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Relationship Between Nutrition, Environment, and Health

Explore the interconnections between nutrition, environment, and health. Learn about macronutrients, micronutrients, and their food sources. Understand the composition of glucose, triglycerides, and proteins. Discover the differences between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Examine current recommendations for a healthy balanced diet.

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Relationship Between Nutrition, Environment, and Health

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  1. TOPIC 3 • Energy systems

  2. Relationship Between Nutrition, Environment and Health 2 External Environment Religion Food Security/Insecurity Culture Agriculture Politics Economics Education Health Service Social Status Food Security/Insecurity Nutritional Status Optimal Nourished Under-nourished Over-nourished Malnourished Nutritional Requirements Growth and Development Pregnancy and Lactation Sport and Exercise Elderly Internal Environment DNA/RNA Cells Organs Central Nervous System Metabolism Blood Circulation Disease

  3. 3.1.1 List the macronutrients and micronutrients. • Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or energy and are required in large amounts: • Lipid (fat) • carbohydrate and • Protein • Water • Micronutrients are nutrients required by humans in small amounts to orchestrate a wide variety of physiological functions but are not made by the organism • Vitamins • Minerals • Fiber

  4. Carbohydrates 4 • Food Sources Include: Functions: • Cereals • Sweeteners Fuel for your body • Fruit Energy storage • Dairy • Bread • Rice • Grains

  5. Fat 5 • Food Sources Include: Functions: • Meat • Dairy Products Fuel storage • Oil Hormones • Nuts Cell storage • Margarine, butter

  6. Protein 6 • Food Sources: Functions: • Meat Structure Fish Enzymes • Eggs Muscle building blocks • Cheese Storage • Milk • Beans • Tofu (soy)

  7. Water 7 • Food Sources Functions: • Beverages Excretion • Fruits Lubrication • Vegetables Transport • Medium for Reactions

  8. Vitamins 8 • Food Sources Functions: • Fruits Energy release from macronutrients • Vegetables Immune function • Fatty Fish Eyesight • Bone Health

  9. Minerals 9 • Food Sources: Functions: • Fruits Mineralization of bones and teeth • Vegetables Blood oxygen transport • Fatty Fish Defense against free radicals • Milk Acid base balance

  10. 3.1.3 State the chemical composition of a glucose molecule. • Glucose – monosaccharide • Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. • It’s chemical formula is C6H12 O6 • 1:2:1 ratio

  11. 3.1.5 Explain how glucose molecules can combine to form disaccharides and polysaccharides

  12. Carbohydrates 12 • Monosaccharides have one sugar molecule • fruits, vegetables and honey • Disaccharides have 2 sugar molecules • sugar, milk • Polysaccharides have many sugar molecules • rice, potatoes, corn and wheat

  13. Condensation Reaction 13 • the linking of a monosaccharide to another monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide by removal of a water molecule • Joule: a unit of energy (just like a calorie). Joule is the energy obtained from food. • 1 calorie = approximately 4 joules

  14. Test Your Knowledge: 14 • Place the major CHO sources with the correct country: • sweet potato • maize • cassava • wheat • rice • potato

  15. 3.1.6 State the composition of a molecule of triglycerol • Also known as triglyceride, which is a lipid/fat • consists of a glycerol and 3 fatty acid chains • Stored in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle

  16. Structure of triglycerol. glycerol Saturated Fatty acid Unsaturated Fatty acid

  17. 3.1.7 Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids What difference do you notice between the two?

  18. Unsaturated vs Saturated Fatty Acids 18

  19. To Think About: Trans Fat 19 • Describe a trans fat. • Why is this harmful? • Should the government have put a ban on foods with trans fat? Why or why not? • Discuss with your elbow partner. • Why is Trans Fat Bad?

  20. 3.1.8 State the chemical composition of a protein molecule. • Protein molecules consist of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. • The smallest part of a protein is called an amino acid. There are 20 different amino acids • Compose blood tissue, muscle tissue, hormones and enzymes

  21. 3.1.9 Distinguish between an essential and a nonessential amino acid. • Essential amino acids NOT synthesized by the human body and must be obtained by diet • Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized by the human body • How would this impact a vegetarian?

  22. 3.1.10 Describe current recommendations for a healthy balanced diet 22 • Balanced diet: a diet that provides all nutrients in the right amount in order to maintain health and prevent nutrient excess or deficiency diseases • Dietary recommendations: recommended amounts of essential nutrients in the diet • Dietary guidelines: recommended amounts of foods, food groups or meals

  23. 3.1.10 Describe current recommendations for a healthy balanced diet.

  24. My Plate

  25. Student Thinking Questions 25 • Complete the student thinking questions found in your student workbook. • Research of dietary recommendations between two countries of your choice. What are the similarities and differences between the two countries? Why do you think there are differences?

  26. 3.1.13 State the energy content per 100 g of carbohydrate, lipid and protein. • Energy in 100 grams: • Carbohydrate = 1600 J (400 calories) • Protein = 1700 J (400 calories) • Fat =3700 J (900 calories) • Both carbohydrates and lipids can be used for energy storage in humans. Carbohydrates are usually used for energy storage over short periods and lipids for long term storage.

