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SuperB Detector Evolution for Enhanced Performance

Explore the advancements in the SuperB Detector Evolution from B.Factory to SuperB Factory, covering key elements and system upgrades for improved efficiency and performance.

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SuperB Detector Evolution for Enhanced Performance

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  1. SuperB Detector Status-Orsay09 • Detector Overview • System by System Status • Structure of the workshop. Blair Ratcliff SLAC

  2. Directions for Detector Optimization (for Barbarians) • From Machine and Environment: • Smaller Boost (7x4 GeV; bg=0.28)  Smaller radius beam-pipe to retain adequate vertex resolution.  Larger barrel acceptance. More particles backward/less forward in detector with somewhat softer spectrum forward. • Some (though not all) components of machine background components will be substantially larger.  Improve detector segmentation  Improve detector speed  Improve radiation hardness as needed. • From general physics goals, which emphasize rare decays, LFV in t physics, and recoil (n) physics • Would like best possible hermeticity, with good subsystem efficiency and performance. • ~x100 Luminosity  Improved trigger, DAQ, & computing (~15 years later) • Last, but not least, must replace aging components and technologies. 2

  3. CDR Detector Layout – Based on Babar BASELINE New detector elements OPTION 3

  4. Detector Evolution-B Factory to SuperB Factory • CDR Baseline based on BaBar. It reuses • Fused Silica bars of the DIRC • DIRC & DCH Support • Barrel EMC CsI(Tl) crystals and mechanical structure • Superconducting coil & flux return (with some redesign). • Some elements have aged and need replacement. Others require moderate improvements to cope with the high luminosity environment, the smaller boost (4x7 GeV), and the high DAQ rates. • Small beam pipe technology • Thin silicon pixel detector for first layer, and a new 5 layer SVT. • New DCH with CF mechanical structure, modified gas and cell size • New Photon detection for DIRC fused silica bars • Possible Forward PID system (TOF in Baseline option) • New Forward calorimeter crystals (LYSO).Backward veto • Minos-style extruded scintillator for instrumented flux return • Electronics and trigger- x100 real event rate • Computing- to handle massive date volume 4

  5. Detector Systems Status and R&D Progress • Substantial R&D Progress in many detector subsystems (will discuss below) • Need to bring in more institutions and develop appropriate groups and strengthened leadership for the full TDR phase. • Growing the computing effort • Substantial progress on fast and full simulation • Geometry Working Group Detector Session Conveners • Vertex Detector (SVT)-Rizzo • Drift Chamber (DCH)-Finnochiaro • Particle Identification (PID)-Arnaud & Va’vra • Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC)-Hitlin • Instrumented Flux Return (IFR)-Calabrese • Electronics- Breton and Marconi • Computing-Morandin • Fast Simulation- Brown and Rama • Full Simulation- Bianchi and Paolini • Detector Geometry Working Group- Rama and Stocchi

  6. Detector Elements-SVT-Convener Rizzo

  7. Vertex Detector (SVT) Layer0 20 cm 30 cm 40 cm • Smaller machine asymmetry  Need a new SVT (very similar to that of the 5 layer BaBar SVT) supplemented by a new layer 0 to measure the first hit as close as possible to the production vertex. Goal is coverage to 300 mrad both forward and backward. • Beam pipe radius and thickness are crucial to obtain adequate resolution in vertex separation.

  8. SVT (SLIM5) Beam Test Sep.’08 @ CERN MAPS Hit Efficiency vs threshold Successfully tested two options for Layer0: • CMOS MAPS matrix with fast readout architecture (4096 pixels, 50x50 mm pitch, in-pixel sparsification and timestamp) • Hit efficiency up to 92% (room for improvement with sensor design optimized) • Good uniformity across the matrix. • Intrisinc resolution ~ 14 mm compatible with 50 mm pitch and digital readout. • Thin (200 mm) striplets module with FSSR2 readout chips (not optimized to read the n-side) • S/N=25 (p-side) • First demonstration of LVL1 capability with silicon tracker information sent to Associative Memories MAPS resolution vs threshold

