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Emotions in Global Consciousness: A Study of Basic Emotions Evoked or Embodied in Events Correlated with GCP/EGG Data

This study explores the correlation between basic emotions and events in global consciousness using data from the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) and the Global Electromagnetic Egg (EGG). The study includes collaboration with over 100 scientists, artists, and friends from around the world. The findings suggest that major events can engage our emotions so powerfully that we share a global consciousness.

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Emotions in Global Consciousness: A Study of Basic Emotions Evoked or Embodied in Events Correlated with GCP/EGG Data

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  1. Roger Nelson Princeton University and Global Consciousness Project http://noosphere.princeton.edu Emotions in Global Consciousness A study of basic emotions evoked or embodied In events correlated with GCP/EGG data Bial Foundation 7th Symposium Behind and Beyond the Brain: Emotions

  2. International collaboration of more than 100 Scientists, Artists, Friends, … Richard Adams, USA, general support Brad Anderson, USA, widget programming Peter Bancel, Paris, professional analysis, collaboration Paul Bethke, USA, windows programming, network Dick Bierman, Netherlands, design and realtime display Taylor Jackson, Canada, realtime display maintenance Greg Nelson, USA, program architecture, general support Dean Radin, USA, design and independent analysis Fernando Rodríguez, Spain, egghosts google map Leane Roffey, USA, music, outreach, general support Jaroen Ruuward, Netherlands, realtime programming Marilyn Mandala Schlitz, USA, logistical support Dick Shoup, USA, independent analysis Nishith Singh, India, realtime programming Mahadeva Srinivasan, India, general support William Treurniet, Canada, egganalysis programming John Walker, Switzerland, programming, general support … And all the EGG hosts around the world First, a thank you to the Bial Foundation for including me in this gathering, and for inviting my wife and me to visit this beautiful country … And a heartfelt thank you to the people who make the GCP go

  3. What is Global Consciousness? We all have the immediate experience of Personal Consciousness Sometimes, a Group Consciousness is experienced during rituals, concerts, etc. We lose individuality to become a group Rarely, great events focus our attention and engage our emotions so powerfully that we share a Global Consciousness Note that this is an Operational Definition, not a theory

  4. Laboratory REG and PK Experiments, Intention Field Studies Group Consciousness, Resonance Global Scope Major Events, Shared Engagement Stepwise development of the Global Consciousness Project

  5. PEAR Laboratory, Princeton University Experiments in Mind Matter Interactions INTENTION to change behavior of an REG

  6. A physical REG: the basics Quantum level Electronic noise 11001010100010111010111010010110 10101110101000000101111110001011 00101011101000111101001010010010 1110101100101010100101101110110010100101010…..

  7. In practice we make “trials” Which are the sum of 200 bits We collect one trial per second 120 100 80

  8. Binomial distribution, 1000 200-bit trials, compared with Theoretical normal distribution 100 is expected

  9. What happens in such data over time?Plot cumulative deviation from expectation Should be a random walk (a “drunkard’s walk”) Chance expectation is Level, horizontal trend Expected value = zero Cumdev is sequential sum of Differences from the expected Value, in this case, zero deviation

  10. Laboratory Experiments, PEAR:Intention to Change the REG Behavior High and Low Both Depart From Expectation HI Expectation level trend BL LO 5 Years, 87 Experiments

  11. Take REG technology into the Field Look for evidence of a Consciousness Field Situations with Resonance or Coherence Concerts, Operas, Churches, Cathedrals Rituals, Ceremonies, Sacred Spaces, … Comparison with Mundanesituations Shopping centers, train stations Busy street corners Field REG Experiments

  12. Physical Random Event Generators REG or RNG -- Miniaturized for field use Mindsong REG Orion RNG

  13. FieldREG Experiments: Deep engagement,Coherent group consciousness and emotion Expectation for the data is a level trend, But the real data show striking slopes Numinous event: Shamanic Healing ritual for Devils Tower Group chanting: Sacred space Great Pyramid, inner chambers

  14. Departures from expectation correlate with Coherent or resonant group consciousnessDeeply engaging ideas and emotions

  15. The extension to global dimensions Prototype Global Event November 1995 Assassination of YitzhakRabin Murder

  16. Multi-REG data, 12 independent sources During Princess Diana’s FuneralSadness, Compassion, Love Expectation is level trend Red trace During the Funeral P ~ 0.01 Green lines Random Control Data

