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Learn about the rules and regulations of the middle school physical education program that will help you have a successful year. Find out about uniforms, excuse policies, emergency procedures, curriculum, grading, and more. Join us for a great year of physical activity and learning!

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  1. ESSENTIAL QUESTION??? • What are the rules and regulations of physical education that will help me to have a successful year? Michael Phelps 28 Olympic career medals

  2. MIDDLE SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION • PROGRAM GOALS • To apply the foundations of motor skills and knowledge in a variety of team and individual physical activities • To encourage students to value and adopt a lifetime of physical activity Kyle Snyder wrestling Gold

  3. Phys Ed Intro Video • https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-vUWQFwoHgqYUtKVUozTTYzQTg

  4. Uniforms • Uniforms are required to be worn on all days when the class times are normal. Exceptions may include early dismissals and snow delays. • Uniforms will be sold later this week. Prices are $10 for shirts, $15 for shorts, and $10 for gym bags. • You may provide your own uniform as long as the shirt is solid red and the shorts are solid black.

  5. TEMPORARY EXCUSE FROM PARTICIPATION • Students must present a note from a parent for each day of the an illness or injury. • A maximum of 3 excuses are permissible per marking period. • Frequent excuses exceeding 3 per marking period require… 1) parent/teacher conference if sporadic in nature to determine a plan of action to promote student success. 2) a physician’s certificate that states the nature of the illness or injury when the excused period last longer than 3 continuous day. • Students still must dress for class if they are capable of participating in less vigorous activity.

  6. EMERGENCIES – Where we go. What we do. Fire: Evacuate Main Gym – Out the lobby doors to the front field Back Gym – Out the back door to the playground field Line up in a straight line in squad line order Lock Down: Locker Rooms – Get out of sight Be silent Don’t open the doors Tornado: Front and Back Locker Rooms - Kneel and face the benches, Assume a protective position Earthquake: Evacuate to outside fields

  7. CURRICULUM Kaite Zaferes Olympic Triathalon

  8. GRADING • Grades are a measure of student achievement in mastering content standards, course outcomes and objectives. Student grades should be: • Consistent (determined in similar ways) • Accurate (reflect learning) • Meaningful (aligned with curriculum) Helen Maroulis Wrestling Gold

  9. DEMONSTRATES PERSONAL & SOCIAL REAPONSIBILITY: 40% INHALER USERS Preload 15 min. before class. Failure to do so on a frequent basis will result in a loss of participation points if you have to wait to engage in activities that have begun. (Standards 5, 6) • Students will come to class prepared to learn and participate. • Students will demonstrates regard for safety and appropriate use of equipment. • Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior. • Students will demonstrate on-task behavior. 6 Points/day 1 point - Prepared for class  1 point – Participates safely  1 point – Personal and social behavior 3 point - Participates actively throughout the class period. Rubric: 3 point = optimal participation w/ no verbal reminders 2 point = acceptable participation w/ 1 verbal reminder 1 point = minimal participation w/ 1 or more verbal reminders 0 points = refuses to participate or removed from class

  10. DEMONSTATES APPROPRIATE SKILL & : 40 % (Standards 1, 2, 3, 5) Students will demonstrate competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns by creating original skill combinations, combining skills effectively in skill themes, and applying skills in game and activity situations.

  11. KNOWLEDGE: 20% (Standards 2, 4) Students will demonstrate knowledge of physical education concepts, principles, strategies and tactics through a variety of written and performance formative and summative assessments. Katie Ledecky Swimming 4 Gold medals

  12. HOMEWORK 1 of 2 Return the signed copy of the Orientation letter by the end of the 1st week of school. Due date: Sept. 6 Worth 5 pts 1 point will be deducted for each additional day turned in late. Matthew Centrowitz 1500 m Gold

  13. HOMEWORK 2 of 2 Visit our BRAND NEW NCM Phys Ed Website for info, links, and handouts throughout the year… ncmphysed.weebly.com Please notify your P.E. teacher if you don’t have computer access at home to obtain paperwork.

  14. Yippe! Lets have a great year.

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