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Lead. Leading A Team from a Functional Behavior Assessment to a Behavior Intervention Plans in Seven Easy Steps Rob Horner and Others University of Oregon Presented By Ken Kramberg And Richard Boltax. Guiding Principles. Behavior is predictable . Behavior changeable .

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  1. Lead Leading A Team from a Functional Behavior Assessment to a Behavior Intervention Plans in Seven Easy Steps Rob Horner and Others University of Oregon Presented By Ken Kramberg And Richard Boltax

  2. Guiding Principles • Behavior is predictable. • Behavior changeable. • Human behavior occurs within an environmental context, not in a vacuum. • Human behavior is learned and can be taught by manipulating aspects of the environmental context--Behavior is a function of the environment Source: Crone , D.A. & Horner, R.H., 2003

  3. Function Based Approach A process that focuses on changing environmental factors instead of fixing the person. It’s about what we as adults will do differently!

  4. Irrelavant Transition Slide

  5. Defining Behavior and Function of BehaviorTwo Pre-requisite Skills

  6. DEFINING Problem Behavior Behavior is….. any action which is observable and measurable, and has a distinct onset and offset. (Challenging Behavior) secprevnten

  7. Behavior Examples: NonExamples Kicking Pinching Cursing Hitting Spitting Yelling Disrespect Defiance Off task Anger secprvten

  8. Non- v. Observable (-)hyperactivity (+) initiates 5 different tasks within 2 minutes (+) leaves room at least 3 times during a 30 minute lesson (+)….

  9. Functions Pos Reinf Neg Reinf

  10. Ex1. Determining Function Given a task, student… Whispers that work is stupid, Writes on papers, Says work is stupid, Throws paper in waste basket, & Leaves room. What is function of behavior? (Test)

  11. Ex2. Given difficult task, student… Says this work is stupid, Pokes student at next table, Argues with student, Tells teacher to butt out, Threatens teacher Runs away from teacher who chases. What is function of behavior? (Test)

  12. When Sequoia misses her 12:30 medication & teachers present multiple task demands, she makes negative self-statements & writes profane language on her assignments. Teaching staff typically send her to the office with a discipline referral for being disrespectful. Avoid difficult tasks What function? Setting event Antecedent Response Consequence Sequoia makes negative self- statements & writes profane language Teacher sends Sequoia to office for being disrespectful Misses 12:30 medication Teachers make multiple task demands

  13. Caesar has dyed his hair three colors & is teased several times by his friends before class. When he enters the class, his teacher stares at his hair. Caesar immediately says “what are you staring at?” His teacher immediately sends him to in-school detention. Escape adult & peer attention What function? Setting event Antecedent Response Consequence Caesar is teased several times about his hair by his friends before class His teacher stares at his hair in class Caesar asks his teacher what she’s staring at His teacher sends him to in-school detention

  14. When his teacher asks him what the capitol city of a country is, Napoleon gives the correct answers. His teacher praises his correct answer, & tells him he may work by himself or a friend on the rest of the assignment. Access peer & adult attention What function? Setting event Antecedent Response Consequence Teacher asks what capitol city of country is Napoleon give correct answer Teacher gives verbal praise & time to work with a friend None

  15. As Veloce is walking, other kids look at him & say “what’s up?” He looks back and says: “Who ya lookin’ at?!” “Ya want some of this?!” “Ya talkin’ to me?!” Kids shake their heads & all him “weirdo.” Access OR escape peer attention? What function? Setting event Antecedent Response Consequence How do you know? Assess? How do you know? ?? Look at him. “What’s up!” “Who ya lookin’ at?” “Ya want Some?” “Ya talkin’ to me? Kids shake heads & call him “weirdo”

  16. Steps for Conducting a FA-BIP Process Define the Challenge/Identify Goals. Gather Information. Generate a hypothesis statement. Build a “Competing Behavior Pathway” to identify possible elements of a Behavior Intervention Plan. Design & Evaluate a Behavioral Intervention Plan. Plan for effective implementation of the Behavior Intervention Plan. Monitor regularly and modify based on observed progress. Adapted from Crone, D.A. and Horner,R.H., 2003

  17. Identifying who needs an FBA/BIP Multiple office disciplinary referrals Academic/behavior data indicates challenge High intensity or frequency of behavior Behavior impedes academic performance or is disruptive to the learning environment Don’t understand behavior Universal interventions have not been successful Not meeting goals in CICO Source: Crone, D.A. & Horner, R.H., 2003

  18. Step 1: Define the Problem Behavior What does the problem behavior look like? Conduct interviews, review prior incidents & observations across the student’s routine/settings to define the problem behavior. Observable, measurable, concrete language. NON EXAMPLEEXAMPLE poor impulse control high pitched screams angry, hostile, resentful kicking over chairs paying attention completes tasks Estimate how often the problem behavior occurs & how intense the problem behavior is.

