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Make a Start, Make a Difference ...

This initiative aims to uplift nursing standards by forming a nursing journal club in Intensive Care Units. Through regular meetings and discussions on advanced literature, nurses enhance their knowledge, skills, and engagement in research activities, ultimately improving bedside care quality. Evaluation through staff feedback questionnaires highlights positive impacts on staff satisfaction and practice changes, such as enhanced competency and reduced Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP). The success of the journal club is attributed to staff interest, attendance, and involvement. The club is praised for promoting continuous professional development and lifelong learning, contributing to a culture of evidence-based practice in nursing.

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Make a Start, Make a Difference ...

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  1. Make a Start, Make a Difference ... MAK WAI LING Nurse Specialist Intensive Care PMH & YCH HKSAR

  2. Establishing a Nursing Journal Club to Uplifting the Nursing Standard

  3. Introduction • To improve the quality of bedside nursing care and to promote evidence-based nursing practice …. formation of a nursing journal club can be one strategy to accomplish both goals. (St Pierre, 2005)

  4. Make a Start … PMH & YCH Journal Club July 2007 • Objectives: • To encourage nurses to familiarize themselves with advanced literature in our field of work. • To enhance professional development in intensive care nursing • To arouse nurses’ interest in research activities

  5. Implementation • Develop a year plan • Engage all nurses

  6. Implementation Topics selection

  7. A regular joint meetings for the two ICUs

  8. Review ………….One and a half year later,

  9. Staff Impact The interest, attendance and involvement of participants are key elements to measure success. (Kartes & Kamel, 2003)

  10. Staff Impact Staff Involvement

  11. Staff Impact Attendance

  12. Staff Impact Interest An evaluation exercise was done by using a staff feedback questionnaire: • To review nurses’ satisfaction • To provide them with feedback channel for improvement in future meetings.

  13. Staff Feedback Questionnaire • 7 questions on arrangement of the meeting • 8 questions on benefits of the journal club participation • 2 open questions to express their opinion > 70% respondent rate

  14. Questionnaire Findings Benefits of the Journal Club Participation

  15. Questionnaire Findings Benefits of the Journal Club Participation (Cont’d)

  16. Questionnaire Findings Arrangement of the meeting

  17. Questionnaire Findings Arrangement of the meeting (Cont’d)

  18. Evaluation • Evidence of a practice change within your unit is an indication of success. (Kartes & Kamel, 2003)

  19. Changes made* IAP Measurement • - More accurate measurement • Enhance staff competency

  20. Changes made* VAP • Implement care bundle • Review and revise practice • A multi-disciplinary approach

  21. Changes done to reduce VAP in ICU Staff education Weaning Antibiotic Oral hygiene Ventilator bundle DVT prophylaxis Diagnosis Multi-disciplinary Team approach ETT cuff care Sedation vacation Intubation technique Peptic ulcer prophylaxis Head up 30 Suctioning technique Care resp. equipment

  22. Conclusion • Journal club is a simple way to encourage nurses to keep up to date with current research. • Journal club can be a fun and interesting way to improve quality of nursing care by providing the impetus to change practice. • Journal club participation promotes continuing professional development and life long learning.

  23. Discussion & Recommendation • Make a start • Never stop • Keep on the journey • Make difference • Enjoy the success

  24. Special thanks to all staff of ICU (PMH & YCH)

  25. Thank you

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