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Challenges of Liberal Studies Curriculum: Leading your students to learn effectively throughout the journey of Indepen

Challenges of Liberal Studies Curriculum: Leading your students to learn effectively throughout the journey of Independent Enquiry Studies (IES) 7 th March 2009 Dr Hue Ming Tak Department of Educational Psychology Counselling, and Learning Needs The Hong Kong Institute of Education

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Challenges of Liberal Studies Curriculum: Leading your students to learn effectively throughout the journey of Indepen

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  1. Challenges of Liberal Studies Curriculum: Leading your students to learn effectively throughout the journey of Independent Enquiry Studies (IES) 7th March 2009 Dr Hue Ming TakDepartment of Educational Psychology Counselling, and Learning Needs The Hong Kong Institute of Education mthue@ied.edu.hk

  2. Aims • To affirm that all students are gifted. • To understand the trend of “Shift”, and make it start in your Liberal Studies (LS) classroom. • To understand the rationale of learning underlying LS Curriculum and Independent Enquiry Studies (IES). • To lead your students to pass through the journey of “learning to learn” when engaging in the learning of IES. • To understand basic principles of effective learning.

  3. Why LS? Why IES? Looking closely: All students are gifted! Expectation and motivation Judging a book by it’s cover Students engaging the teachers Failing in school-passing in life

  4. Why Liberal Studies? Why IES? Taking a broader view: Did You Know? Shift Happens At: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljbI-363A2Q

  5. A new mission of education? The top ten jobs that will be in demand in 2010 didn’t exit in 2004. We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist; using technology that haven’t yet been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet .

  6. A new identity of IT citizen? There are over 106 million registered users of MySpace (as of September 2006) If MySpace were a country, it would be the 11th-largest in the world (between Japan and Mexico).

  7. A new mode of learning? The amount of new technical information doubling every 2 years. For students starting a four-year technical or college degree, this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.

  8. Back to where we start: Learning to Learn • Learning to Learn: The way forward in curriculum development • Eight Key Learning Areas • Subject curriculum Guides • Basic Education Curriculum Guide: Building on Strengths • Student-centre learning • An issue-enquiry approach to teaching and learning • students actively construct knowledge for themselves • knowledge comes from everyday life.

  9. Liberal Studies Curriculum

  10. Ares of Study • Self & Personal Development • Module 1: Personal Development & Interpersonal Relationships • Society & Culture • Module 2: Hong Kong Today • Module 3: Modern China • Module 4: Globalization • Science, Technology & the Environment • Module 5: Public Health • Module 6: Energy Technology & the Environment

  11. Independent Enquiry Study • Use of the knowledge and perspectives gained from the three Areas of Study and extending them to new issues or contexts. • The themes suggested are: • Media • Education • Religion • Sports • Art • Information and Communication Technology

  12. The Journey of “Learning to Learn”

  13. Action-Learning Approaches to Effective teaching and learning

  14. Effective teaching and learning in LS classroom

  15. Dweck (1986) identified different motivational styles and their characteristics. Dweck (1986), “motivational processes affecting learning”, American Psychologist, 41: 1040-1048.

  16. Some Principles of Effective Learning • The determinant of learning is internal to the learner. • The determinant of learning is existing knowledge. • Learning is an ongoing, continuous and active process. • Learners have responsibility for their learning. • Constructed meanings share common characteristics.

  17. Make “Shift” Happen in Your Classroom • Let’s start from your LS Classroom: A new mission of education A new identity of IT citizens A new mode of learning

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