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Type Inference in Java SE 8. Danie l Smith Java Language Designer. Overview. Context & terminology Target typing Variable dependencies Lambda expressions & method references Migration experience.
Type Inference in Java SE 8 Daniel SmithJava Language Designer
Overview • Context & terminology • Target typing • Variable dependencies • Lambda expressions & method references • Migration experience
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Example interface Chooser { int pick(int arg1, int arg2); <T> T pick(T arg1, T arg2); } chooser.pick(23, “hello”).someMethod();
Overload resolution Which method is i) applicable and ii) best? int pick(int arg1, int arg2); <T> T pick(T arg1, T arg2); chooser.pick(23, “hello”) Applicable means arguments are compatible with parameter types. But we don’t know what “T” means…
Invocation typing What is the generic method’s signature/return for this invocation? <T> T pick(T arg1, T arg2); chooser.pick(23, “hello”).someMethod() In other words, what does “T” mean?
Inference variables • Inference variables are meta-variables for types. They allow us to talk generally about types. (Compare someMethod on previous slide…) • Examples: a, b, s, t, a1, a2 • Examples in types: • t[] • List<t> • Pair<? extends a1, a2[]> • An inference variable (t) is not a type variable (T)
Constraint formulas • Is ArrayList<String> <: List<? extends t> true or false? It depends… • Constraint formulas are assertions that constrain the choices for inference variables: • ArrayList<String> → List<? extends t> • a → int • Map<a1, a2> <: Map<String, ?> • These assertions come from, e.g., arguments passed to generic parameters (replacing the type variables with inference variables).
Bounds Bounds are conclusions drawn from constraint formulas: • a = String • a <: Number • Integer <: a • a <: List<b> • a <: b • false
Reduction To get from a constraint formula to bounds, we reduce it: • HashMap<String, Number[]> →Map<a1, ? extends a2[]> • HashMap<String, Number[]> <: Map<a1, ? extends a2[]> • String = a1, Number[] <: a2[] • String = a1, Number <: a2
Resolution • Given a set of bounds, choose types for the inference variables that satisfy their bounds. • { a = String, b <: Object, Integer <: b }resolves to a=String, b=Integer • { Integer <: a, String <: a }resolves to a = Serializable & Comparable<?> • { a <: Runnable, a <: Closeable }resolves to a = Runnable & Closeable • There is often more than one right answer…
When inference fails Map<String, List<String>> m = …; m.put(name, Collections.emptyList()); error: method put in interface Map<K,V> cannot be applied to given types required: String,List<String> found: String,List<Object> m.put(name, Collections.<String>emptyList());
Poly expressions Poly expressions have different types in different contexts, depending on the target type. List<String> strings = Collections.emptyList(); List<Integer> ints = Collections.emptyList(); Map<String, Integer> m1 = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, String> m2 = new HashMap<>();
Contexts for target typing • Assignment (including variable declaration, return statement) List<Float> lf = new ArrayList<>(); • Lambda expression body Supplier<List<Float>> lf = () -> new ArrayList<>() • Conditional expression (? :) List<Float> lf = cond ? null : new ArrayList<>(); • Method argument (including constructors) float average(List<Float> lf) { … } average(new ArrayList<>());
Delayed resolution List<Number> ln = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); // Java 7: type error // Java 8: compiles • Overload resolution bounds: { Integer <: t } • Invocation typing bounds: { Integer <: t, t = Number }
Nested invocations List<String> ls=Collections.checkedList(new ArrayList<>(), String.class); • Overload resolution of constructor: { t1 <: Object } • checkedList constraints: ArrayList<_____> → List<t2> Class<String> → Class<t2>
Nested invocations Java 7 Strategy List<String> ls =Collections.checkedList(new ArrayList<>(), String.class); • Overload resolution of constructor: { t1 <: Object } • ‘checkedList’ constraints: ArrayList<Object> -> List<t2> Class<String> -> Class<t2>
Nested invocations Java 8 Strategy List<String> ls =Collections.checkedList(new ArrayList<>(), String.class); • Overload resolution of constructor: { t1 <: Object } • ‘checkedList’ constraints: ArrayList<t1> -> List<t2> Class<String> -> Class<t2>
Overload resolution & target typing Overload resolution is always context-independent.
