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Enhancing Common Core State Standards Implementation in West Virginia

This report to the West Virginia State Board of Education provides an update on the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the state. It includes progress on professional development, assessment consortium, math content sequence, and national perspectives. The report discusses the current status, next steps for schools, and the national landscape of the CCSS movement. It outlines the implementation timeline and expectations, professional development initiatives, resource development, and board actions. The report also highlights the alignment of policies, support structures, and future plans for CCSS adoption in West Virginia.

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Enhancing Common Core State Standards Implementation in West Virginia

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  1. An Update on the Next Generation Common Core State standardsa report to the West Virginia State Board of Education FEBRUARY13, 2013

  2. Four Broad Areas • Questions from the Board regarding progress and national perspective on the Common Core • Roll-out of the Next Generation Common Core professional development • Questions from the Board regarding progress on Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium • Progress on sequence of math content

  3. Three Questions from the Board regarding the Common Core • Where are we in the implementation of the CCSS in West Virginia? • What are the next steps for West Virginia schools? • What is the national landscape in terms of the CCSS movement?

  4. First Question • Where are we in the implementation of the CCSS in West Virginia? • Board action and direction • Implementation expectations • Professional development – system readiness • Resource development and deployment

  5. Progress – Board Action and Direction • 2010 – WVBE adopted the CCSS for ELA and mathematics (second state to do so) • WVBE approved the multi-year professional development cycle and implementation schedule

  6. Professional Development Schedule Professional Development Schedule: 2011-12 Kindergarten 2012-13 First, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Grade 2013-14 Second, Third, Sixth, Seventh, and Tenth Grade 2014-15 Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth Grade

  7. CCSS-Aligned Professional Development and Implementation Schedule Legend for CCSS-Aligned Professional Development and Implementation Schedule PD/Implementation Schedule: First Year of PD/Implementation for Grade 2011-12 K 2012-13 Grades 1, 4, 5, and 9 2013-14 Grades 2 and 3, 6 – 8, and 10 - 12 (0)(1)(2)(3) Number of Years of Standards Implementation this cohort of students has experienced by this school year Red Text: First year of CCSS-aligned assessment

  8. Progress – Board Action and Direction • 2010 – WVBE adopted the CCSS for ELA and mathematics (second state to do so) • WVBE approved the multi-year professional development cycle and implementation schedule • WVBE approved Policy 2520.1A and 2520.1B with annual updates • WVBE approved Policy 2445.41 to ensure the availability of electronic resources and to make alignment of current resources more timely

  9. Progress – Implementation Expectation • Kindergarten fully implemented 2011-12 • First grade fully implemented 2012-13 • Second grade fully implemented 2013-14 • Third – twelfth grade fully implemented 2014-15 • Professional development at least two years ahead of implementation expectations for grades 3-12 • Some systems are implementing early following professional development cycle

  10. Progress – Professional Development • Touching every teacher in every classroom • Train-the-Trainer model • Kindergarten, First, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth grades • Teacher Leadership Institute model • Kindergarten – 295 • First Grade – 284 • Fourth/Fifth Grade – 331 • Ninth Grade – 292 • Capacity building from the WVDE • Capacity building within RESAs and districts • Involvement of higher education • TLI teams • HEPC Seminars

  11. Progress – Professional Development • Changing model in response to the needs of districts • Remaining grades (2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12) • Train-the-Trainer model for RESA-based teams • RESA/districts will design and deliver training • Funding will flow to districts and RESAs to conduct the training • Capacity building within RESAs and districts • Continued capacity building from WVDE on a RESA basis • Memorandum of Understanding

  12. Progress – Resource Development • Working with master teachers across the state including higher education • Electronic web-based warehousing of resources • Model lessons/videos • Full lesson plans • Web-linked sites • Smarter Balanced Digital Library (WV Network) • Quality criteria policies • Exemplar instructional modules • Inventory of currently available resources • Professional learning resources • Educator training materials • Selection of instructional resources for official adoption greatly enhanced and on-going

  13. Second Question • What are the next steps for West Virginia schools?

  14. Next Steps • Decentralization of professional development • Development of support structures for RESA-based professional development • Adoption of CCSS for Science • Develop a logical/workable timeline for implementation to align with assessment development, etc. • Bring to the WVBE in spring for discussion • Adjustment of policy to reflect lessons learned • Policy 2510 – aligning expected practice to the standards • Policy 2520.1A • Policy 2520.1B

  15. Third Question • What is the national landscape in terms of the CCSS movement?

  16. National Landscape • Formally adopted by 46 states and the District of Columbia • Alaska, Nebraska, Texas, Virginia • Minnesota adopted ELA solely • CCSSO State Collaboratives on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS system) • Joint planning and sharing among states • Coordination of resources • Specific content SCASS • Inclusive of higher education

  17. National Landscape • Taking the pulse of the nation • Moving Forward • Education Week

  18. www.corestandards.org

  19. National Landscape • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium • 25 states • Leadership on multiple work groups • Brenda Williams - technology work group • Juan D’Brot – summative assessments, pilots workgroups • Carla Williamson – formative processes, professional development, digital library work groups • Lou Maynus – performance tasks, item review

  20. www.smarterbalanced.org

  21. Progress on Math Sequencing

  22. Progress on Math Sequencing • Proposal to rename courses to alleviate confusion • Providing acceleration models/options to districts • Standardized readiness tests • Multiple pathways for districts to consider • Providing guidance for districts who wish to request waivers to bundle course content into a more traditional but more stringent model of delivery

  23. An Update on the Next Generation Common Core State standardsa report to the West Virginia State Board of Education FEBRUARY13, 2013

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