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Word Roots Lesson: PON and POSIT

Expand your vocabulary with words like composite, disposition, exponent, impostor, and more. Learn their meanings and usage in context for better comprehension and communication skills.

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Word Roots Lesson: PON and POSIT

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  1. English 9 Vocabulary Lesson 12 The Roots –PON– and –POSIT–

  2. Composite Disposition Exponent Imposter Juxtaposition Opposition Proposition Propound Repository Supposition Vocabulary List

  3. Composite (adjective; noun) • Put together from various parts • In mathematics, having factors • Something made up of various parts; a combination EX. Some computers can now create composite portraits, combining the features of several people.

  4. Disposition (noun) • One’s usual mood or temperament • Arrangement EX. Monica’s cheerful disposition makes her popular at Palmdale High School.

  5. Exponent (noun) • A person who speaks for something; a representative or interpreter of something • A superscript number indicating how many times a given number is multiplied by itself EX. The movie star was a leading exponent of the Stanislavski method of acting.

  6. Impostor (noun) • A person who assumes a false identity for the purpose of deceiving others EX. The seemingly innocent man at the embassy party was an imposter, for he was in fact a high-level spy.

  7. Juxtaposition (noun) • Placement side by side or close together, often producing an unusual effect EX. When the paintings were placed in juxtaposition, I could see that the Monet was more skillfully executed.

  8. Opposition (noun) • The condition of being against, contrary to, or in conflict with • A rival EX. The new plan for traffic control around the school met with opposition from both students and teachers.

  9. Proposition (noun) • A statement or plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal • An issue put before voters EX. The board members discussed the vice president’s proposition for increasing trade in the Middle East.

  10. Propound (trans. verb) • To offer or set forth for consideration EX. When Galileo first propounded his theory of the universe, few people believed him.

  11. Repository (noun) • A place for safe storage; a storehouse • A source EX. The museum was a repository for ancient Mesopotamian artifacts.

  12. Supposition (noun) • An assumption EX. His supposition that the course would be dull proved to be incorrect.

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