  9. 12.8 mm 3 mm Low mass support & cooling for Layer0 pixel modules • Developed a module support structures with cooling microchannels integrated in the Carbon Fiber/Ceramics support • The total thickness is: 0.35 % X0 • Consistent with the requirements • First thermohydraulic measurements in good agreement with simulation and within specs. • Cooling system based on microchannels can be a viable solution to the thermal and structural problems of the Layer0 detector, Measurements Details of Ceramic and Carbon Fiber support Simulation: T_IN = 37 °C(variation of several degrees possible due to uncertainty on thermal conductivity of kapton and glue) Heater @ 2 W/cm2 Simulated module Temp. sensor

  10. SVT Activities for TDR (I) Activities now more focused on TDR preparation (two years) More R&D still needed for Layer 0: • Plan to build a multichip CMOS MAPS prototype module with specs close to the SuperB Layer0 requirements  Testbeam in 2010. • All the module components could be the same for a Layer0 module based on Hybrid Pixels. • Hybrid Pixel: more emphasis now on this option: it could become the baseline Layer0 option for the TDR in case MAPS are not considered mature enough by that time. • Need to demonstrate by 2010 that reduction in the front-end pitch to 50x50 mm2 and in the total material budget is possible to meet Layer0 requirements. • Striplets: continue to evaluate the use of FSSR2 readout chip and light interconnections from sensor to front-end Activity funded by INFN. Institutions: Bologna, Milano, Pavia/Bergamo, Pisa, Roma III, Torino, Trieste.

  11. SVT Activities for TDR (II) Background Simulation: • This set the scale for requirements on Layer0 and the inner SVT Layers. External Layers Design • Technology is not an issue • Need to optimize the geometry with Fast Simulation • Need to evaluate the best front-end chip for strip modules among the ones “on the market” (FSSR2…) • Engineering Off Detector electronics and DAQ Development Mechanics: • Beam-pipe design • Light support and cooling for Layer0 modules • Module design for the external Layers • Design the full SVT support structure (want to have the Layer0 easily accessible for replacement). Important interplay with IR design. • A significant amount of work is needed for the TDR and not all listed activities are well covered.

  12. Detector Elements-DCH-Convener Finnocchiaro

  13. DCH Baseline Design DCH • Provides precision momentum • Provides particle ID via dE/dx for all low momentum tracks, even those that miss the PID system. • A new DCH(similar to now aged BaBar DCH, which must be replaced) • Similar gas & cell shape (small improvements may be possible) • Carbon Fiber end plates (to reduce material before endcaps) • New electronics with location optimized. • R&D Issues including: • Electronics location and/or mass to reduce effect on backward EMC, • Low Mass Endplates • Can we do better on dE/dx (counting clusters)? • Conical endplates or other ways to reduce sensitivity close to the beam. • Background simulation/shielding optimization. • Some R&D has been started. • Need to test all solutions on prototypes • Has been a small group (LNF). Canadian institutions starting work.

  14. DCH: Activities & News since Elba • Continuing work on • Simulation • Small scale prototypes • We welcome the addition to the DCH group of two institutions • Carleton and University of Victoria

  15. Progress in DCH Simulation Resolution [MeV] gas+wires realistic reso 125m gas+wires realistic reso 140m x2 #cells E (B→)‏ 25.4±0.3 27.4±0.3 E (BPhi Ks)‏ 15.6±0.2 17.6±0.2 Pt [1.0,2.0] 10.2±0.2 11.7±0.2 Pt [2.0,2.5] 13.4±0.1 14.5±0.2 Pt [2.5,3.0] 15.8±0.2 17.5±0.2 • Fast simulation (V0.0.2) developed for SuperB • Geometry, material, resolutions easily configurable through xml interface • Goals • compare performances of different DCH configurations • optimize DCH design using additional inputs: machine bkg, spatial resolution for different cell/gas configuration, etc. • Example: • compare nominal cell config. with x2 n. of cells, with “realistic” point space resolution

