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A PhD in Architecture: what , how and why ?

Discover the ins and outs of pursuing a PhD in Architecture, the research process, career perspectives, and how to start your own PhD journey. Learn about the requirements, opportunities, and benefits of earning a doctorate in Architecture.

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A PhD in Architecture: what , how and why ?

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  1. A PhD in Architecture: what, howandwhy? Sven Sterken Head DoctoralProgramme Facultyof ArchitectureArenberg Doctoral School

  2. What is a PhD/doctorate?

  3. What is a PhD/doctorate? A third-cycle education • Specific training for researchers (‘doctoraatsopleiding’) • Consists of (limited number of) courses, output requirements, milestones to be met, … • Organisedand followed up by the of Arenberg Doctoral School togetherwiththeFaculty of Architecture

  4. What is a PhD/doctorate? A research process • Generally focused on one specific topic in the field of (interior) architecture, planning or the arts • Results in het public defense of a doctoral thesis (book, collection of installations, art works, performances, …) • Both process and product comply to the highest academic and artistic standards in terms of method, rigor, interpretation, … • Set up and guided by a supervisor (‘promotor’) and co-supervisor(s)

  5. Typicaltrajectory of a Doctorate

  6. Whywould I pursue a PhD?

  7. Whywould I pursue a PhD? Intrinsic: motivation, drive, curiosity, … • “I am really fascinated by my study domain and I like going beyond the obvious” • “I want toaddress major societalchallengesandcontributetodeveloping new knowledgetothis end.” • “I like to work both independently and receive credit for my work… • …and be part of a larger collaborative led by experts in the field” • “I like totalk, writeand present myfindingsthrough(international) conferences, articles, exhibitions, …” • “I want todevelopmygeneral skills andbecome a knowledgemanager” • “I am smart and I knowit” • “I amnotgoodatpractice”

  8. Whywould I pursue a PhD? Careerperspectives: all sectors relatedtoinnovation, knowledge, culture, industry, education, … • Academia: only 10% of PhD’s stay at university • Public sector: Agentschap Erfgoed, Ruimte Vlaanderen, WTCB, Vlaams Architectuur Instituut, … • Industry: large architecturalfirms, building companies, private laboratories, … • A PhD degree shows thatyoupossessessential skills such as independent reasoning, intellectualcreativity, rigourandpersistence, … • The doctoralprogrammehelpsyoutopreparefor a careeroutsideacademia

  9. Where/howto start with a PhD?

  10. Where/howto start with a PhD? Minimum requirements: • Graduated in architecture (or similar) with (minimum) distinction (cum laude) • Proven ability in / interest for research andinnovation • Additionaldegree or study/workexperienceabroad= asset • Strong motivationand commitment

  11. Where/howto start with a PhD? Twoscenarios: 1) Youwant tosubmit a proposal of yourown • Defineyour research interest(s) • Talk topotential supervisors of theFaculty of Architecture. Ifpositive, draw up a proposaltogether • Look forfunding (FWO, Fullbright, EU, etc.) • Funding is obtained • Applyforadmissiontothedoctoral school • Afteradmissionyoucanbeengaged as a researcher andyoucan register fortheprogramme

  12. Where/howto start with a PhD? 2) Youreactto a call/job opportunity • Oneof the Professors of theFaculty has obtainedfundingto start a research project andseekstohireone or more researchers • Follow applicationguidelines (cf. jobsite KU Leuven) • Ifsuccesful: submittheproposaltotheFacultyDoctoralCommitteeforadmission

  13. http://arch.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/phdprojects

  14. http://arch.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/phdprojects

  15. http://arch.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/phdprojects

  16. http://arch.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/phdprojects

  17. Interested? Contact us at phd.architecture@kuleuven.beand we willprovideyouwith a list of possible supervisors. More information: • General information on doing a PhD at KU Leuven, Arenberg Doctoral School: http://set.kuleuven.be/phd • Doctoralprogramme in Architecture: https://arch.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/doctoral-programme • Ongoing PhD projects at theFaculty of Architecture:https://arch.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/phdprojects/Phdprojects • Research at theDepartment of Architecture: www.architecture.kuleuven.be

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