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BY AVI ALSO BY CHLOE. poppy. CHAPTER 1 Mr. ocax. In the beginning there are 3 characters Poppy

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  2. CHAPTER 1 Mr. ocax In the beginning there are 3 characters Poppy Ragweed and Mr. Ocax Mr. Ocax was so hungry he looked he found 2 mice one named poppy and one named ragweed Ragweed hade a earring poppy did not. Poppy new Mr. Ocax was coming so she sead ragweed you need to get in hear ragweed hade other plans poppy came fainted she also got a scratc she wanted to dance ragweed did not and Mr. Ocax on her knows. four ragweed and ate him earring and all . poppy

  3. CHAPTER 2 poppy rembers poppy woke up and tried to rember all the things that just hapend poppy hade 12 brothers and sisters poppy wanted to be home asking questions Mr. Ocax partakes the forst from a lot of things mostly porke pines

  4. CHAPTER 3 poppy alown Mr. Ocax was near poppy tryed to fiend a difrint hiding place she found a rock that hade a hole that was good to go in she went to the hole Mr . Ocax was there he dived four her and got a head first dive in to the dirt poppy disided to go to the old barn she saw a red flag it was her dads signal

  5. CHAPTER 4 the emergence meeting Poppy got to her family her dad wonderd where ragweed was poppy did not anser poppys mom and dad hade 72 children and 20 grand children and 12 great grand children her dad wanted to go to Mr. Ocax with him poppy hade to tell him that Mr. Ocax ate ragweed and she told him the hole store and he got mad and he sed you hafe to ask me now.

  6. CHAPTER 5 leaving gray house Poppy her dad cald are you reddy to go to Mr. Ocax poppys dad rold a skrol in leavs so it will not get wet poppy held up the white flag to show that they come in pece when they left they will take the tar road to Mr. Ocaxes tree when they where walking a lighting bolt came and right after that it rained very hard when they got to Mr. Ocaxes tree it lookt lick his tree was a claw and the rain made him look lick a devil .

  7. Chapter 6 Standing before Mr. Ocax when they got to Mr. Ocax tree they if they could move to new house he said tell me why you want to move to new house and poppys dad new house has better food supply and more shelter four my family Mr. Ocax said then he said you better go I need to eat my diner they started going away when Mr. Ocax said you can go to new house if I get to eat poppy poppys dad said no andwent away.

  8. Chapter 7 home again when poppy and her dad and lungwort where walking lungwort got back he told them what Mr. Ocax said and when she was lising she disided to tell how ragweed was not alive and when she got home she was thinking about ragweed the hole night.

  9. Chapter 8 poppy and papa Poppy asks if she can go back to Mr. Ocax . her dad dose not want poppy to go back . she did. And the next morning she went to Mr. Ocax .

  10. Chapter 9 on her way Poppy try’s to jump over the river and she found a rock that hade a turtle on it . She could not go on the turtle so she went on a moss covered rock .when she was on the rock she slipped .The fast moving water .Mr. Ocax came four her and mist .And went back up in her tree . Poppy got back on land and fell asleep .

  11. Chapter 10 Dimwood Forest Poppy heard a lot of sounds . She went in to this cave Mr. Ocax got very mad . She wanted to go to sleep she was so scard she could not . So left the cave and went in this log . The next thing she new she saw something moving and she new some one was in the log with her .

  12. CHAPTER 11 ERETHIZON DORSATUM Poppy met this porcupine that was nice and mean when he wanted to be. He said a lot of wired words. And the porcupine and he tolled Poppy to get out of his house. And Poppy tolled the porcupine that she was running from a fox and that the fox was outside right now. And the porcupine got very mad and Poppy stared running in his toilet.

  13. Chapter 12 What Poppy Learns The porcupine is the niceness porcupine in the world. His named is Ereth. And Ereth thought about going to New House with Poppy. Poppy said that would be good because I have to find why Mr. Ocax did not let them move. Mr. Ocax was listening and said I have to STOP THEM!! And then poppy fell asleep.

  14. Chapter 13 Early Morning • When Poppy woke up Ereth was not there. And when she was going outside of the log she saw a owl. When Ereth came back she ask him if that was Mr. Ocax. And it WAS! Come lets go! Said Ereth, There Is salt there it is very good. Ereth loved salt. He would do anything to get salt.

  15. Chapter 14 On The Way To New House Poppy saw a lot of different animals on the way. When they were walking the saw Mr. Ocax in the sky. And Mr. Ocax dived at poppy. AHHHH! Yelled Poppy. Ereth ran over there quick and stop Ocax. They got to the corn filed they saw the salt and a owl that was twice as big as Mr. Ocax.

  16. Chapter 15 Alone Again Poppy went to see the owl up close. When Ereth ran home. She said… Where are you going?! HOME! When Poppy saw one of Ereth quill she used it as a sword . he hoped that the owl was nice not mean .

  17. chapter 16 the truth t last poppy saw a human and she thinks the owl is not real . She saw a cat and the cat was very nice . And poppy told the cat that the owl was not real . The cat new the owl wasnot real .and the cat told poppy how that owl made a lot of animals stay away .

  18. Chapter 17 a surprising conversation Poppy was hungry so she eat some corn. Poppy was hiding in the corn so Mr. Ocax could not fine her. She called out to Mr. Ocax and said let talk about the owl in the barn. Dose he scared you? When Poppy looked away Mr. Ocax was not there and he was in the ari behind her.

  19. Chapter 18 The Battle Poppy flu on the rode and did not get back in the corn. And then they had a very big fight. Then Poppy stuck Ereth quill in to Mr. Ocaxs foot. Mr. Ocax was fling right to the salt lick. Poppy had to let go so she did And the next thing you know is Mr. Ocax is on the grown and the salt is flying every where. Then Mr. Ocax said Why do I bother to protracted you then all was quit.

  20. Chapter 19 The Return When she was she going home she was a little bit happy that Mr. Ocax was died. Ereth got his salt. When she got home they were happy to see her. And she tolled that Mr. Ocax was died.

  21. Chapter 20 A New Begging Poppy was now a old deer mice and she had 11 kids and a man named Ray. They dance all night. As the moon was in the sky. As Ereth played they dance . And that THE END

  22. Conclusion I think this book was very good and in this book the way the other told the story . STARS I WILL GIVE THIS BOOK 4 STARS

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