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Education System in Hungary: Overview and Structure

Discover the educational system in Hungary, with children aged 3-7 having an optional participation in primary education, covering subjects like grammar, history, PE, and more. Secondary education spans 8 years, leading to a school-leaving exam for students aged 15-19, followed by higher education in colleges and universities. Explore the different types of schools and facilities available in Hungary. Greetings from Hungary!

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Education System in Hungary: Overview and Structure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The educationalsystemin Hungary

  2. The System

  3. Children from 3-7 • More than 80% use this educational system • Participation is optional except for the final year

  4. Primary education

  5. Primary education Grammar History PE Enviromental studies Maths Literature Foreign language • Children from 7-15 • 8 year education Basic subjects:

  6. Kép általános suli

  7. Secondary Education

  8. Secondary Education 4-5 year education three kinds of secondary schools students from 15-19+ school-leaving exam (matura)

  9. Higher education

  10. Higher education Colleges, universities 4-6 year education

  11. Százhalombatta Protestantchurch Catholicchurch Housing estate Football and rugby centre Swimming pool

  12. Thank you for your attention! Greetings from Hungary!

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