  19. STEP 2: Gathering Information What sequence of events reliably predicts the problem behavior? Maintaining Consequences: What happens immediately after the problem behavior? What is the child trying to GET or GET AWAY from? Get social attention Get objects/access to activities Get sensory stimulation Avoid aversive task/activity Avoid aversive social contact Avoid aversive sensory stimulation

  20. STEP 2: Gathering Information What sequence of events reliably predicts the problem behavior? Antecedent Events (Fast Triggers): Analyze routines in the student’s day to identify… Where, when, with whom the problem behavior occurs? Where, when, with whom desirable behavior is more likely to occur? What events, contexts, demands, tasks, people reliably trigger/precede the behavior?

  21. STEP 2: Gathering Information What sequence of events reliably predicts the problem behavior? Setting Events (Slow Triggers - Removed in Time) Events Removed in time that influence the behavior… What distal events tend to predict when the problem behavior will occur later?

  22. FBA Tools Direct Observation Formal (recorded) Informal (anecdotal) Interviews, checklists, surveys Brief, simple, practical Longer, more complex, use when necessary Archival records Already exist

  23. Tools for Gathering Information Recommend for Brief FBA/BIP: See F/BSP Protocol Use interview and Observation

  24. Step 3: Generate a Hypothesis Statement A hypothesis statement is a summary statement that describes the team’s best guess about the relationship between the problem behavior and the characteristics of the environment- the specific contexts and the specific function. The goal of which is to identify specific CONCRETE circumstances regularly associated with the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the problem behavior.

  25. Anatomy of an Hypothesis Statement “When ______________________________, (summarize the antecedents here) he/she will _______________________ (summarize the problem behavior here) in order to _____________________________.” (summarize the function here)

  26. Step 4: Build a Competing Behavior Pathway Behavior Support Plans are only as effective as our understanding of the context of the problem behavior. Therefore… “Invest the time it takes, for each child, to build a precise hypothesis statement.” To be effective, Behavior Support Plans must include specific components that PROMOTE positive behavior and DETER problem behavior.

  27. Fundamental Rule! “You should not propose to reduce a problem behavior without also identifying alternative, desired behaviors person should perform instead of problem behavior” (O’Neill et al., 1997, p. 71).

  28. Build a Competing Behavior Pathway Maintaining Consequence Desired Behavior Setting Event Triggering Antecedent Maintaining Consequence Problem Behavior Replacement Behavior Adapted from Crone, D.A. and Horner,R.H., 2003

  29. Build a Competing Behavior Pathway Completes task Independent classwork Does not have teach attention Gets verbal praise from teacher Makes noises Gets help from teacher Raises hand and asks for help or break

  30. Behavior Intervention Program (BIP) Two Goals: Reduce problem behaviors Increase appropriate behaviors Make behaviors: Irrelevant Inefficient ineffective

  31. Teaching Replacement Behaviors Explain Specify student behavior Model Practice Reinforce

  32. Step 5: Design a Behavior Intervention Plan Preventive Strategies AKA: Make the problem behavior irrelevant What modifications to the environment (academic, social, physical) may PREVENT the problem behavior? What adjustments will make the problem behavior unnecessary?

  33. Examples of Preventive Strategies Increase the effectiveness of instruction for this child (Strategy Instruction, Content Enhancement Routines) Increase academic skill levels Modify the curriculum (interest preferences, choice, sequence) Modify the demands (quantity, difficulty, input, output, groupings, alternative tasks) Clarify the expectations Reorganize the physical & interactional setting (have supplies available, pair seats, independent seats)

  34. Step 5: Design a Behavior Intervention Plan Function/Consequence Strategies AKA: Make the problem behavior ineffective “manage what maintains the behavior” Make sure the child gets what they want or avoids whatever it is ONLY when the positive/replacement behavior is displayed. Make sure they do not get what they want or successfully avoid whatever it is when they engage in the problem behavior.

