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European e-JUSTICE and e-Conveyancing

This article explores the challenges faced in implementing cross-border e-Conveyancing within the European e-JUSTICE framework. It discusses the need for access to existing information, easy and quick exchange of data, and the benefits of justice applications in the e-Conveyancing process. The article also presents various solutions and technologies that can be used to address these challenges.

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European e-JUSTICE and e-Conveyancing

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  1. European e-JUSTICE ande-Conveyancing Ingmar Vali ingmar.vali@just.ee

  2. Topics e-JUSTICE Challenges e-Conveyancing Solutions DEMO: Cross-border prototype

  3. Why European e-JUSTICE? • Basic ideas • access to existing information • easy and quick exchange of data • justice applications IvoThiemrodt 2009European Commission

  4. e- JUSTICE portal www.ejustice.eu

  5. Information Applications Insolvency registers EBR EULIS EPO Video conferencing Identity management CR disclosure Citizen Business Practitioner 3. State of play 2009 Going to court Family matters Legal aid Costs of proceedings Financial claims Mediation Crime victims e-JUSTICE Business registers Financial claims Land registers Law Insolvency registers Law Legal professions Justice Forum Judicial Atlas Taking of evidence Videoconferencing Cooperation in civil matters Judicial training Judiciary Ivo Thiemrodt 2009European Commission

  6. e-JUSTICE functionality/purpose • Authentic information • Central portal • Security • Authentication • Authorization (roles and rights) • Electronic signature • Cross-border proceedings • File and data transfer

  7. Challange comparison E-JUSTICE e-Conveyancing Authentication Authorization Electronic signature Cross-border proceedings File and data transfer Language Data protection Technical differences …. • Authentication • Authorization • Electronic signature • Cross-border proceedings • File and data transfer • Language • Semantics • …..

  8. Solutions? • IMI- Internal Market Information system. • STORK- EU authentication. • EULIS –European Land Information System. • SPOCS-Simple Procedures Online for Cross-border Services. • E-codex and other pilots (DIM, PEJA,….). • ….

  9. EU e-justice • Cross border electronic filing concept for European payment order procedure

  10. Cross-border prototype concept

  11. Cross border digital signature Finnish ID-card Belgium ID-card Lithuanian Mobile-ID Portugese ID-card

  12. Conclusions • Is e-JUSTICE portal for e-conveyancing? • MAYBE- let’s not invent a wheel! • Build new portal for e-conveyancing? • Maybe! • First thing first! • Requirements and functionality description • Prototyping, Piloting, Argumentations.

  13. Conclusions

  14. Prototype

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