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Hierarchy and social structure of the Natives

Hierarchy and social structure of the Natives. The idea of hierarchy is European but in every Native tribe we can find a structure which have ranks. Every tribe differ from the other. But all had a similar structure. We can speak about the structure in two ways.

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Hierarchy and social structure of the Natives

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  1. Hierarchy and social structure of the Natives

  2. The idea of hierarchy is European but in every Native tribe we can find a structure which have ranks. • Every tribe differ from the other. But all had a similar structure.

  3. We can speak about the structure in two ways. • Who are the members of the tribe, and what rank can they achieve. • Lets start with listing the members of a tribe

  4. Elders • The old members of the tribe, who have served their purpose in the tribe. • They were the wisest, and most respected. • They were always the first to come to in need of help and advice.

  5. Men • The men can achieve any rank in a tribe. Chief, Shaman, Warrior, Hunter, Gatherer.

  6. Women • They are the ones who stay at the tribe, prepare food and attend to house hold duties. • Also they teach the young girls

  7. Children • The boys were the ones who were taught to hunt and fight by the elders or men. • The Girls stayed back at the camp and were taught by the women.

  8. These were the members of the tribe. • These members can achieve rank depending on their gender and age.

  9. Chief • The leader of the tribe • Only male • They choosed the most respected man from the tribe who did something good for the tribe. • But in the end it was voted if he is capable. • If a chief dies it can take years to choose a new one.

  10. Holy man/womanShaman • tells of the ancestors wishes, is highly respected and honored. • Only one in a tribe. • Shamans are normally "called" by dreams or signs which require lengthy training. However, shamanic powers may be "inherited".

  11. The wounded healer • The wounded healer is an archetype for a shamanic trail and journey. This process is important to the young shaman. S/he undergoes a type of sickness that pushes her or him to the brink of death. This happens for two reasons: • The shaman crosses over to the under world. This happens so the shaman can venture to its depths to bring back vital information for the sick, and the tribe. • The shaman must become sick to understand sickness. When the shaman overcomes her or his own sickness s/he will hold the cure to heal all that suffer. This is the uncanny mark of the wounded healer.

  12. War Chief • Some of the Tribes had a Chief and a Warchief. • This Warchief the one who lead the warriors into battle •  Must run everything by the chief first. • Only male

  13. Warriors • They are the fighters of the tribe. • Can be both male and female, but no child.

  14. Gatherers • They are the one who gather food and other supplies. • Warriors can be gatherers, but usually these are women and children.

  15. Thank you for your attention.

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