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Debate: Potential Impacts of GMOs on Health and Environment

This debate discusses the potential human health and environmental impacts of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including deaths and near-deaths, cancer and degenerative diseases, viral and bacterial illnesses, and soil, plant, tree, insect, and larger animal impacts.

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Debate: Potential Impacts of GMOs on Health and Environment

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  1. Debate 4 Pair: Duong Kim Duyen Pham Thi Ha Chuyen Against GMOs

  2. Safety A. Potential human health impacts B. Potential environmental impacts

  3. A. Potential human health impacts

  4. 1. Deaths and Near-Deaths (1) • Recorded Deaths from GM • In 1989, dozens of Americans died and several thousands were afflicted and impaired by a genetically modified version of the food supplement L-tryptophan creating a debilitating ailment known as Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) • Released without safety tests, there were 37 deaths reported and approximately 1500 more were permanently disabled

  5. 1. Deaths and Near-Deaths (2)   - Near-deaths and Food Allergy Reactions 25% of Americans have mild adverse reactions to foods while at least 4% or 12 million Americans have provably more serious food allergies

  6. 2. Cancer and Degenerative Diseases (1) • Degenerative Diseases : A research conducted in 1998 by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy showed that GM potatoes did considerable damage to rats' organs.

  7. 2. Cancer and Degenerative Diseases (2) • Cancer : Monsanto's genetically engineered recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) has been used to increase production of dairy cows. Accoriding to Ronnie Cummins of the Campaign for Food Safety/Organic Consumers Association, an increase of the hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1) has been found to increase cancer risk in humans consuming rBGH milk.

  8. Viral and Bacterial Illness (1) • Superviruses Viruses can mix with genes of other viruses and retroviruses such as HIV. This can give rise to more deadly viruses - and at rates higher than previously thought. One study showed that gene mixing occurred in viruses in just 8 weeks (Kleiner, 1997). This kind of scenario applies to the cauliflower mosaic virus CaMV, the most common virus used in genetic engineering

  9. Viral and Bacterial Illness (2) • Antibiotic Threat Via Milk: Cows injected with rBGH have a much higher level of udder infections. The Center for Food Safety claims a 25% increase in the frequency of udder infections in cows that are given this growth hormone. Since this hormone causes infections, farmers will use more antibiotics that may eventually end up in the dairy products we consume The overuse of antibiotics can be strongly linked to hard-to-treat illnesses in people.

  10. Viral and Bacterial Illness (3) • Antibiotic Threat Via Plants: European countries have prohibited the growth of certain genetically engineered corn due to the fact that the gene can be transfered to the food chain.  The resistant qualities of GM bacteria in food can be transferred to other bacteria in the environment and throughout the human body causing society to be less receptive to common antibiotics

  11. B. Potential environmental impacts

  12. Potential environmental impacts • General Soil Impact • Plants • Trees • Insects and Larger Animals

  13. General Soil Impact • In Oregon, scientists found GM bacterium meant to break down wood chips, corn stalks and lumber wastes to produce ethanol - with the post-process waste to be used as compost - rendered the soil sterile. It killed essential soil nutrients, robbing the soil of nitrogen and killed nitrogen capturing fungi

  14. Plants • It has been shown that genetically modified Bt endotoxin remains in the soil at least 18 months (according to Marc Lappé and Britt Bailey) and can be transported to wild plants creating superweeds - resistant to butterfly, moth, and beetle pests - potentially disturbing the balance of nature

  15. Trees (1) • Destruction of Forest Life: GM trees or "supertrees" are being developed which can be sprayed from the air to kill literally all of surrounding life, except the GM trees. There is an attempt underway to transform international forestry by introducing multiple species of such trees. The trees themselves are often sterile and flowerless

  16. Trees (2) • Terminator Trees : Monsanto has developed plans with the New Zealand Forest Research Agency to create still more lethal tree plantations. These super deadly trees are non-flowering, herbicide-resistant and with leaves exuding toxic chemicals to kill caterpillars and other surrounding insects - destroying the wholesale ecology of forest life (As George McGavin, curator of entomology Oxford University noted, "If you replace vast tracts of natural forest with flowerless trees, there will be a serious effect on the richness and abundance of insects )

  17. Insects and Larger Animals (1) • In Philippines, : Fish and marine life are threatened by accidental release of GM fish • (Cornell, 1999): Studies have shown that GM products can kill beneficial insects - most notably the monarch butterfly larvae. • Swiss government researchers found Bt crops killed lacewings that ate the cotton worms which the Bt targeted • A study reported in 1997 by New Scientist indicates honeybees may be harmed by feeding on proteins found in GM canola flowers

  18. Insects and Larger Animals (2) • In a study with GM potatoes, spliced with DNA from the snowdrop plant and a viral promoter (CaMV), the resulting plant was poisonous to mammals (rats) - damaging vital organs, the stomach lining and immune system

  19. GMOs can not solve Food crisis • Food crisis and GMOs • Seed cost of GMO and conventional foods • Hunger and poverty

  20. 1.Food crisis and GMOs • The basket of food prices rose by 140% between 2002 and this February. • GMOs helps to boost biofuel production (A confidential World Bank report obtained by the Guardian)

  21. 2. Seedcost of GMO and conventional foods

  22. 3.Hunger and poverty • Main cause of hunger: Poverty but not scarcity of food GM crops have little to offer to the challenges of poverty ( A major UN/World Bank-sponsored report compiled by 400 scientists and endorsed by 58 countries )

  23. Ethical impacts • Stress for GM animals: 2. Neglect of Customers’ rights

  24. Stress for animals • Suffering associated with the procedures used to create and maintain the GM animals • Negative welfare effects of genetic modification (Natasha Lane & Maggy Jennings-Research Animals Department - 1st edition; July 2004)

  25. Neglect of Customers’ right • Costumers’ desires: - Most Americans (53%) say they would avoid GMOs if they were labeled. - 9 out of 10 Americans want mandatory GMO labeling 2. Lack of GMO labels

  26. 2. Lack of GMO labels

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