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Ex-Foley-Ate Campaign: Fun Approach to Prevent Foley Catheter Misuse

Inspire staff to reduce Foley catheter use through a fun campaign. Utilize colorful posters, positive reinforcement, gifts, and educational materials to promote awareness and decrease Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections. With a focus on culture change and celebration of success, make learning engaging and effective.

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Ex-Foley-Ate Campaign: Fun Approach to Prevent Foley Catheter Misuse

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  1. Ex-FOLEY-Ate Cindy Budelmann, RN, CIC Laurens County Healthcare System Clinton, South Carolina

  2. Through networking, an idea was borrowed….

  3. Mix in a play on words…….. • Ex-Foley-Ate:Remove that Foley when it is no longer indicated • Exfoliate:to wash (a part of the body) with a granular cosmetic preparation in order to remove dead cells from the skin's surface; to peel off in layers, flakes, or scales. • Not much in common, but it’s a start. Something to work with…….

  4. Foley Catheters, UTIs…. BORING! • How to make it fun • Colorful, cute posters…not academic or serious • Daily rounding • Positive reinforcement…verbalizing “good job!” • Asking the staff to tell me the indication for the Foley….that often generates an opportunity for education • Ex-Foley-Ate Award • Gift presentations…don’t forget CNAs • Monthly feedback • Process and outcome data provided each month • Celebrating successes with food like a waffle breakfast buffet

  5. Kick off of campaign with educational posters that include appropriate and inappropriate indications for Foley use. Staff nurse used in the photo nurse to nurse not administration to nurse not Infection Control with another rule, policy or process just a peer educating a peer Borrowed idea

  6. Colorful --Finance hates color copies (expensive)—but they hate Hospital Acquired Conditions more (more expensive)!! Unexpected—draws the employee to the poster to see what’s up Fun—Crazy spelling and font Prize—who doesn’t want to win a prize??? Ex-Foley-Ate Ex-Foley-Ate ExFoley-Ate

  7. Everyone loves recognition…. an award is presented with each gift

  8. One of the Gifts…..

  9. Some more gifts……

  10. More…

  11. Be Creative Cute Graphics More Color Be Uplifting Have Fun Add Ribbon Gift Bag Tags

  12. Candy Bags…..a gift for everyone

  13. Cost for gifts $7.50 for clear bags $79.18 for gifts and ribbon $66.29 for candy Grand Total = $152.97 70 gifts 200 candy bags

  14. Other Forms of Education…..

  15. Another Opportunity to Educate…..

  16. Very few words…..but it says it all!

  17. More visual aids all saying the same thing…..

  18. Reminder to educate your patients….. • Use ‘plain English” and educate your patient about the risks of inserting a Foley catheter • Urinary catheters increase: • Likelihood of infection • Patient discomfort • Antibiotic use • Length of stay • Cost • Patients with urinary catheters tend to stay in bed, making them more immobile, and increase their risk for skin breakdown.

  19. Does any of this work? • The goal in our 90 bed hospital with an 8 bed critical care unit, was to keep Foley catheter utilization ratio below 63% in CCU. • Our CCU had not met this goal in 11 months. • After we began the Ex-Foley-ate Campaign, the CCU met this goal and, in fact, surpassed it, with a Foley Catheter UR of 54%!! • We celebrated that success with a waffle breakfast buffet for the staff.

  20. So, does it work? Absolutely! • Changing a culture takes time and while we can already see improvement, there is • still room to improve • still ex-Foley-ating to be done • still CAUTIs to be prevented • With persistence and positive reinforcement, culture change will occur • Foleys will become uncommon • CAUTIs will be rare And we are having FUN!

  21. Go make some fun and get those Foleys out! Have you ex-Foley-ated Today?

  22. Questions?? Thoughtsor Ideas you want to share………

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