  16. Progress in DCH R&D activities • Read-out electronics for streamer tube tracking telescope delivered, being commissioned • Read-out electronics for drift tubes setup used to study sense-wire screening with plastic collar delivered and commissioned • Gas system with all needed gas lines being installed • Data acquisition set up for both • telescope (drift times)‏ • drift tubes (time + charge)‏

  17. Goals for this Meeting • Assess status of manpower and roles •  New Canadian institutions •  Define list of tasks needed for the TDR: fill up detailed WBS • Simulations •  FAST for performance on benchmark channels •  FULL for background studies •  Magboltz/Garfield for gas mixture simulation • Detector-related R&D •  Mechanical quenching •  Optimizations •  Cell geometry •  Gas mixture •  Mechanical Engineering •  Electronics

  18. Detector Elements-PID-Conveners Vavra & Arnaud

  19. PID Detector (DIRC) • Hadronic PID System essential for P(p,K) > 0.7 GeV/c. (dE/dx < 0.7 GeV/c) • Baseline is to reuse BaBar DIRC barrel-only design. • Excellent performance to 4 GeV/c. • Robust operation. • Elegant mechanical support. • Photon detectors outside field region. • Radiation hard fused silica radiators. • But...PMTs are slow and aging. Need replacement. Large SOB region senstive to backgrounds so volume reduction is desirable. • Photon detector replacement • Baseline... Use pixelated fast PMTs with a smaller SOB to improve background performance by ~x50-100 with ~ identical PID performance. • Several other photon detector options are considered in the CDR.

  20. Forward PID Option in CDR • Modest solid angle but event acceptance for “veto physics” or decays with multiple particles (e.g., B KsKK) scale much faster than linearly. Physics case needs to be established. • Not just a PID problem. Overall detector optimization required. • Adds material before EMC. • Takes space from tracking or EMC. • Aerogel RICH and Very Fast Cherenkov-based TOF seem plausible. • Space requirements. • Fast tubes have substantial material. SiPMs are noisy and neutron sensitive. • R&D underway. See Geometry Working Group report

  21. PID Activities in the past 6 months • New Conveners (Arnaud and Va’Vra) • Barrel DIRC: - Restart the cosmic ray telescope (1mrad tracking, >1.5 GeV muons) - Started to test the FDIRC prototype with new photon detectors. (Six H-8500 MaPMTs available, ~380 pixels, ssingle photon ~ 150 ps) - Developed a new waveform digitizing electronics (BLAB2 chip). Tests have started in the cosmic ray prototype. • Forward PID: - Aging tests of SiPMTs with neutrons at KEK - Ongoing aging tests of a MCP-PMT with photons at SLAC - Magnetic field tests of MCP-PMTs - Beam test of a Aerogel RICH prototype at KEK - Beam test of a TOF prototype at Fermilab • SuperB E-mail list: superb-pid@lists.infn.itusing INFN sympa Please subscribe to it using either the linkhttps://lists.infn.it/sympa/info/superb-pidor via the SuperB website:http://www.pi.infn.it/SuperB/(login -> click on 'about' in the Navigation menu -> follow link in the 'Mailing lists' box). Tell your friends who might wish to join PID !

  22. SLAC cosmic ray telescope - our “test beam” for the next year Two new Hawaii electronics packages: Side view: • ~ 4 feet of iron (old TPC magnet) => can require muon > 1.5 GeV. • Tracking resolution: ~1 mrad. • Presently taking data with the FDIRC prototype & the 1-st Hawaii electronics package. • Soon will also include a test of a TOF prototype. Test bed in the cosmic ray telescope:

  23. A candidate for the FDIRC/DIRC electronics chain G. Varner, Larry Ruckman, Kurtis Nishima, and Andrew Wong H-8500 MaPMT: 64 pixels, 8x8 Waveform sampling electronics: 4 BLAB2 chips / MaPMT Waveform sampling rate: ~ 2.5 GSa/s Timing resolution goal: sfinal ~ 150 ps/photon BLAB2 ASIC: Initial package: FPGA array Status: - Prepared 12 packages. • Have six H-8500 MaPMTs ready. • Complete running system in March

  24. Planned activities for the next 6 months • Barrel DIRC: - Results from FDIRC on the waveform digitizing electronics. - Study the geometry, optics-develop software tools. - Study the glue joints with BaBar muons; prepare for stand-alone bar box tests after Bar boxes are removed. - TDR: - Start developing the engineering concepts - Estimate needed manpower, budget, etc. • Forward PID: - More tests in the cosmic ray telescope & beam. - Decide if there is a viable choice for the photon detector. - Make the physics case for the forward PID. - Decide on technology given the constraints from EMC requirements, tracking and available space. - Understand capability of DCH dE/dx PID in the forward region.

