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Interview with Solo Ads vendor Dan Daniels.
Solo Ads Experts Dan Daniels Prashant Sharma Following are the questions that Prashant asked Dan Daniels about Solo Ads Business during their brief conversation. Powered by SoloAdsX.com
Question 1: What kind of offers converts the best with solo ads? This depends on a few things: (1) What you are selling. The type, and Quality of list(s) that the solo ad providers you are buying from have. Don’t go buying solo clicks for a weight loss squeeze page from a guy who’s list responds better to Forex offers! Always ask what type of offers your potential seller’s list(s) respond best to.There are thousands of sellers out there so don’t be afraid to shop around before buying.
Question 1: What kind of offers converts the best with solo ads? (2) Personally, I have found make money online offers to seem to convert the best (for me anyway). Everyone wants to think they can earn $150 a day or $200 a day or etc, then quit their day job. Use this kind of text on your squeeze pages and optin rates will generally be quite high. Things like high ticket webinars have never done as well for me, however, I know they do quite well for other people. Like with any form of internet marketing - it’s HOW you sell your product that matters.
Question 2: What is better when it comes to getting conversions? Mixed Clicks, Pure Solos, Tier 1 only Solo Ads or something else? Again this depends on what you are selling, and I guess how much money you have to put in. Tier 1 only solo ads are going to be more expensive but you are getting English speaking traffic with credit cards which is what you really want for your pages and offers.
Question 2: What is better when it comes to getting conversions? Mixed Clicks, Pure Solos, Tier 1 only Solo Ads or something else? If your budget is lower, then feel free to try out mixed clicks as you get going to test squeeze pages, build your own lists, etc. To answer the question, I’d say Tier 1 only is the way to go.
Question 3: How are solo ads different from FB Ads? Which is better according to you? You can approach a much bigger audience using Fb Ads, as they just have so many more users. However, learning how to use them effectively is another art form in itself. I spend over $15k a month on Facebook Ads for other businesses and they can generally be very up and down results wise. Facebook changes their interface and algorithm around so often it drives me mad. If you don’t know what you are doing with FB ads you can burn through money like crazy and have nothing to show for it.
Question 3: How are solo ads different from FB Ads? Which is better according to you? At least with solo ads, you generally know what you are getting, as long as you talk to your provider and make sure their traffic matches up with the content of your squeeze page(s), and will at least get some leads from your ad spend. If you are new to this game I strongly suggest starting with solo ads before even thinking about using FB.
Question 4: What is the #1 solo ad buying hack that you can tell us? (Since most of the readers are going to be buyers of solo ads). (1) Haggle for the discount: This will be way easier if you agree to regularly buy clicks from suppliers.Everyone wants their slots filled ahead of time if possible. Don’t always expect to get it though! (2) Be polite, it costs nothing: I encounter horribly rude people every day and do you really think I’m going to help them and/or want to give them discount?
Question 5: What is the biggest mistake people make while buying solo ads? Having really bad squeeze pages. I strongly suggest doing your research here, time to time look around at others. (1) Would you put your email address on that squeeze page? Why? What “pulls you in” to want to optin to that page? Always ask yourself these questions and especially about your own page(s)! Obviously, you have to test at first and especially if you are new, you are going to burn through some money initially while you work out what converts the best.
Question 5: What is the biggest mistake people make while buying solo ads? But seriously I see some appalling squeeze pages that are never going to convert, let alone sell anything ever. KISS (keep it simple, stupid) ALWAYS! While pretty pages with video and lots of text may look nice, they just don’t convert to a super simple page with a big juicy headline and an optin box. Want money? Put your email in and click submit! That’s it. My highest converting squeeze pages over 5 years of doing this have ALWAYS been the most simple.Not making sure your squeeze pages are optimized for mobile.
Question 5: What is the biggest mistake people make while buying solo ads? (2) Thinking you can effectively test ANY OFFER or “traffic quality” with 1-200 clicks. You just can’t. This isn’t how the game works. I’ve been marketing online for over 20 years and you really need to put a few thousand clicks thru anything before judging results.
Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? People ask me this almost every day and there is really no (honest) answer I can give you. I could tell you this page will get 50% optin in and another 35% and my traffic is the best and yes you’ll definitely get 79% optin and 3 sales from this page…. but there is no real way of telling. Optin/conversion rates are dependent on so many factors I could write 5 pages of text about it.
Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? Don’t give me shit (bad squeeze pages, dodgy hosting, poor email follow up the chain) and expect me to turn it into gold (super high optin rate, mad back-end sales) Your squeeze page has to be great (see ANSWER 5). Make sure your solo ad supplier is reliable, established, and has a good reputation. Ask around. Network. Speak to other solo ad sellers and buyers as often as you can. Read and learn about the industry. As ever, knowledge is power.
Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? In a nutshell - going back a few years, with a good squeeze page I was often pulling in 60-70% opt-in rate. However, this was before the solo ad industry became crowded with cowboys, chancers, co-ridged lists, and scammers. These days the normal optin rate I see is a lot more like 30-40% and this comes from a decent squeeze page. Re: conversion rates - your email sequence has to be good, in fact not good, it has to be great.
Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? Some good pages to help you with this : Enchanting Marketing - How To Write an Email Sequence https://www.enchantingmarketing.com/how-to-write-an-email-sequence/ Copy Blogger - Effective Autoresponders https://www.copyblogger.com/effective-autoresponders/ WebProfits - Ultimate guide Email Sequences https://webprofits.agency/blog/ultimate-guide-email-sequences/
Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? Mainly, as someone who’s been established in this field for over 5 years, just understand this - I’m not going to lie to you. If a seller out there tells you that they can guarantee ANY optin / conversion rate for your pages and offers - they are bullshitting you. That’s a fact. There are no guarantees here.
Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? Don’t rely on the solo ad seller to do everything for you and instantly make you loads of money. Optin and conversion rates are just as dependent on you as they are on them. Enchanting Marketing How to Write an Email Sequence (and Make Readers Crave More) Want to establish a better relationship with email subscribers? Or entice more people to join your list? Learn how to write an email sequence to grow your biz. June 7th, 2016.
Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? Enchanting Marketing - How to Write Email Sequences https://www.enchantingmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/How-to-Write-Em ail-Sequences.jpg Web Profits Blog The Ultimate Guide to Email Sequences Email sequences are one of the most under-utilized digital marketing tactics. This article shares what you need to know to leverage them in your campaigns, Mar 7th, 2017.
Question 7: How should the follow-up sequence be? 1 email per day? Value Driven? Pure Push Marketing Emails? or something else? I have found a 5 email sequence works best (1 per day). So before beginning to mail daily and to sell clicks (if that’s your intention). See the links in ANSWER 6. for help on how to write a good follow up sequence. Be pushy, but don’t be too pushy.
Question 8: What are the top 5 products/services that you just can’t run your business without? (1) Clickmagick (2) Good Hosting (3) Paypal (4) Google (Gmail, sheets, etc) (5) Facebook
Question 9: What is your #1 tip for anyone using solo ads to promote their business? (1) Network with other marketers. (2) Be active on Facebook groups. (3) Make a blog and document your progress. Push your sales page from here plus affiliate links to solo ad services and offers. This has been massive for me and continues to bring me in money every day even though I haven’t actually updated my blog in 3 years now (no time due to working on other businesses).
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dandandaniels Website: http://onestopsolos.com/buy/