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Managing Emergencies

Learn the essentials of emergency management with PATHS training program by Bureau of Workers' Compensation, Pennsylvania. Plan, respond, and recover effectively from various emergencies with well-designed strategies. Understand command, control, and special considerations for response.

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Managing Emergencies

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  1. Managing Emergencies Bureau of Workers’ Compensation PA Training for Health & Safety (PATHS) Well-designed plans before an event will aid in system and operational restoration more quickly PPT-074-01

  2. Main Topics Bureau of Workers’ Compensation PA Training for Health & Safety (PATHS) • Emergency Management • Plan Contents • Command & Control • Event Classifications Action Plans • Mapping • Protective Actions PPT-074-01

  3. Main Topics Bureau of Workers’ Compensation PA Training for Health & Safety (PATHS) Special Considerations Response Special Support Borrowing from History Unique Concerns Recovery Mitigation/Prevention PPT-074-01

  4. Generic Emergencies Most of us are used to emergencies; we’ve all suffered: Car trouble Electrical outage Plumbing problems General repairs Other types which are always inconvenient! PPT-074-01

  5. Types of Emergencies The “Big Ones” fall into 2 categories: Natural or Man-Made PS: Even the small incidents can disrupt like large ones!! PPT-074-01

  6. Emergency Management The scope of emergency management in today’s world requires: Considering possible events Planning for situations of high probability as well as unique events Providing for resources to meet the event Recovering and restoring to normal PPT-074-01

  7. Facility Model The emergency response cycle for a facility can include: Preparation Warning Relocation Mobilization Monitoring Services PPT-074-01

  8. Facility Model Control/Stabilization Close-out/Termination Return to Normal Operations Damage Assessment & Recovery Plan Review & Modification Let’s simplify this….. PPT-074-01

  9. Emergency Management Preparedness Response Recovery Mitigation & Prevention Cyclic in Nature PPT-074-01

  10. Emergency Management Methods IEMS (Integrated Emergency Management System) ICS (Incident Command System) PPT-074-01

  11. Plan PPT-074-01

  12. Aids to Planning Job assignment and identification Guidance Manuals PPT-074-01

  13. Plan Contents Facility Overview Hazards and Hazard Control Safety Systems In-place Emergency Response Organization Levels of Magnitude for Events Plan PPT-074-01

  14. Plan Contents Communication Contacts Procedures/Action Plans Checklists Plan Administration Staff Training Action Plans PPT-074-01

  15. Evaluate Emergency Possibilities Analyze your area(s) of responsibility Ask questions regarding: What could happen and what would be the results? How do we meet the needs? Could your facility exist absent the infrastructure which has been damaged? PPT-074-01

  16. Hazards by Area Determine Hazards for which procedures should be created Internal events or external hazards which may intrude Determine the main agency concerned with response: → Fire Brigade → Spill Team → First Aid Team → Security Or maybe the “A” Team! PPT-074-01

  17. Emergencies by Agency Fire Response Structures Storage Processes Manufacturing Transport (off-loading materials) Labs Parking lots PPT-074-01

  18. HazMat Response Chemical storage Processes Shipping/Receiving Transportation • Labs • Hazardous waste locations • Manufacturing • Environmental events PPT-074-01

  19. Security Disgruntled employees Bomb threats Full power outage Control of mass media Access control for off-site responders Demonstrations Securing vacated buildings Active Shooter events PPT-074-01

  20. Develop Command and Control Duty Assignments Job descriptions When do they report? Where do they go? To whom do they report? Who reports to them? Radio channels PPT-074-01

  21. Emergency Titles and Duties Incident Commander Safety Liaison Public Information (PIO) Operations Planning/Intelligence Logistics Finance/Administration PPT-074-01

  22. Facility Emergency Team A facility’s team may also include the following: Sr. Rep of Operations Sr. Manager Human resources Public relations Environmental Engineering Legal PPT-074-01

  23. Expanding the ICS As the incident magnitude increases, so will the number and types of agencies involved Provide for such expansion Also provide to rotate out tired staff for fresh crews PPT-074-01

  24. Locate a Facility EOC Equip with: Telephones Radios Tables/chairs White boards Lighting Backup generator Locate agencies with similar missions in close proximity PPT-074-01

  25. Event Classifications Unusual Event Alert Site Emergency General Emergency Note: You may also reduce the number of levels to three (3), i.e. Level I Level II Level III PPT-074-01