  17. The natural next stepCreate a permanent networkWe made a plan and gathered resources,Built hardware and software In August 1998 The GCP began collecting data

  18. A World Spanning Network of About 60 Eggs A Google Map http://noosphere.princeton.edu/egghosts/

  19. Internet transfer of data to Princeton It looks random: Combined dataFor a whole day, from 48 eggs

  20. Average cumulative deviationshown by the black dotted line We can see better what’s happening by Plotting cumulative deviations(2 - df)

  21. If we average across REGs we can see trendsIn the cumulative deviation from expectation Cumulative deviation is a Graphical tool to detect change (process control engineering) Recall that the Expected picture is a Level random walk Did something Happen here?

  22. Natural disasters often are Global EventsHurricane and Flooding in BangledeshPersistent, Nonrandom Trends

  23. The Concorde crash July 25 2000: We feel surprise and a sense of loss

  24. Major organized gatherings For Meditation and Prayer Four million people bathe in Ganges A million or more via the Internet

  25. Sometimes the trend is very clearly not random September 11 2001 Cumulative deviation, netvar Non-random trend for over 2 days An undeniably “global” event Major human-caused disaster Shredding the social fabric A “control” data set From one year later On this day there was globally shared fear and compassion

  26. Other Views of September 11 2001 These are pictures of the variability among the eggs They should look like a “random walk” on 9/11, but … Variance starts big change at 04:00 First plane hits tower at 08:46 9/11 was unique in 3 years of data

  27. Current result: formal database, 9+ years 247 rigorously defined global eventsOdds: Million to 1 against chance

  28. Evidence for an effect ofOperationally definedGlobal ConsciousnessIs strong, withMillion to one odds that it isJust chance fluctuationWe are ready for deeper analysis

  29. NUMBER of people paying attention has A substantial effect on the networkSignificant but may be confounded overall

  30. How about Emotions? Exploratory, proof of principle Subjective categorizations Reasonable reliability Striking differences

  31. The World Trade Center September 11 2001 The GCP network Then had 37 REGs Around the world Tamara Beckwith

  32. LEVEL of emotion relatively easy To assign -- highly significant factor overall

  33. SURPRISE is listed by some researchers As an emotion, but it does not have A big effect in GCP formal events (note possible confounds with other emotions)

  34. VALENCE: Both positive and negative eventsHave larger effects than neutral events(But differences are not significant)

  35. COMPASSION: Events that evoke or embody Compassion or love have larger effects overall

  36. William James’ Four Basic Emotions Derived from “Bodily Involvement” overall

  37. Emotion on a grand, global scale?Long-term negative trend in primary measure Are we meditative? … Or depressed? Trend is significant Analysis by Peter Bancel 9/11 9/11

  38. What might explain the long-term trend? Correlation with a sociological measurePresidential Approval Rating vs NetVar Model Fit & Update to 2007 GCP Data: Brown Polling Data: Blue 9/11 We see similar spikes and trends Analysis by Peter Bancel

  39. Take away 1) It appears that our operationally defined global consciousness has real effects in the material world 2) This “global consciousness” responds to events emotionally in ways familiar to us as individuals

  40. Perhaps knowing this can help us get our act together "The Age of Nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth." - - Père Teilhard de Chardin

  41. Can the flap of a butterfly’s wing …

  42. Thank You

  43. Changing EmotionsA reversal of trendAfter the defined event Concatenated data of Formal events Vs Equal duration Post event segments Event Period Event Period Post Event Post Event Analysis by Peter Bancel

  44. The recent turmoil in Tibet Arouses compassion – The “religion” of Buddhism

  45. Consciousness Fields? Compassion may be a primary source

  46. September 11 2001: Fear and Compassion Destruction of the World Trade TowersA 50-hour trend followed the attacks Twodays

  47. Perhaps knowing this can help us get our act together “Someday after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will discover fire.” - - Père Teilhard de Chardin

  48. Distribution of Event Z-scores:Roughly normal, shifted by ~ 0.3 std dev

  49. Effects by GCP event categories 2007 update generally similar to 2004 (More categories are significant – N is greater)‏

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