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Generation Y Managing the unmanageable? Ray Rowlings. Generation Y ?. Baby Boomers- Post war- approaching retirement- ‘never had it so good’ Generation X- 1960s and 70s children - end of the Cold War- Independent, resilient and adaptable . Generation Y - Born 1978 to 1994 Ambitious
Generation Y ? • Baby Boomers- Post war- approaching retirement- ‘never had it so good’ • Generation X- 1960s and 70s children - end of the Cold War- Independent, resilient and adaptable • Generation Y- Born 1978 to 1994 • Ambitious • Self absorbed • Gregarious • Demanding • Confident • ‘Change the world’
Generation Y at work? • Concerned with their own careers - not organisation • Loyal to individuals - not organisation • Individualists • Want to move jobs frequently • Search for new challenges • Might not wait for opportunities for promotion
CMI Research- Generation Y: Unlocking the talent of young managers (Dr Alison Macleod June 2008) • How younger managers work and what makes them tick? • Relationship with new technology • Based on responses from 862 members under 35 • Survey of management students • Qualitative workshops with younger managers • Workshops to discuss findings
Summary of Findings from Report • Selfless – not selfish. Young managers are driven by ethics and sense of purpose. 90% ‘want to work for an organisation that does something I believe in’ • Committed to the cause - 63% have been in their current job for 3 years- only 4% strongly agreed that ‘There is no point being excessively loyal to an organisation’ • Long term career planning - 75% of respondents when asked why the joined their current employer focused on the long – term career opportunities available
Summary of recommendations from research • Recruiting Generation Y- they value development opportunities- especially management qualifications and free membership of professional organisations • Unlocking the talent of Generation Y- they value regular feedback and support from line managers and also tailored development paths • Retaining Generation Y - they value the ability to progress, job rotation and training are ways of offering development , flatter structures can be issue
Summary of recommendations from research cont. • Unlocking the talent of Generation Y- they value Web 2.0 Technology- organisations need to explore how this could provide new communication channels- for collaboration and improving working relationships • Understanding the differences with Generation Y- they have differences that organisations need to value in terms of diversity of talents and skills for example their use of collaborative software technologies
The Communication Process Can affect any part of the Process Noise Receiver Sender Message Channel Feedback Process is more effective when feedback is present Source: adapted from Shannon & Weaver
CMI Research Tomorrow’s Leaders – March 2011 Patrick Woodman and Paul Hutchings • Based on 585 responses from CMI Members • 2011- a million 16- 24 years olds unemployed • Asked managers how they feel education could better prepare young people to enter the world of work
Developing tomorrow’s leaders: CMI’s role - Campus CMI • Campus CMI Launched March 2011 • Pilot programmes working with people aged 14-21 delivering qualifications in team leading and line management in schools and FE colleges • Has delivered 1500 qualifications in 115 schools
Developing tomorrow’s leaders: CMI’s role - Campus CMI cont • Led by a board of employers including Centrica, Waitrose and National Grid • Aim is increase uptake to 3000 people in 300 schools be end of 2011 • Aim to widen the programme to deliver 10,000 qualifications within 5 years
Developing tomorrow’s leaders: CMI’s role - Campus CMI cont • Opportunities for involvement and participation at • Member level • Organisation level • Branch level • Regional level • Further details at • www.managers.org.uk/CampusCMI