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SAFETY PARTS SUPPLIERS APPROVAL: Q631000 quality standard. May 2004. Target of safety parts suppliers approval. To guarantee quality of bought safety parts. Concerned suppliers. Each supplier providing safety parts, for each family of parts which is intended to be bought.

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  1. SAFETY PARTS SUPPLIERS APPROVAL: Q631000 quality standard May 2004

  2. Target of safety parts suppliers approval To guarantee quality of bought safety parts

  3. Concerned suppliers Each supplier providing safety parts, for each family of parts which is intended to be bought

  4. What is safety parts supplier approval? Production system audit + Manufactured parts test

  5. audit reference base • Existing reference bases : • 2 specific reference bases have been written for foundery & forgeing processes, • A generic reference base is described in the Q631000 quality standard for other processes. • Coming from ISO, they focus on requirements which enable the suppliers to master the process stability.

  6. The audit requirements To prove that parts complying with drawings and standards are manufactured with: • A qualified process and modifications under control ; • The good level of definition (the good drawings); • An up to date process survey plan; • An efficient monitoring of purchased parts; • An efficient manufacturing process and efficient controls • The will and the organisation to scrap all the non conform parts and to cancell the non conformity causes

  7. Responsabilities Safety approval does not change the responsabilities sharing. • Safety approvals are signed by IKCO, SAPCO and PSA Quality Diretor. • Suppliers are responsible of the quality of the parts they deliver. • SAPCO/IKCO are responsible to manage their suppliers.

  8. Three possible conclusions • Utilisation of suppliers parts is not agreed. Necessity to use CKD parts. • Utilisation of suppliers parts is agreed at the condition that they are checked in IKCO. • Utilisation of suppliers parts is agreed

  9. Safety approval • Safety approval is given after 2 audits : • One quality assurance system audit before supplier choice, • One audit of the new process under mass-production conditions • Safety approval has to be given for T11 and T13 safety parts suppliers before T13 launch (31/10/05) • The safety approval is valid for 3 years. • Each year, there must be a monitoring audit.

  10. Success conditions:efficient organisation • IKCO/SAPCO and PSA create a safety parts approval committee: • With P206 project team, purchasing Dpt and Quality Dpts attendees, • With a permanent sub-contracted secretary, • Which will officialize the audit organism, • Which will define the audits priorities • Which will analyse the organism reports, • Which will propose to concerned directors the suppliers to approve.

  11. Success conditions :efficient links • SAPCO communicates to the organism before the audit • The bill of quality problems of audited supplier, • The drawings of the parts manufactured by the supplier. • SAPCO participates to the audits, as well as the PSA project team if available or necessary.

  12. Success conditions :organism choice • The organism will have to explain to IKCO and to PSA : • The way the auditors are selected, • The experience of its auditors, • How the auditors are trained. • The organism will have to guarantee : • Efficient communications between auditors and approval committee • Homogeneity and quality of audit reports.

  13. Next steps(1) • Organism choice or pre-choice by PSA/DQUA in June. • Negociation between SAPCO and the organism in June and July. • Nomination of the approval committe attendees • From PVS206 and DQUA for PSA, • From Quality and Project team for SAPCO, • From Quality and R&D Dpts for IKCO.

  14. Next steps (2) • First approval committee meeting in June: • With all the nominated attendees, • To organise the communication • To set the bill of suppliers and the priorities. • To communicate the necessary information • To suppliers, • To SAPCO and IKCO teams.

  15. Next steps (3) • To realize the audits from September to December. • Audit reports analyse meetings of approval committe: frequency to define.

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