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Page 228 Realidades 1

Page 228 Realidades 1. The Verb TENER. The Verb TENER. The verb TENER, which means “to have” follows the pattern of other -er verbs. The Verb TENER. However, some forms of the verb are irregular. The Verb TENER. You must memorize verbs with irregularities. The Verb TENER.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Page 228Realidades 1 The Verb TENER

  2. The Verb TENER • The verb TENER, which means “to have” follows the pattern of other -er verbs.

  3. The Verb TENER • However, some forms of the verb are irregular.

  4. The Verb TENER • You must memorize verbs with irregularities.

  5. The Verb TENER • Here is the verb “To Have” in English.

  6. I have You have He She has It We have They have TO HAVE

  7. Yo tengo Tú tienes Ud. Él tiene Ella Nosotros tenemos Nosotras Vosotros/as tenéis Uds. Ellos tienen Ellas TENER

  8. Intro Phrases with TENER • ¿Cuántos años tienes? • Tengo ___ años. • ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? • Mi número de teléfono es 281-634-7073. • How old are you? (informal) • I am ____ years old. • What is your phone number? • My phone number is 281-634-7073.

  9. On the lined side of the yellow card: To have present tengo tenemos tienes tenéis tiene tienen

  10. On the other side of the yellow card: TENER Your Name

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