Declared bounds & dependencies interface Widget extends Comparable<Widget> { … } class Sprog implements Widget { … } <T extends C, C extends Comparable<C>> void sort(List<T> list); { t <: c, c <: Comparable<c> } List<Sprog> sprogs = …; sort(sprogs); { t = Sprog, t <: c, t <: Comparable<c> }
Declared bounds & dependencies Java 7 Strategy <T extends C, C extends Comparable<C>> void sort(List<T> list); List<Sprog> sprogs = …; sort(sprogs); { t = Sprog, t <: c, c <: Comparable<c> } Resolution:t = Sprog, c = CAP#1 extends Comparable<CAP#1> error: invalid inferred types for C; inferred type does not conform to declared bound(s) inferred: Sprog bound(s): CAP#1
Declared bounds & dependencies Java 8 Strategy <T extends C, C extends Comparable<C>> void sort(List<T> list); List<Sprog> sprogs = …; sort(sprogs); { t = Sprog, t <: c, c <: Comparable<c> } { t = Sprog, t <: c, Sprog <: c, c <: Comparable<c> } Sprog <: Comparable<c> c = Widget Resolution:t = Sprog, c = Widget
Incorporation • When adding bounds, identify extra new constraints: • a = S and a = Timplies S = T • a = Sanda <: Timplies S <: T • a = SandT <: aimplies T <: S • S <: aanda <: Timplies S <: T • a = UandS = Timplies S[a:=U] = T[a:=U] • a = UandS <: Timplies S[a:=U] <: T[a:=U]
Nesting & dependencies <C extends Collection<String>> C fill(C coll); String s = fill(new ArrayList<>()).get(0); ArrayList<t> -> c { ArrayList<t> <: c, c <: Collection<String> } ArrayList<t> <: Collection<String> { t = String, ArrayList<String> <: c, c <: Collection<String> }
Lambda expression typing Implicitly-typed (x, y) ->x.substring(y) Explicitly-typed (String x, int y) ->x.substring(y)
Implicitly-typed lambda as argument <T, K extends Comparator<T>> comparing(Function<T,K> getKey); Comparator<String> byLength = comparing(s -> s.length());
Implicitly-typed lambda as argument <T, K extends Comparator<T>> comparing(Function<T,K> getKey); <T> comparing(ToIntFunction<T> getKey); Comparator<String> byLength = comparing(s -> s.length()); // Error: ambiguous overloads
Explicitly-typed lambda as argument <T, K extends Comparator<T>> comparing(Function<T,K> getKey); <T> comparing(ToIntFunction<T> getKey); Comparator<String> byLength = comparing((String s) -> s.length());
Method reference typing Inexact String::substring Exact String::getLength
Inexact method reference as argument <T, K extends Comparator<T>> comparing(Function<T,K> getKey); <T> comparing(ToIntFunction<T> getKey); Comparator<String> byLower = comparing(String::toLowerCase); // Error: ambiguous overloads
Exact method reference as argument <T, K extends Comparator<T>> comparing(Function<T,K> getKey); <T> comparing(ToIntFunction<T> getKey); Comparator<String> byLength = comparing(String::length);
Overloading for lambdas & method references • Rule of thumb: don’t declare overloads with functional interface types of the same arity <T, K extends Comparator<T>> comparing(Function<T,K> getKey); <T> comparingInt(ToIntFunction<T> getKey); • Exception: some other argument can be used to disambiguate
Grab bag of other new features • Dependency-based ordering of variable resolution • Dependency-based ordering of lambda typing • Exception variables prefer resolving to RuntimeException • Simulate capture of generic return types • More flexibility when unboxing a generic return type
Get rid of explicit type arguments Map<String, List<String>> m = …; m.put(name, Collections.<String>emptyList()); becomes m.put(name, Collections.emptyList()); (For methods, grep for “.<”; for diamond, look for common generic types)
Risk of overload resolution changes void m(Object o) { System.out.println(“x”); } void m(List<Number> ln) { System.out.println(“y”); } m(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); (Note that it is nearly impossible to improve type checking without tripping over this.)
New freedom • Can use diamond everywhere • Don’t have to be afraid of ? : • Generic methods don’t mind multiple levels of nesting • Can define more sophisticated generic APIs • No more anonymous inner class boilerplate
OpenJDK: Lambda Project JCP: JSR 335 lambda-dev@openjdk.java.net