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Inner Ear Case

Interpret the audiology and radiology findings in Mr. Mott's case of hearing difficulty and dizziness. Learn the anatomy of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and differentiate hearing loss types for diagnosis. Explore testing methods and risk factors for hearing loss and vertigo.

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Inner Ear Case

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  1. Inner Ear Case Mr. Rodney Mott is a 46-year-old carpenter, who has trouble hearing and some problems with dizziness. Med 6573: Nervous System University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth 16 and 19 February 2007 Drs. Nordehn, Forbes & Fitzakerley

  2. Audiometry

  3. C A D B OtoacousticEmissionsTest

  4. Interpret the procedural findings (audiometry, radiology report and otoacoustic emissions) in the context of Mr. Mott’s case. What is your diagnosis?

  5. Faculty Learning Issues • Describe the components and physiology of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, and relate these components to the evaluation of nystagmus. • Distinguish among conductive and sensorineural hearing loss and central auditory processing disorders. Define how each type of hearing loss would alter the patient’s audiogram from normal. • Describe the physiological basis for and the interpretation of: Rinne and Weber tests, audiometric testing, otoacoustic emission and ABR testing. • List risk factors for hearing loss and vertigo that should be identified during history taking and/or evaluated during the physical exam.

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