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Chapter 3 Ecosystems

Chapter 3 Ecosystems. Provides a sustainable balance of biotic and abiotic factors. The Chesapeake Bay. SPARTINA ALTERNAFLORA. Littoral zone. Ecology. Shows the balance of :. Ernst Haeckle mid 1800’s. Ecosystems. Energy enters the system and is able to do …. the Types of Energy are ….

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Chapter 3 Ecosystems

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  1. Chapter 3Ecosystems Provides a sustainable balance of biotic and abiotic factors

  2. The Chesapeake Bay


  4. Littoral zone

  5. Ecology • Shows the balance of :

  6. Ernst Haeckle mid 1800’s

  7. Ecosystems

  8. Energy enters the system and is able to do …..

  9. the Types of Energy are … • CRESTMN – showing the 7 types • Chemical, radiant, electrical, solar,thermal, mechanical,nuclear

  10. units of Energy are known as the • Kilojoules emanating from the calorie which determines……

  11. if there is Energy, there is

  12. Leading to the laws of

  13. And biological energy……. • States that by absorbing or releasing E is the same.

  14. The second law states • The amount of Energy to work decreases the amount of usable Energy and becomes diffused.

  15. and the measure of this disorder is called ….

  16. the Biosphere has the 4 realms of…

  17. Photosynthesis and celluar respiration provide…. • 6CO2 +12 H20+ Radiant Energy • C6H1206+ 6 H20+6 02 • AKA SUGAR +

  18. EXCEPT IN……………. • CH……

  19. Self nourishment organisms are known as • Autotrophs or producers • Consumers who eat producers are known as • Herbivores • Secondary consumers eat • Primary consumers • And those who eat a variety of life formsare • Omnivores

  20. Other feeders are …. • Detrivores who eat • DETRIUS AKA • DECOMPOSING PLANTS AND ANIMAL • Saprophores who are microbial • decomposers who…. • Break down dead organic material • Thus creating a….. • FOOD WEB

  21. Graphic representations of the energy levels of each trophic levels is an …

  22. Ecosystem Productivity is • ..the rate at which energy is captured during …… • PHOTOSYNTHESIS • Since plants respire to provide energy for their own use which acts as a drain, this is known as….. • NPP or….. • Net Primary Productivity

  23. NPP can be compared on Earth …

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