  27. Observe the following chart. What do you notice among the nutrients?

  28. 3.1.12 Discuss how the recommended energy distribution of the dietary macronutrients differs between endurance athletes and non-athletes. • Using your textbook, complete the chart found on your student workbook. • “the more glycogen, the further and faster the player ran”-what does this quote mean to you? • Review your chart—describe what the information means to you in your daily life? How could you use this information to better train an athlete?

  29. Carbs • Endurance Sports – • energy is provided by the muscle and liver glycogen stores – which directly depend on the amount of carbohydrates ingested. • Carbohydrates have also been found to prevent the onset of early muscle fatigue and hypoglycemia during exercise.

  30. Protein • The use of body protein in exercise is usually small, but prolonged exercise in extreme sports can degrade muscle, hence the need for amino acids during the recovery phase. • Protein is used to maintain, build, and repair muscles and connective tissue. Also builds enzymes and hormones.

  31. 3.2.1 Outline the terms metabolism, anabolism,aerobic catabolism and aerobic catabolism . • Metabolism: All the biochemical reactions that occur within an organism • Anabolism: Energy requiring reactions whereby small molecules are built up into larger ones (think about anabolic steroids) • Catabolism: Chemical reactions that break down complex organic compounds into simpler ones, with the net release of energy. • Metabolism = anabolism and catabolism

  32. 3.2.2 State what glycogen is and its major storage sites. • Glycogen comes from the Greek world glykr meaning “sweet” • Animals store polysaccharides as glycogen in the liver and muscle. • When the diet provides more glucose than the tissue requires, your body stores glucose as glycogen.

  33. 3.2.3 State the major sites of triglyceride storage. • Major storage site of triglycerides are adipose tissue (fat) and skeletal muscle.

  34. 3.2.4 Explain the role of insulin in the formation of glycogen and the accumulation of body fat. • Insulin is a hormone that informs the body’s cells that the animal is well fed • Causes liver and muscle cells to take in glucose and store it in the form of glycogen • Causes fat cells to take in blood lipids and turn them into triglycerides

  35. 3.2.4 • Ingest cabohydrates > increase in blood glucose > insulin is released by pancreas • After a meal, insulin concentrations rise and cells uptake glucose thereby decreasing the level of glucose in the blood

  36. Visual

  37. Exercise and Insulin 37 • In response to exercise, muscles use glycogen for energy • Glycogen is stored glucose in the muscle or liver • When you exercise, insulin concentration goes down • You need to have your glycogen stored! You can use glucose during long activity but it is not optimal. • You need to replace the glycogen you use immediately after extended activity (within one hour of activity)!

  38. Visual

  39. 3.2.5 Outline the terms glycogenolysis and lipolysis. • Lysis = a suffix that means to break-down • Glycogenolysis the breakdown of glycogen to glucose. • In the liver, the breakdown of glycogen results in elevated blood glucose. • The breakdown of muscle glycogen is used by the muscle for energy. No release of glucose into the blood • Glucagon = the hormone that signals the conversion of stored glycogen to glucose released into the blood.

  40. Lipolysis • Lipolysis is the process of releasing triglycerides from the body’s fat stores • Excess fat is stored in adipose tissue (body fat) and muscles • During exercise the breakdown of adipose tissue by glucagon and adrenaline increases blood sugar • Free fatty acids are released into the blood stream and throughout the body to be used for energy

  41. 3.2.6 • Glucagon and adrenaline stimulate the breakdown of glycogen in the liver to increase blood glucose levels during long periods of exercise and times of fasting

  42. 3.2.7 Explain the role of insulin and muscle contraction on glucose uptake during exercise. • Insulin will result in an increased uptake of blood glucose into the liver and muscle. • Muscle contraction will also result in an increase of blood glucose uptake from the blood due to higher energy demands.

  43. 3.3.1 Draw a diagram to show the ultrastructure of a generalized animal cell.

  44. 3.3.2 Draw a diagram to show the ultrastructure of a mitochondrion.

  45. 3.3.3 Define the term cell respiration. • The controlled release of energy in the form of ATP • Glucose Pyruvate • Aerobic (with oxygen) • C6H12O6 + O2 ATP + CO2 + H20 • 32 ATP produced • Anaerobic (without oxygen) • Glucose Pyruvate Lactate • 2 ATP produced

  46. Compare Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

  47. Cell and Energy Metabolism

  48. 3.3.4 Explain how adenosine can gain and lose a phosphate molecule. • ATP is made up of adenosine and three phosphate groups • ATP releases a great deal of energy when the phosphate bonds are broken (ATP ADP + energy) • ATP is the energy currency of the cell • ATP can be created in the human body in three ways • Using creatine phosphate – a phosphate is donated to the ADP to create ATP • Anaerobic respiration • Aerobic respiration

  49. ATP

  50. 3.3.5 Explain the role of ATP in muscle contraction. • Muscle contraction requires lots of energy • All muscle fibers have the capacity to produce ATP using carbohydrates and fats • The release of energy caused by the breakdown of ATP to ADP provides the energy for muscle contraction. • In muscle there is sufficient ATP present to allow just two seconds of muscle activity

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