undertaken in more than 50 municipalities having more than 100,000 inhabitants. • There will be more than 2200 monthly hits on the antipiracy webpage. Objective 4 Green IP • More than 5000 users will have subscribed to the bulletin • The new system will allow 20% of patents applied for in the green IP sector to use the accelerated procedure. • Spain will be among the leading 5 countries in the EU in the number of European and PCT applications in this sector.

  15. 5. Plan Objectives: in 2012... Objective 5 Excellence in Management • The number of users of online tools • developed by the SPTO will be more than 50,000. • 15% of patents, 80% of trademarks (direct) and • 80% of designs (direct) will be granted in less than • 12 months, 5 months and 72 hours. • There will be more than 15,000 users subscribed to the SPTO 2.0 network

  16. 6. Strategies

  17. Strategy 1: Stimulus of IP (€18.4 million) Reduction of public fees and prices: €8.2 million • 18% reduction of fees over three yearsandreduction of public prices of all IP titles (€8.2 million). New open services. Aid to SMEs: €6.6 million • Implementation of a line of aid and subsidies to SMEs and individuals (€3.6 million) • Aid to IP Management: Promotion of the Virtual Center for SMEs (DGPYME and EOI), Regional Centers with the autonomous communities, new SME tools • Training activities: Creation of the online and on-site "IP Classroom" IP dissemination: €3.6 million • Promotion and daily internal and online publication of the Intellectual Property Official Gazette • Sectorial conferences and guides (Renewables, Foodstuffs, Footwear) • Cooperation agreements with technology-intensive businesses

  18. Strategy 2: Internationalization (€15.7 million) Aid to internationalization of Spanish patents: €14.5 million • Aid programme to support internationalization of IP (payment of fees and for translations) • Measures to reduce fees in the International Patent System (-85%) • Online advice through the Virtual Center for international extension. Support of Spanish as a language of technology: €1.2 million • Strengthening the role of the SPTO as an International Search Authority, increasing the number of international applications • Promotion of Spanish as an official language in all treaties managed by WIPO • Computerized translator from Chinese/Korean/English to Spanish International cooperation for support of Spanish IP • Promotion of greater cooperation with other national offices by signing bilateral agreements to implement flexible mechanisms for obtaining patents abroad (e.g., the Patent Prosecution Highway) • Promotion of cooperation projects with the OHIM for dissemination and standardization of tools. • Creation of a network of legal experts in the Industrial Property Offices of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean

  19. Strategy 3: Protection and security (€600,000) Awareness regarding the fight against piracy €400,000 • “Soy Original” ("I'm an Original") awareness campaign in municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. • Informational webpage, www.oepm-antipirateria.es Institutional aid for effective protection of IP rights €100,000 • 24-hour speedy information services for judges, the police and users. • Creation of a case law database for the Spanish and Community courts in IP matters. • Cooperation in the improvement of training of judges, prosecutors, the police and customs authorities in all matters related to IP. • Development of speedy information services for judges, the police and users Improvement of the statistical information system €100,00 • Promotion of a common statistical methodology for infringement of IP rights in the European Community. 1919

  20. Strategy 4: Green IP (€1.7 million) Promotion of IP in sectors related to alternative energies and environmental protection. • Promotion of the procedure for accelerated grant of patents (concesión acelerada de patentes, or "CAP")for patent applications related to clean technologies. • Line of aid to green technology inventions. Transfer of green technologies. • Design of a forum for technology offer and demand (Marketplace) for the transfer of clean technologies • Preparation of a technology monitoring bulletin regarding green technologies (the first related to electric cars) Reporting and dissemination of patented innovation in green technologies. • Creation of a "Leading Companies Forum" of the leading companies in management of Industrial Property in businesses related to renewable energies • Creation of an annual "Green Patent" prize based on its contribution to reduction of greenhouse gases

  21. Strategy 5: Excellence in management (€5 million) Online patents and trademarks €4 million • Electronic processing of 100% of SPTO procedures. • Stimulating B2G (Business to Government) services by creating a register of users to facilitate online access to their own files. • Auto-completion of applications in order for the Authority not to collect the data Simplification of proceedings and quality improvements €0.4 million • Amendment of the regulatory framework to facilitate access to IP by SMEs and universities. (E.g.: Elimination of the requirement of including the patent claims in the first filing). • Reduction of terms for direct concession of distinctive signs (15%) patents (3.8%), utility models (7%) and resolution of appeals (14%). • Rapid grant of IP titles: industrial designs in 72 hours, trademarks in 5 months. Patents in 12 months (voluntary accelerated concession programme). • Incorporation of the Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 standard and extension of the system to the key areas within the SPTO. SPTO 2.0 €0.6 million • Creation of IP Interaction Forum SPTO 2.0 with IP system users.

  22. PLAN 2010-2012 Plan for Promotion of Industrial Property in Spain, 2010-2012 March 2010

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