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Defining Government

Explore the definition of government and democracy, theories of government, policymaking processes, and the challenges faced by democracy. Learn about pluralist theory, elite and class theory, and hyperpluralism theory.

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Defining Government

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  1. Defining Government Theories of Government & Democracy

  2. Government • Definition: • The institutions and processes through which public policies are made for society. • This definition leads to two basic questions: • How should we govern? • What should government do?

  3. Politics • Definition: • The process by which we select our governmental leaders and what policies these leaders produce. Politics produces authoritative decisions about public issues. • Has a “distributive aspect” – Easton • Lasswell – Politics: Who Gets What, When and How

  4. The Policymaking System • The process by which policy comes into being and evolves over time. Figure 1.3

  5. People • Interests • Problems • Concerns

  6. Linkage Institutions • Political Parties • Elections • News & Entertainment Media • Interest Groups

  7. Policy Agenda • Political Issues • These are the “whats” that the various people want taken care of. • Items at the top of the policy agenda are taken care of first. • It may take years to get an item on the policy agenda, and then several more years to get it acted on.

  8. Policymaking Institutions • Legislature (Congress) • Executive (President) • Courts (Federal and State) • Bureaucracies (Federal and State)

  9. Policy • Expenditures of money • Raising or lowering taxes • New laws or regulations • Non-decisions (gridlock)

  10. People • Impacts of policies: • Does it solve the problem? • Does it create more problems?

  11. Democracy • Definition: • A system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences. • Equality in voting • Effective participation • Enlightened understanding • Citizen control of the agenda • Inclusion

  12. Theories of U.S. Democracy… • Pluralist Theory • A theory of government and policies emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies. • Groups will work together • Public interest will prevail

  13. Theories of U.S. Democracy… • Elite and Class Theory • A theory of government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite will rule, regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization. • Not all groups are equal • Policies benefit those with money / power

  14. Theories of U.S. Democracy… • Hyperpluralism • A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. • Exaggerated / perverted form of pluralism • Confusing / contradictory policies • Gridlock- inability to act at all

  15. Challenges to Democracy • Increased Technical Expertise • Limited Participation in Government • Escalating Campaign Costs • Diverse Political Interests

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