  26. Event Classification Base the event classification on: Severity of event to people Severity to facility; physically or operationally Potential of condition to spread Effort required to control event Effect event has on the surrounding community Number and type of additional agencies affected by the event PPT-074-01

  27. Unusual Event An event has occurred on the facility but does not affect: Personnel safety Public safety The operation of the facility On-site emergency responders only PPT-074-01

  28. Alert An event has occurred on the facility minimally affecting: Personnel safety Public safety The operation of the facility On-site emergency responders with possibility of off-site responders PPT-074-01

  29. Site Emergency An event has occurred on the facility greatly affecting: Personnel safety Off-site public The operation of the facility • On-site emergency responders along with off-site emergency responders • Event may be of longer duration PPT-074-01

  30. General Emergency An event has occurred on the facility posing an imminent threat to: Site Personnel Off-site Public safety The operation of the facility • On-site emergency responders along with off-site emergency responders • Event will require extreme actions to stabilize PPT-074-01

  31. Communications Complex events require more complex communications than just dialing 911 PPT-074-01

  32. Communications Provide direct lines Alternate means “Rumor Hotlines” Each person’s problem is the most important during an emergency Create filters and distribution methods Log all messages PPT-074-01

  33. Alternate Communications CB clubs Radio clubs Former military staff Emergency service members Emergency Broadcast System contacts Assign a Communications Coordinator and alternate PPT-074-01

  34. Contact Lists During an emergency: no time to try & find phone numbers or identify responsible persons Establish these lists during planning Update lists when persons vacate their assignment PPT-074-01

  35. Action Plans Assign an AP Number Assign an initial event magnitude Criteria for implementing Checklist, by action agency, of those tasks to be implemented Initial call-outs Procedures to be reviewed Technical information reviewed Support procedures PPT-074-01

  36. Action Plan Index: Examples EventLevel 300 Explosions 301 Structures Alert 302 Bulk Product: Liquid or Gas Site Emergency 400 Transportation Accidents 406 Aircraft Accident General Emergency PPT-074-01

  37. Basic Emergency Action Plans Address need for immediate action to protect employees due to the occurrence of life-threatening or endangering exposure Examples: Building & Site Evacuation Hazardous Materials Spill Urgent Employee Medical Treatment PPT-074-01

  38. Checklists Design checklists to cut down on written instructions It is easier to view a graphic than decipher long paragraphs of instructions PPT-074-01

  39. Continuing Operations Backup operating records/documents Locate secondary/tertiary records to restart operations Does your facility have another location to continue operations? Is there rental property you can obtain? How do you minimize your down time? PPT-074-01

  40. Command and Control Conduct briefings with agency leaders Conduct combined (all agency) briefings Brief each on event developments and determine each agency’s required actions PPT-074-01

  41. Mapping Develop mapping strategies: Populated areas Evacuation routes/alternates Congregate Care Centers Road link capabilities Determine security measures for: Populations Infrastructure locations PPT-074-01

  42. Mapping Facility Target hazards: -Life - Property: High value materials Safety related equipment Bulk/hazardous storage - Important to plant operations Fire pumps Emergency generators - Utilities PPT-074-01

  43. Mapping Individual buildings Life hazards/evacuation routes Assembly points for emergency teams Access points for off-site agencies Shutdown logics for equipment/processes Emergency equipment locations PPT-074-01

  44. Mapping Use Topographic maps to determine potentially threatened areas Also to determine areas subject to flooding Plot downwind drift for released gases or vapors PPT-074-01

  45. Information Logs Create Wall Boards to Log Information: Situation status Resource status PPT-074-01

  46. Disruptions How would this affect access to your facility? What’s required to over-ride the problem? PPT-074-01

  47. Protective Actions: Evacuation To where? By what routes? Alternates? How do they get there? Who sets-up the CCC (congregate care center)? Who provides services? Will they take pets?? PPT-074-01

  48. Protective Actions: Sheltering American Red Cross is structured to set-up these shelters Staff trained to the needs of the population received You might also implement a combination of evacuating and sheltering PPT-074-01

  49. Impacting Off-Site Locations A release at your facility may directly impact off-site communities This impact may directly affect you if your neighborhood’s involved Consider the needs the following events may trigger: PPT-074-01

  50. Special Considerations Transportation Coordinator - Provides transport for various groups Sheltering Coordinator - Sets-up lodging and registration for moved groups - Establishes services PPT-074-01

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