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Ur - Trading Cities

Explore the history of the city of Ur, a prominent trading city along the Euphrates River, known for its empire, trade routes, religious festivals, and archaeological sites. Learn about its economy, architecture, and religious significance.

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Ur - Trading Cities

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  1. Ur - Trading Cities • AE120 - The City and the Festival • Chris Oates • February 21, 2007

  2. The City of Ur • Located at the head of the Persian Gulf along the Euphrates River. • Founded in the fifth millennium BC, one of the first large permanent settlements. • Genesis 15:7 - “And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.”

  3. History • For the first c. 2,000 years it existed as a city state. • In 2113 BC, after the overthrow of a previous Akkadian empire, King Ur-Nammu founds the Third Dynasty of Ur (Ur III). • Under Ur-Nammu’s son Shulgi and successors the dynasty lasts nearly 100 years. • Conquered by the Elamites from the east. Rebuilt under Nebuchadnezzar and Seleucids. Became ruins as the river changed course.

  4. Extent of Ur’s Empire

  5. City Spaces • Surrounded by a rampart 8m above ground, 25-30m wide. Upon this was built the wall. • Ramparts, and probably walls, built by Ur-Nammu.

  6. City Spaces • Western side protected by the Euphrates. • North and east surrounded by a canal.

  7. City Spaces • Two harbors, in the north and west. • Through the middle of the city ran a canal, which supplied drinking water.

  8. City Spaces • Houses consisted of two-story structures centered around a courtyard. • Built in mud-brick.

  9. Economy of the Trading City • Irrigation canals necessary to supply agricultural fields and prevent flooding. • Agriculture based on cereals (wheat and barley) and date trees.

  10. Economy of the Trading City • Trade entrepôt. • Sea port to Persian Gulf. • Connected through rivers to upper Mesopotamia. • Lay along land routes to Zagros Mountains.

  11. Economy of the Trading City • Exported pottery to the gulf. • Imported copper from Oman. • Imported wood and copper from Bahrain.

  12. Economy of the Trading City • Temples and palaces autonomous households. • Likely, great families owned vast amounts of land and employed large numbers of dependents. • Only palace and temple documents preserved, however.

  13. Economy of the Trading City • Temples and palaces autonomous households. • Likely, great families owned vast amounts of land and employed large numbers of dependents. • Only palace and temple documents preserved, however.

  14. Religion and Festival • Ur sacred to moon-god Nanna-Sin. • Temple complex and ziggurat dedicated to Nanna.

  15. Religion and Festival • House of the Barge held barge which brought Nanna to Nippur during festivals. • New moon resembled boat. • Nippur religious center of lower Mesopotamia.

  16. Religion and Festival • City included open spaces where “national dances” held. • These dances likely religious festivals.

  17. Religion and Festival • Shulgi deified in 20th year of reign. • Divine kings at Ur? • However, van de Mieroop claims that citizenry held bulk of the power. • Perhaps divine status of kings ceremonial.

  18. Archaeological Sites • Ziggurat of Ur still stands and has been excavated.

  19. Archaeological Sites • Ziggurat of Ur still stands and has been excavated.

  20. Archaeological Sites • Royal Cemetery excavated in the early 20th century. • Exposed opulent graves, showing existence of an elite and some belief of afterlife.

  21. Archaeological Sites • Further excavation unlikely until Iraq stabilized. • Fortunately, it is in the desert and away from hotspots.

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