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Small Animal Care Industry: Benefits, Impact & Opportunities

Discover the economic benefits, societal advantages, and career opportunities within the small animal care industry. Learn about pet ownership stats, health care impact, and various job roles working with small animals. Explore terminology used in the field.

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Small Animal Care Industry: Benefits, Impact & Opportunities

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  1. The Small Animal Care Industry Ms. Robinson

  2. Benefits Small Animals Provide to Society • Economic benefit from thousands of jobs and about $32 billion dollars input into the national economy. • Small animals serve as companions and pets to almost 60% of all American families. • Children learn responsibility and social skills • Elderly people benefit from quality of life.

  3. Benefits cont. • Valuable means of testing and developing new products such as drugs and vaccines • Small animals are used in pet therapy to help patients overcome illness • Dogs are useful as watch dogs, police dogs, and seeing eye dogs.

  4. Benefits cont. • Rabbits are useful as an excellent source of meat that is low in cholesterol, sodium, and fat while being a highly palatable food source. • Some are used to provide products such as fur/wool for coats, hats, gloves and other things as well

  5. Benefits cont. • Animals provide entertainment in zoos, circus acts, etc. and increases an appreciation for animals.

  6. Economic Impact of Small Animal Industry • 10,500-11,000 retail pet stores produce $21 billion in sales. • Biomedical research supported by $15 billion in taxes and charity used 65-100 million small animals. • 6 million small animals were used in educational facilities.

  7. Economic Impact cont. • Americans spend $20.3 billion per year on pets. • Pet food manufacturers produce $9 billion in sales • Veterinary expenses exceed $11 billion annually. • Dogs require 2x as much vet care as cats

  8. Pet Ownership • There are 7 million more cats than dogs (each cat owner averages owning 2 cats) • Dogs are found in more households than cats • Fish, birds, and rabbits rank 3rd, 4th,and 5th as far as pet ownership.

  9. Careers/Jobs Working with Small Animals • The pet industry is just one small area of small animals care and management, other jobs include small animal care in the lab, zoo, training, and biological sciences. • Jobs to supply food, equipment, and healthcare to small animals. • Research in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. • Exhibitors

  10. Jobs Working With Small Animals • Pet Care Workers- many types provide many services to small animal workers. Kennels, animal hospitals and shelters, pet stores… • Kennel attendants- feed and care for animals and keep kennels clean. • Animal groomers- bathe pets and keep them looking pretty.

  11. Jobs/Careers Cont. • Small Animal Breeders- raise and market fur-bearing animals, animals for sale. Usually specialize in one breed. • Pet Shop Owners- care for small animals they offer for sale • Pet Shop Manager- run the daily pet store operations

  12. Jobs/Careers Cont. • Veterinarians- Doctors of veterinary medicine, treat and control animal injuries and diseases. They also vaccinate animals against disease, and inspect animals and meat products used for food. • They also perform surgery, set broken bones, establish diet and exercise routines and prescribe medicines. • 1/3 of vets in US treat only small animals.

  13. Jobs/Careers Cont. • Dealers- people who sell lab animals for research and teaching. • Vet Technicians- assist vet and other members of the vet staff

  14. Introduction to Terminology

  15. Prefix • Prefix-word part at the beginning of the word indicating number, location, time or status. • Examples: • A-an: without, lack of something(anemia-without blood) • Anti: against, opposing(antiseptic-against infection) • Pre: before(preoperative-before operation)

  16. Root Words • Word part that gives the fundamental meaning of the word. • Examples: • Cardi: Heart (cardiology-study of the heart) • Gastr: Stomach (gastronomy- surgical opening of the stomach) • Phleb, ven: vein (phlebotomist- person who obtains blood from veins)

  17. Suffixes • Word part at the end of the word indicating procedure, condition, disease, or disorder. • Examples: • algia: pain (arthralgia-painful joints) • centesis: surgical puncture to remove fluid (cystocentesis-removing fluid from the bladder) • itis: inflammation (bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchial tubes) • rrhea: flow or discharge (diarrhea- watery flow or discharge)

  18. Positional Terminology Ventral: underside of the body

  19. Positional Terminology • Cranial: Head

  20. Positional Terminology • Anterior: front of the body

  21. Positional Terminology • Dorsal: back Dorsal

  22. Positional Terminology • Caudal: tail Caudal

  23. Positional Terminology • Dorsal (frontal) plane: plane that divides the body into dorsal (back and ventral (belly) parts.