  25. Detector Elements-EMC-Convener Hitlin

  26. EMC BaBar Barrel 5760 CsI(Tl) Crystals • Essential detector to measure energy and direction of g and e, discriminate between e and p, and detect neutral hadrons. Baseline • BaBar barrel crystals can be reused. Most expensive detector component. • Backgrounds dominated by radiative Bhabhas. IR shielding design is crucial. • Baseline is to retain barrel geometry and photo-diode readout. Due to decreased boast, will shift interaction point wrt normal crystal gap from -5 to +5 cm. Overall increase in Barrel coverage from 79.5% to 84.1%. • Forward Endcap EMC • Inner BaBar Crystals are radiation damaged. Need replacement. • At forward angles in SuperB, CsI(Tl) is too slow (occupancy) and radiation soft. • Propose LYSO. Option for Backward Endcap • Best possible hermiticity important for fully inclusive decays and decays with neutral energy. 4.5% of solid angle is in backward endcap. • But DCH material, DIRC bars, and DCH readout unavoidable. • Physics gains need careful assessment. CDR considers veto device.

  27. The Forward EMC Endcap The higher rates and radiation dose ofSuperB motivates replacing the BABAR CsI(Tl) endcap with a faster, denser, more radiation hard version. The proposed design uses LYSO crystals with transverse dimensions of ~1 Moliere radius (~2.5 cm) Optimization of crystal sizes and the effect of the support structure on performance is proceeding Ren-yuan Zhu et al. have been working with suppliers to improve LYSO performance and establish manufacturing protocols Work has been primarily with SIPAT SIC, which supplied L3, BABAR, and CMS, is now providing full size LYSO Saint Gobain is also a supplier Hamamatsu now has 10mm x 10mm APDs (CMS used 2@5mm x 5mm), which appear to be cost-effective Have quotes for large quantities of LYSO and APDs

  28. Forward Endcap, continued Two designs are under consideration Full replacement of the existing endcap with LYSO New carbon fiber support structure Frees 10 cm for a forward PID system Reuse of existing carbon fiber structure Use four LYSO crystals in each CsI(Tl) compartment Option: retain three outer rings as CsI(Tl) Occupies the existing volume: no space created for forward PID The choice between the two must be made globally Cost Physics performance as a calorimeter Motivation for forward PID Studies with the fast MC tool are a high priority Geometry Working Group

  29. Beam test Much of the activity is organized around preparations for a beam test It may be necessary to have tests at two sites to span the required energy range with electrons, pions and tagged photons Test would employ 25 LYSO crystals, surrounded by existing CLEO CsI(Tl crystals Funding needed to place the orders Existing CMS APD modules will be used for readout Exploring a portable DAQ system based on a simplified CMS system We aim for a beam test in (early) 2010

  30. Rear endcap Early studies indicate that even a crude calorimeter closing up the rear solid angle pays dividends in S/N for missing energy signatures Preliminary design uses Pb plates and scintillating tiles with fiber readout to SiPMs Work is needed on detailed mechanical design for the highly constrained environment within the DIRC tunnel Questions have been raised about SiPM tolerance for neutrons This is under study – preliminary conclusion is that this may be OK in an angle crossing (no B1’s) IR

  31. Detector Elements-IFR-Convener Calabrese

  32. IFR • Provides discrimination between m and charged hadrons (p & k). • High m ID efficiciency and good hadron rejection efficiencies are both important. • Good efficiency as a KL veto is helpful in analysis of final states with missing u energy (e.g., Bmu(g) ). Mainly depends on EMC and energy deposited in inner material. Baseline • Add iron to BaBar stack to improve m ID.  7-8 detection layers. • Re-use BaBar steel (still to be fully assessed) • Keep longitudinal segmentation in front of stack to retain KL ID capability. • Baseline uses Minos style scintillation bars.