  35. FBA/BSP Worksheet Desired Behavior Maintaining Consequences Use words to express self & ask for help Successful Social Interactions Challenging Behavior Triggering Events Maintaining Consequences Setting Events Restless night/wakes up tired Fights/hits other students (sometimes teacher) Confusion with games rules on playground Adult intervenes Alternate Behavior • 1. Yell (don’t touch) 2. Squeeze hands & stomp feet 3. Get an adult

  36. Behavior Intervention Planning

  37. Step 6: Plan for Implementation of the BIP Behavior Intervention Plans outline specifically: What replacement behaviors will be taught to the student? Who will teach replacement behaviors to the student? How the student will be taught to use the replacement behaviors? What will be used to signal the student to use the new skill(s)? (natural events, teacher prompt, time, peer)


  39. Add effective & & remove ineffective reinforcers Neutralize/ eliminate setting events Add relevant & remove irrelevant triggers Teach alternative that is more efficient

  40. Do quiz without complaints. Discussion about answers & homework. On Mondays and/or when up all of the night before. Daily nongraded quiz on previous night’s homework Verbal protests, slump in chair, walks out of room. Avoids doing quiz & homework discussion. Turn in with name & sit quietly w/o interrupting. + Give time to review homework. + Give quiet time before starting. + Give easy “warm-up” task before doing quiz. + Precorrect behavior options & consequences. + With first sign of problem behaviors, remove task, or request completion of task next period. + Remove task based on step in task analysis (STO). + Provide effective verbal praise & other reinforcers. Teach options to problem behavior: 1. Turn in blank 2. Turn in w/ name 3. Turn in w/ name & first item done. 4. Turn in w/ name & 50% of items done.


  42. Behavioral Pathway Antecedent Less structured activities that involve competition Setting Event Days with Gym Problem Behavior Negative comments about activity and to peers leading to physical contact Consequence Sent out of P.E. class Function To escape setting

  43. Brief Function-based Interventions • Antecedent Strategies • Behavior Lessons for all students about using respectful language with self and others and how to be to be a good sport • . More frequent activities with less focus on competition (parachute, 4-square, etc...) • Pre-correct • Teaching Strategies • Teach social skills (getting along with others, friendship, problem solving, sportsmanship) • Teach how to approach gym teacher to ask for a drink of water to leave setting. • Teach student how to re-enter and continue with activity • Consequence Supports • Acknowledgingrewarding student when uses new skills (asking for a drink of water to leave, using respectful language with peers, being a good sport, etc..) • Setting Event Supports • Add check-in before gym

  44. Step 7: BIP Monitoring & Modification Behavior Intervention Plans outline specifically: What behavioral changes will we expect? general outcome, long & short term goals, maintenance & generalization What methods will be used to measure and monitor progress toward the goals? “How will progress be recorded, at what frequency, and by whom?”

  45. Step 7: BIP Monitoring & Modification Behavior Support Plans outline specifically: What decision rules/criteria will be used to decide if the BIP should be maintained, faded, modified, or discontinued? Who will be responsible for monitoring the accuracy or the integrity of the implementation of the BIP? At what interval will the team monitor the BIP?

  46. FBA Team Process Steps Collect information. Develop testable hypothesis or summary statement. Collect direct observation data to confirm summary statement. Develop “competing pathways” summary statement. Develop BIP. Develop details & routines for full implementation of BSP. Develop strategies for monitoring & evaluating implementation of BSP.

  47. Plan/Process for Simple FBA’s Who makes the referral? What form do they use? Where or to whom does the referral form go? Who or what group reviews the referral form to see if Simple FBA needs to be done? Who schedules the Simple FBA, informs teachers and others who need to know? Who completes the Simple FBA? Who or what group develops the testable hypothesis? Who or what group develops the simple behavior support plan? What is the proposed timeline from referral, decision, interview(s), summary of Simple FBA, testable hypothesis statement and development of simple behavior support plan? When and by whom is BSP reviewed to see if it is working?

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