  24. Positional Terminology • Transverse (horizontal or cross-sectional) Plane: plane that divides the body into cranial and caudal parts.

  25. General Terminology

  26. General Terminology • Antisepsis: the process of applying a preparation to the surface of living tissue to prevent infections and inhibit growth of microorganisms. • Biopsy: removal of a tissue sample for microscopic diagnosis and examination.

  27. Terminology cont. • Catheterization: the insertion of a sterile plastic tube into the urethra to remove urine. • Contact transmission: method of disease transmission that includes direct contact, indirect contact and droplet contact.

  28. Terminology cont. • Endogenous: the source of microorganisms necessary to cause infection originate from within the body of an animal. • Exogenous: the source of microorganism necessary to cause infection is environmental

  29. Terminology cont. • Incubation: period of time between the animal contact with an infection and the appearance of disease symptoms. • While the incubation period for rabies may vary from a few days to several years, it usually lasts one to three months • Infectious Disease: diseases capable of being spread from one animal to another.

  30. Terminology cont. • Pocket Pets: a term used to describe small pets once only thought of as lab animals, such as gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice and rats. • Preventative health care programs: programs designed by vets to help prevent disease and health problems in individual animals or herds of animals. Preventative Health Care Programs

  31. Terminology cont. • Quarantine: the isolation of an animal or animals suspected to have been exposed to an infectious disease for the infection duration incubation period. • Spaying: the removal of female reproductive organs. • Zoonoses: diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

  32. Animal Rights Movement • Not the same as Animal Welfare • Should not be used as if it means the same as animal welfare • Media may wrongly use the two terms interchangeably

  33. Animal Rights Movement • Modern Animal Rights Movement: • Over 400 animal rights groups exist today • Came into prominence in the 1960s and 1970s • Initially mainly made up of urban people, many of whom were vegetarians

  34. Animal Rights Movement • Beliefs of most Animal Rights Movement groups: • Humanizing animals to have the same rights as humans (humans are also animals). • To use animals for human purposes is morally and ethically wrong and reflects a bias that humans are superior to animals.

  35. Animal Rights Movement • Beliefs Continued: • Animals should never be used for food, clothing, medical research, and/or product testing. • Animals should not be used for entertainment • Believe in using ecoterrorism to prevent people from using animals if necessary

  36. Animal Rights Movement • Major Animal Rights Group is PETA • People for Ethical Treatment of Animals • Largest animal rights group in the world with over 800,000 members. • Since 1980, it has been dedicated to establishing and protecting rights of animals. They are against: • Eating • Wearing • Experimenting • Using for entertainment

  37. Animal Welfare Movement • Rooted in any of several schools of thought • History of animal domestication dating back to the Chinese and Egyptians • Early United States used animals for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and horsepower to perform tasks • Creation view that God gave man dominion over animals which includes use and care • Various religions that use animal sacrifice and include great detail as to how to humanely slaughter the animal

  38. Animal Welfare Movement • Animal Welfare Laws: laws protecting animals were present before the animal rights movement

  39. Animal Welfare Movement • Animal Welfare beliefs include: • Animals should be treated humanely regardless of how they are used. • Animals should receive proper housing and nutrition • Animals should receive proper care for disease prevention and treatment for injuries. • Euthanasia or slaughter should be done in a humane way.

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