  33. IFR status: ongoing activities • Detector R&D: • efficiency and time resolution studies with more (Φ=1mm for the moment) fibers per scintillator, with 2x2 mm2 SiPM • Optimization of mechanical coupling: WLS/clear fibers and fiber/photodetectors • 1.2mm and clear fibers ordered, expected end February • Hamamatsu MPPC Array 1x4 1x1 mm2 and 3x3 mm2 ordered • FE electronics: • Optimization of FE amplifiers: gain x BandWidth and noise studies • Detector and background simulation • absorber optimization • reuse of BaBar flux return • Detector Design/Mechanics • Study of the detector layout • Study of the Prototype layout superB IFR - work in progress 33

  34. Goals for this meeting • Detailed planning of the prototype activities: • mechanical design • electronics development • test-beam • Understand from background simulation group when the neutron rate will be available. • TDR phase preparation • check/review the plans • set the milestones • address manpower needs 34

  35. Plans for the TDR Construction and test of a prototype to measure/confirm performance Final layout of the single detector module: scintill + WLS fiber + photodetector based on R&D and prototype test results Number of fibers per scint. bar Kuraray / Saint-Gobain and diameter Type of photodetectors : SiPM or MPPC, active surface dimensions Mechanics understand if we will reuse the Babar flux return or we need to build a new one module engineering, layout and assembling Development and test of the Front End Electronics: amplifier discriminators TDC 35

  36. Electronics, Trigger and DAQ-Conveners,Breton & Marconi

  37. Electronics, Trigger & DAQ A new overall design document has been prepared for discussion at this meeting. Will be presented in the next session. Electronics, Trigger and DAQ for SuperB. Editors: D. Breton (LAL Orsay) and U. Marconi (INFN Bologna). This document aims at defining plans for future activities towards the TDR. It contains information we presented and collected during the last meetings dedicated to electronics, trigger and DAQ. Information recognized as relevant to constraint the overall architecture of the experiment is listed in the following paragraphs.……………………………………………………

  38. Detector Geometry Working GroupRama/Stocchi

  39. Detector Geometry Working Group • Critically examine open questions in CDR design. • Goals are to • Study physics tradeoffs of detector with different forward and backward options using realistic simulation models. • Be able to finalize overall global geometry within ~ 1 year • Define subsystem technologies ASAP • Task force chairs are Matteo Rama and Achille Stocchi. Will interact broadly with the collaboration and will • Provide input to proto-technical board. • Report progress broadly at task force meetings, R&D detector meetings, and general collaboration meetings, and in written reports. • First meeting Dec. 15, 2008 at the Frascati Computing Workshop. • Status will be discussed in next session!

  40. Computing

  41. Computing • Computing “in” the TDR will be based on Babar+LHC experience: solvable problem • Fully detailed Computing TDR may come a bit later than the detector TDR, maybe 2011-12 • Computing “for” the TDR is essential from now to the TDR • Collaborative tools • Web, Code/document repository, Wiki, mailing lists, etc. • Simulation tools • Physics, Background, Detector optimization. • Reuse BaBar code when possible • Progress on both fast and full simulation. • Fast Simulation aimed at the physics and detector needs. • Full Geant4 simulation targeted at machine/detector backgrounds • To be discussed in joint Detector/Computing session on Tues.

  42. Detector Related Workshop Sessions 42

  43. Focus of Workshop Define/refine • Global System Issues • Geometry Working Group • Steps needed to reach final subsystem design • Design • R&D • Beam Tests • Organization, Manpower, Institutions • Costs • Milestones • Interfaces, system representatives, and tools • Simulation for Physics studies and MDI • Computing • Electronics/DAQ/Trigger • Design and Documentation Now  Proposalto theItalianGovernment (2009) TDR (two years). Need active planning and execution! • Groups continue to grow, but more active people needed in all areas. Please join in and bring your colleagues! 43

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